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oc adm release extract --tools Team Approvals:
Blocking jobs Informing jobs Upgrades from:
Untested upgrades:
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4.16.3 ,
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4.16.32 ,
4.16.33 ,
4.16.4 ,
4.16.7 ,
4.16.8 ,
4.16.9 Upgrades to:
Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Changes from 4.16.1
Created: 2025-02-27 13:21:57 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:0065822bf39b11e3a3113eb2dee4bddf0a07fe0967892498771bd9728e145ad0
FeatureGate Changes
Default Hypershift
Default SelfManagedHA
DevPreviewNoUpgrade Hypershift
DevPreviewNoUpgrade SelfManagedHA
TechPreviewNoUpgrade Hypershift
TechPreviewNoUpgrade SelfManagedHA
ExternalRouteCertificate (0 tests)
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed)
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed)
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed)
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed)
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed)
Unconditionally Enabled (Changed)
New images
Rebuilt images without code change
OCPBUGS-33693 : Updating aws-kms-encryption-provider-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #18
hack: display diff on verify-mod-tidy failure #26
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-51167 : ensure that storage names don’t end in dashes #1181
OCPBUGS-43797 : fix proxy config and leader election test flakes #1148
OCPBUGS-43555 : pkg/storage/azure: also check for auth failure error code on deletion #1143
OCPBUGS-42933 : azureclient: stop validating credentials when creating the client #1134
OCPBUGS-42420 : Continuous pull-secret updates / slow initialization on build01 (test platform infrastructure) #1126
Revert “[release-4.16] OCPBUGS-41903: pkg/operator/azurepathfixcontroller: do not sync on non-azure storage” #1119
OCPBUGS-41903 : pkg/operator/azurepathfixcontroller: do not sync on non-azure storage #1115
OCPBUGS-39098 : Avoid Shared Access Key usage for Azure Storage Account when using Managed Identity based auth #1104
OCPBUGS-38894 : pkg/resource/azurepathfixjob: invoke update-ca-trust extract with –output #1102
OCPBUGS-38894 : pkg/resource: invoke update-ca-trust extract with –output #1098
OCPBUGS-36037 : go.*,vendor: bump go-retryablehttp #1064 #1064
Full changelog
use ROLE_WORKER_CNF environment variable to determine mcp name (#1292) #1292
e2e: tuned degraded test fix (#1282) #1282
Adjust Workload Hints test cases based on Intel or AMD (#1277) (#1281) #1277
e2e:performance: decode to valid kubeletconfig object (#1273) #1273
cmd: PPC: support tolerating heterogeneous core IDs (#1252) (#1268) #1252
e2e: add irdma to module_blacklist kernel args (#1267) #1267
OCPBUGS-47678 : performanceprofile cpuset input validation (#1264) #1264
Fix context deadlines in ExecCommandOnPod() (#1263) #1263
OCPBUGS-46496 : [release-4.16] Add vendor and architecture specific tuning options (#1254) #1254
OCPBUGS-45264 : Normalize cpu sets when rendering to Tuned profiles (#1238) (#1251) #1238
E2E: fix modify node selector to use lowercase (#1209) #1209
Fixing empty tuned submodule when using Dockerfile (#1212) #1212
OCPBUGS-38900 : Drop sched_migration_cost_ns setting (#1203) #1203
Make ocp-tuned-one-shot.service restart on-failure (#1202) #1202
Unblock 4.16 CI (#1204) #1204
e2e: performance: verify tuned one-shot service vs kubelet (#1192) #1192
E2E: Add test to verify cpuset.cpus.exclusive is writeable (#1153) #1153
OCPBUGS-39005 : Add cluster-wide proxy env file (#1166) #1166
OCPBUGS-36431 Fix generated cpu mask for 512+ cpus (#1152) #1152
E2E: Remove checking of reserved cpus in irqbalance file (#1156) #1156
Fix the destination of asset’s copy (#1134) #1134
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-46408 : Filter out shallowly UpdateEffectNone
errors from a MultipleErrors
message in the Failing condition #1128
OCPBUGS-45329 : deps: bump to 0.31.0 #1118
OCPBUGS-43964 : Fix desired before sync_worker’s work is initialized #1097
OCPBUGS-37853 : Revert “OCPBUGS-35994: Revert “OCPBUGS-24535: pkg/payload/precondition/clusterversion/rollback: Allow previous version within z-stream”” #1077
OCPBUGS-36898 : vendor: Update openshift/api to pick up zz_generated.crd-manifests #1069
OCPBUGS-36764 : Revert “OCPBUGS-24535: pkg/payload/precondition/clusterversion/rollback: Allow previous version within z-stream” #1065
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-51296 : 4.17 Add HostedCluster additional trustbundles to konnectivity-https-proxy #5707
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update dependency mkdocs-material to v9.6.5 #5686
OCPBUGS-50694 : OCPBUGS-50692: Fix IsIPv4 function identifying also addresses instead of CIDRs #5620
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update dependency mkdocs-material to v9 #5635
OCPBUGS-50557 : Prevent IgnitionServer from flooding the API server with patch requests #5599
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update docker tag to v9.5-1739267472 #5597
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update dependency mkdocs-material to v8.5.11 #5591
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.6.3 #5587
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update docker tag to v9.5-1738746453 #5574
