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Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Created: 2021-05-21 14:26:35 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:0535f7e7a424f313634072c14a019c201f8d6f754fadd32ec43f76a1d047a01b
Release 4.8.0-fc.5 was created from
New images
Rebuilt images without code change
- Upstream 824: Bug 1949420: Adjust PVC capacity to mirror in-tree behavior #7
- Full changelog
- Generate docs separately for admin and non-admin users #827
- Bug 1944581: Preserve AuthInfo when switching projects #692
- Transfer root-image configuration to this repository #823
- Fix unit test failure #821
- Bug 1957295: Must gather pod should have priority class #820
- Full changelog
- Revert “Bug 1957498: Update policy.v1beta1 to v1 as it is deprecated in v1.21” #592
- Bug 1902247: pkg/dnshelpers: cleanup dead code #591
- Bug 1958245: etcd/pod: print static pod revision in logs #586
- Bug 1957498: Update policy.v1beta1 to v1 as it is deprecated in v1.21 #589
- Bug 1902247: pkg/dnshelpers: fallback to spec if status is not populated for serviceNetwork #587
- docs: Initial documentation for discover init cluster along with a flowchart #585
- Full changelog
- Bug 1962882: pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Set priorityClassName for the version Job #571
- Bug 1927168: pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Increment Attempt on failed reconciliation #569
- Bug 1881481: TargetPort should default to port in ServicePort if unset #563
- Bug 1881520: avoid hotlooping on RoleBindings with empty APIGroup #562
- Dockerfile*: Bump to Go 1.16 #564
- Bug 1960554: Remove rbacv1beta1 support #565
- Bug 1927168: pkg/cvo/internal/operatorstatus: Replace wait-for with single-shot “is it alive now?” #560
- Bug 1881481: Only compare ServiceType when set in manifest #558
- Bug 1957991: install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor: Update ClusterOperatorDegraded message to 30m #556
- Bug 1957775: pkg/cvo/sync_worker: Shift ClusterOperator pre-creation into the manifest-task node #553
- Bug 1957991: install/0000_90_cluster-version-operator_02_servicemonitor: Soften ClusterOperatorDegraded #554
- Full changelog
- Bug 1962256: Use shiny new rhel8 image in yaml #8985
- pipelinerun visualisation for status PipelineRunPending #8664
- Fix golang detection regex to only match .go files #8992
- Add getting started section to the add page in developer perspective #8950
- Bug 1949338: show the content of Insights widget when there are 0 recommendations for cluster #8989
- fix dev-catalog type tooltip #8965
- Bug 1908169: The example of Import URL is “Fedora cloud image list” for all templates. #8920
- Bug 1960129: Add smoke tests to verify pages are able to load #8916
- Redesign add page to follow masonry layout #8867
- Fix duplicate helm charts not showing up in catalog #8983
- Bug 1962256: virt: use the new rhel8 image as an example #8980
- Bug 1961363: remove extra space in string #8977
- Remove guards from Core OCS Operator API Pages #8976
- Bug 1961675: Hide TaskRun edit actions for rows in Pipelinerun’s TaskRun tab #8960
- Bug 1949889: Enables text input for volume count in backingstore page #8748
- Bug 1962062: Monitoring dashboards: Allow variable dropdowns to default to “All” #8975
- Re enable customize boot source tests #8959
- ODC- 5807-Update add flow automation scripts #8911
- Bug 1961393: Use K8sModel as kindObj if available #8888
- Bug 1917328: Default to current namespace for non-common templates #8939
- remove quick starts check on Add page #8970
- Bug 1961878: Add Sprint 199 translations #8912
- Bug 1932472: Allow ManagedFields Code Folding on Form/YAML Switcher #8964
- Bug 1961356: Switch to double quotes in translation #8963
- Bug 1961466: Some dropdown placeholder text on route creation page is not translated #8961
- Bug 1961452: Monitoring: Remove “Alertmanager UI” link #8952
- Fix pipelinerun and taskrun log snippet message for timeout issue #8907
- Bug 1943238: Display olm conditions descriptors in their own page section on operand details pages #8882
- Fix tooltip on pipelineRunCount and TaskRunDuration graphs based of P… #8868
- Bug 1924729: Create Storageclass for CephFS provisioner assumes incorrect default FSName in external mode #8825
- CONSOLE-2506: Added ‘Advanced Cluster Management’ to Perspective Switcher #8199
- Bug 1954460: The status of “Used Capacity Breakdown [Pods]” is “Not available” #8955
- Convert form field help uses of Popover to FieldLevelHelp #8856
- Add tests for creating custom templates from common templates #8428
- Bug 1950916: added warning message when vm is paused on console page and the option to pause a machine from kebab menu #8957
