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Changes from 4.7.0
Created: 2021-07-21 21:25:31 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:60454c3270a61432447c752a9d5ee3e7d84cebcfd5d371eb4daa263623923dac
Release 4.7.21 was created from
New images
Removed images
Rebuilt images without code change
Updating ose-aws-pod-identity-webhook builder & base images to be consistent with ART #130
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Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #187
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #190
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Bug 1976988 : [release-4.7]: Increase inertia duration for the EtcdMembersDegraded condition #618
Bug 1976287 : Validate the status of the etcd snapshot during backup and restore #617
Bug 1951447 : pkg/etcdenvvar/etcd_env.go: Sort endpoints to prevent rollout #568
Bug 1958416 : pkg/dnshelpers: fallback to spec if status is not populated for serviceNetwork #594
Bug 1955418 : manifests: Shift FlowSchema to level 50 #582
Bug 1954121 : [release-4.7] Improve cert controller detection and correction of invalid certs #577
OWNERS: add lilic as reviewer #588
Bug 1954073 : bindata, pkg: Propagate operator log level to etcd itself #578
Bug 1925739 : pkg/operator/metriccontroller: cleanup transports #537
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Updating ose-cluster-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #38
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Bug 1924492 : Bump dependencies to Kubernetes 1.20.6 to mitigate CVE-2021-3121 #120
Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #103
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Pack both keys in one verifier-public-key-ci entry #36
Adding the new Openshift CI Signer key #34
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Bug 1970272 : Fixing the log message in rbac.go for clusterrole #609
Bug 1970272 : Log object updates and show existing/required diff #589
Bug 1969501 : install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor: Soften ClusterOperatorDegraded #587
Bug 1969378 : avoid hotlooping on RoleBindings with empty APIGroup #584
Bug 1966977 : Prevent hotlooping in ImageStreams #580
Bug 1959238 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Shift ClusterOperator pre-creation into the manifest-task node #557
Bug 1943754 : Ensure automountServiceAccountToken is synced on service account updates #539
Bug 1941217 : pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Skip precreation of baremetal ClusterOperator #534
Bug 1926795 : install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor.yaml: adjust “CannotRetrieveUpdates” to “warning” #516
Bug 1921413 : pkg/start: Fix shutdown deadlock when die before getting a leader lock #521
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Updating csi-driver-manila-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #91
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Bug 1970141 : discover-etcd-initial-cluster: retry if member is not part of member list and dataDir exists #82
ETCD-178 : Bug 1944386: openshift-tools: fix on off flow and add unit tests #74
Updating ose-etcd builder & base images to be consistent with ART #67
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Bug 1981634 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: use the legacy service-ca.crt content for clusters started in 4.7 or before #857
Bug 1977383 : [release-4.7] Ensure service ca configmap is created in all namespaces #834
Bug 1977383 : [release-4.7] Fix watch conformance test #843
Bug 1977383 : Update resource quota test for compatibility with service ca configmap publishing #839
Bug 1975553 : only chown if non-windows machine with projected volumes #826
Bug 1928862 : [release-4.7] UPSTREAM: <carry>: kube-apiserver: ignore SIGTERM/INT after the first one #739
Bug 1966810 : UPSTREAM: 102224: Fix expired unit test certs #780
Bug 1963263 : UPSTREAM: 102000: Ref counting is only applicable to Remote endpoints #763
Bug 1955883 : UPSTREAM: 99095: Prevent Kubelet stuck in DiskPressure when imagefs minreclaim is set #725
Bug 1951726 : Speed up PV provisioning for vsphere driver (ocp-4.7) #690
Bug 1942141 : fixes cinder PV labelling #635
Bug 1951815 : UPSTREAM: 99393: kubelet: reduce configmap and secret watch #692
Bug 1955231 : UPSTREAM: 101345: kubelet: improve the node informer sync check #721
Bug 1952917 : UPSTREAM: 100228: For LoadBalancer Service type don’t create a HNS policy for empty or invalid external loadbalancer IP #697
Bug 1928862 : Enable snapshot tests #569
Bug 1945856 : 99729:Only system-node-critical pods should be OOM Killed last #642
Bug 1927717 : UPSTREAM: 98939: fixes race in TestSyncPodsDeletesWhenSourcesAreReady #567
Bug 1931702 : UPSTREAM: 96958: kubelet: remove periodic messages from log-level 2 #589
Bug 1931745 : UPSTREAM: 98956: Fix race when KillPod followed by IsPodPendingTermining #590
Bug 1929674 : kubelet: fix create sandbox delete pod race #591
Bug 1933094 : UPSTREAM: 98742: Sync completed pods until their containers have been terminated #595
Bug 1929012 : UPSTREAM: 96984: APF e2e: wait for steady state before proceeding #572
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[release 4.7] Bug 1960645: Adds virt_platform metric to the collected metrics (#428) #428
[release 4.7] Bug 1953579: GatherClusterOperators and GatherClusterOperatorsPodAndEvents (#410) #410
Add vsphere_node_hw_version_total metric (#416) #416
Bug 1950926 : Extend OLM data with CSV display name (#400) (#402) #400
Bug 1942068 : Gahter resources from SAP clusters (#383) #383
Bug 1939061 : Sap license management logs gatherer 4.7 (#372) #372
Adds memory usage to the metadata (#364) #364
Bug 1935070 : Extend the OLM operator data with related … (#362) #362
Bug 1934442 : Gather info about unhealthy SAP pods (#360) #360
Bug 1936802 : Authentication log gatherer - do not scan all the pods in openshfit-authentication (#369) #369
Bug 1936861 : Include namespace name in binarydata configmap path & test (#368) (#370) #368
Bug 1925659 : Relax the recent log gatherers to avoid degrading during… (#331) #331
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Updating kube-rbac-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #42
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Updating marketplace-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #367
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Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #72
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Bug 1939358 : extract node machine ipaddress from the engine instead using DNS . #98
Bug 1939360 : providerIDController ignore nodes that have no machine #99
Bug 1939199 : move to go 1.15 and #97
Bug 1927256 : Bump K8s dependencies to 1.20 #92
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #90
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Updating prom-label-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #330
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Bug 1981634 : add vulnerable legacy injector to allow for upgrade clusters to use #170
Updating ose-service-ca-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #140
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Source code for this page located on github