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.6.2 #5575
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update dependency mkdocs to v1.6.1 #5531
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update dependency mkdocs-glightbox to v0.4.0 #5532
OCPBUGS-49640 : fix overwriting PKI operator HCP conditions #5506
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): chore(deps): update docker tag to v9.5-1737480393 - abandoned #5484
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #5477
NO-JIRA: Update squidfunk/mkdocs-material Docker tag to v9.5.50 (release-4.16) #5437
NO-JIRA: Update Konflux references (release-4.16) #5431
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #5384
NO-JIRA: Update Docker tag to v9 (release-4.16) #5298
NO-JIRA: [release-4.16] Bump and #5370
NO-JIRA: Update Konflux references (release-4.16) #5328
NO-JIRA: Red Hat Konflux update control-plane-operator-4-16 #5337
OCPBUGS-47539 : Separate CPO containerfiles #5333
chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.22.7-1733160835 (release-4.16) #5295
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.49 (release-4.16) #5297
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.48 (release-4.16) #5294
NO-JIRA: Update Konflux References and Perform Migration for Release-4.16 #5261
OCPBUGS-39372 : Fixed NodePool version validation #5219
NO-JIRA: Update squidfunk/mkdocs-material Docker tag to v9.5.47 (release-4.16) #5209
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #5207
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.46 (release-4.16) #5189
OCPBUGS-43930 : Return the right tagReference on Catalogs ImageStream #5133
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #5161
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.45 (release-4.16) #5163
chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #5135
OCPBUGS-44277 : Configure OAuth https proxy to dial cloud endpoints directly #5069
chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #5119
OCPBUGS-43973 : Add network policies for konnectivity server and ignition server proxy #4998
NO-JIRA: Update Konflux references (release-4.16) #5112
NO-JIRA: Update Konflux references (release-4.16) #5099
chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #5078
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.44 (release-4.16) #5059
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #5058
NO-JIRA: Update Konflux references (release-4.16) #5042
chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #5024
chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #5019
NO-JIRA: Update squidfunk/mkdocs-material Docker tag to v9.5.43 (release-4.16) #5017
NO-JIRA: Update Konflux references (release-4.16) #5012
OCPBUGS-43840 : add ValidIDPConfiguration condition to report IDP config issues #4985
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4971
OCPBUGS-43046 : Do not send traffic to local audit-webhook through konnectivity #4883
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4954
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.42 (release-4.16) #4947
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4933
OCPBUGS-43104 : label routes only when HCP router used #4899
OCPBUGS-43308 : Use guest DNS resolution in Konnectivity HTTPS proxy by default #4905
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4923
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.41 (release-4.16) #4919
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references to 674e70f (release-4.16) #4908
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4896
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.40 (release-4.16) #4880
OCPBUGS-42432 : Use KubeClientCABundle for HostedClusterConfigOperator cluster-signer-ca #4799
OCPBUGS-42342 : Let payload generation pick the release for the NodePool #4787
OCPBUGS-42431 : Conditionally manage kubeconfig secrets for DNS and Ingress operators #4798
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4853
OCPBUGS-42608 : Add Annotation to skip deleting hcp namespace #4830
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.39 (release-4.16) #4827
chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4816
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.38 (release-4.16) #4806
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.37 (release-4.16) #4796
chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4781
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4760
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.36 (release-4.16) #4759
NO-JIRA: Security fixes for openshift-ci-security job #4750
OCPBUGS-41372 : CPO oauth idp converter: resolve names before dialing #4689
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update golang docker tag to v1.23 (release-4.16) #4729
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.34 (release-4.16) #4728
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4727
OCPBUGS-38058 : Add HTTP konnectivity proxy to OAuth server #4496
HOSTEDCP-1955 : bump CCO version #4696
OCPBUGS-34803 : cmd: report server version, supported OCP #4141
OCPBUGS-39293 : copy image-registry AdditionalTrustedCA configmap into HC openshift-config #4647
chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.21.11-9 (release-4.16) #4685
OCPBUGS-38062 : [release-4.16] Use HTTP proxy for ingress controller #4688
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4684
OCPBUGS-39447 : handle version skewed NodePools that do not have rhel9 binaries #4664
HOSTEDCP-1895 : [release-4.16] Allow setting Kube APIServer maximum requests in flight #4551
chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.21.11-7.1724661022 (release-4.16) #4600
chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9.5.33 (release-4.16) #4602
chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4599
OCPBUGS-38942 : copy oapi ca-trust recursively when building trust anchor #4615
NO-JIRA: Flaky cert validation test #4622
OCPBUGS-38259 : Set KCM node monitor grace period #4520
OCPBUGS-38726 : fix: bump #4611
HOSTEDCP-1764 : retrieve registryOverrides when ImageStream is not ava… #4541
chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.21.11-7 (release-4.16) #4525
OCPBUGS-36781 : Set Azure VM identity if user assigned identity set #4341
OCPBUGS-37936 : set proxy envvars on aws and azure CCMs #4476
OCPBUGS-38486 : hcco: reconcile apiserver config into hosted cluster #4559
NO-JIRA: fix(KONFLUX-3663): format PipelineRun files and upload SAST results #4534
OCPBUGS-38131 : Let the CPO oidc check resolve through data plane #4505
NO-JIRA: test: relax mgmt KAS egress check #4561
chore(deps): update docker tag to v4.16 (release-4.16) #4528
chore(deps): update golang docker tag to v1.22 (release-4.16) #4527
NO-JIRA: Update Konflux references (release-4.16) #4524
OCPBUGS-34801 : remove weak ciphers from security profile #4518
OCPBUGS-37060 : OCPBUGS-35905: E2E test to verify openshift-apiserver TLS certificates #4366
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v9 (release-4.16) #4482
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4481
OCPBUGS-37065 : OCPBUGS-35899: Doubled machineHealthCheck timeout on Agent and None #4367
OCPBUGS-30282 : Multiple MachineConfigs in one CM #4398
OCPBUGS-36937 : [release-4.16] Add HTTP(s) konnectivity proxy and use it with OpenShift APIServer #4357
OCPBUGS-36766 : Delete IDMS in dataplane once HCP ICS field is removed #4434
NO-JIRA: Konflux migration for release-4.16 #4436
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update squidfunk/mkdocs-material docker tag to v8.5.11 (release-4.16) #4430
HOSTEDCP-1569 : test: e2e: skip unknown conditions instead of erroring #4440
OCPBUGS-37645 : Set right endpointSlice port #4431
OCPBUGS-37214 : Separate ibmcloud kms encryption configuration types #4380
OCPBUGS-37302 : fix(api): Nodepool CEL validation fix #4395
NO-JIRA: Red Hat Konflux update hypershift-release-mce-26 #4392
OCPBUGS-37241 : extract rhel9 MCO binaries for rhel8 based MCO images #4383
NO-JIRA: [release-4.16] test/e2e: remove api budget checks #4368
HOSTEDCP-1795 , HOSTEDCP-1796 : Customize the self-generated cert validity and rotation #4371
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.21.11-2 (release-4.16) - abandoned #4364
NO-JIRA: trivial typo fixes to #4353
OCPBUGS-36849 : Add newline after TLS certs referenced by image.config #4352
OCPBUGS-36589 : Fix Hypershift dump for non-OpenShift Management Clusters #4317
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update docker tag to v1.21.10-1.1719562237 (release-4.16) - abandoned #4328
OCPBUGS-36358 : enable audit log for oauth-openshift #4302
OCPBUGS-35522 : Copy infra-volumesnapshot-class-mapping to core binding #4291
NO-JIRA: chore(deps): update konflux references (release-4.16) #4299
OCPBUGS-36227 : kubevirt-csi-driver: Pass infra kubeconfig in case of external infra #4276
OCPBUGS-35341 : [release-4.16] Fixed ValidReleaseInfo condition #4204
OCPBUGS-36220 : Make guest cluster components use the correct KAS port #4275
OCPBUGS-35934 : check mgmt cluster for route capability before DeleteIfNeeded for ovn sbdb route #4264
Full changelog
Ignore previous status when disabling alerts (#1061) #1061
OCPBUGS-45203 : LokiStack gatherer (#1051) #1051
OCPBUGS-45044 : resource is create-only (#1054) #1054
gather selected clusterroles (#1023) #1023
OCPBUGS-39564 : Not able to enable repositories during entitled build in OCP Cluster on IBM-Z (#1013) #1013
OCPBUGS-39394 : collect some nmstate customresources (#986) (#989) (#995) #986
OCPBUGS-38021 : Integration of the OpenStack CRs into the insights-operator (#974) #974
Add haproxy metric (#977) #977
OCPBUGS-37671 : Ingress controller related certificates’ validate dates gathering (#970) #970
fix the configmapobserver notifications (#969) #969
OCPBUGS-35882 : properly encode the URL for the advisor links (#957) #957
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-44186 : user system:serviceaccount:openshift-infra:serviceaccount-pull-secrets-controller in ns/openshift-infra must not produce too many applies #351
OCPBUGS-48202 : Add team members to the OWNERS file #358
NO-JIRA: cleanup root and app OWNERS #347
OCPBUGS-42420 : Continuous pull-secret updates / slow initialization on build01 (test platform infrastructure) #343
OCPBUGS-39191 : replaces deprecated square/go-jose wtih go-jose/go-jose #329
OCPBUGS-37526 : Race condition when deleting ServiceAccount #324
OCPBUGS-36862 : 4.16 “Bad” reconciliation loops can cause unbounded dockercfg secret creation #323
Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github