- Bug 1961336: Remove the broken Devfile Sample for BuildConfigs #8948
- Adding support to consume latest stable images of ocs operator #8924
- Bug 1960683: Fix hot loop in global config page #8934
- CONSOLE-2855: Cypress: port protractor Storage tests #8923
- Bug 1897621: Auth test.Login times out - Wait for Cluster Auth Operator to start and finish Progressing ‘test’ IDP before e2e tests starts #8820
- Fix to hide object updated alert on reload in yaml view #8946
- fix helm rollback form footer alignment #8933
- Updated helm chart annotations namespace #8908
- Bug 1960531: Monitoring dashboards: Fix bug where panels could be duplicated #8943
- CONSOLE-2527: Sprint 198 translations #8720
- Fix gitlab & bitbucket builder image detection #8879
- fixes issue with create menuitems on serverless, pipelines nav options #8938
- Bug 1961064: Fix documentation link to network policies #8869
- Topology - Delete Workload #8942
- Bug 1954105: Update Taskrun tab to make namespace based calls #8860
- GitOps: Add Sync Status and Latest Deployment Time to List Page (751) #8931
- Bug 1942117: i18n Add Storage page #8932
- Fix crashing of VM Templates page #8922
- Bug 1960089: CamelCase ImageStream related pages and breadcrumb #8917
- Fix Uncaught TypeError for OCS Internal mode #8906
- fixes monitoring nav route for dev perspective #8929
- Pipeline i18n refactor #8894
- ODC-5364: Consolidate plugins/index.js file in cypress framework #8325
- ODC-5803: epic automation for workspaces #8836
- Bug 1958753: added a check on vmiProp #8899
- Bug 1951486: replace metrics queries #8904
- Bug 1920307: changed comparison type #8902
- Bug 1959550: Overly generic CSS rules for dd and dt elements breaks styling elsewhere in console #8901
- Bug 1957756: Fix key value in replacement object #8880
- update dnd icon #8848
- Followup to PR #8843 #8918
- Bug 1960059: Monitoring dashboards: Remove the “Grafana UI” link #8900
- Added missing icons to VM states and removing popup when no actual message available #8886
- Bug 1958868: Depracte isvmready #8875
- Bug 1926776: “Template support” modal appears when select the RHEL6 common template #8905
- Bug 1930007: Allow multiple selection on resources drop down #8877
- Bug 1940318: Monitoring dashboards: Support colored text for single values #8921
- GitOps- Convert list card view to table view #8804
- Bug 1958811: KubeVirt v1 GA api #8874
- CONSOLE-2847: Cypress: port protractor Filtering tests #8913
- Bug 1935814: Fix row heights when additional columns in the pod & node list page have long text #8851
- CONSOLE-2508: Memsource automation #8819
- adds devfile provider for dev catalog #8812
- Bug 1959916: Make console works against api proxy #8872
- Bug 1959519: Fix typo in OperandDetails components #8893
- Bug 1959041: “Troubleshoot” link doesn’t exist after scaling down OSD pod #8898
- Topology List View Automation #8884
- Fix node-v15 pipeline test failures #8892
- Add devfile samples to samples catalog #8794
- Bug 1946243: Fix pool creation timout issue when PG count is limit is… #8689
- Bug 1958679: Disable pool compression via UI #8897
- Add Devfile Sample Endpoint #8687
- Navigate user to respective catalog-page on pressing enter while focused on quick-add view-all link #8890
- Bug 1957590: Translation of cluster updating message #8889
- Bug 1958439: fixes issue with html5 required validation for dynamic forms #8887
- give feedback when modal submit is clicked #8855
- Bug 1952832: Enable external mode for IBM cloud #8790
- Bug 1942715: Fix User Management i18n misses #8786
- Fix that boolean values (esp. false) are not loaded and synced correctly #8885
- Bug 1957561: lack of pseudolocalization for some text on Cluster Setting #8883
- Bug 1957895: Cypress helper projectDropdown.shouldContain is not an assertion #8878
- Bug 1950460: Change Request size input to a number spinner input #8713
- Adding login template strings for translation #8587
- Bug 1885242: Disables the clone button if no storage class available #8744
- Update prow deployment script #8608
- chore(OWNERS): add christianvogt to root OWNERS file #8881
- Bug 1952487: Template filter does not work properly #8843
- Added an icon prop to the HealthItem component, can now override default icon #8876
- Bug 1942117: Fix Workloads i18n misses #8505
- Bug 1957967: Increase specificity of listPage.row.clickRowByName #8866
- Make multus public network optional #8834
- Replaces OCS with storage in storage overiew page #8849
- SSH strings changes #8871
- Bug 1924968: Monitoring: Add some missing translations #8048
- ODC-5592: CI implementation for pipelines #8320
- CONSOLE-2774: Consolidate i18n namespaces k-m #8805
- CONSOLE-2775: Consolidate i18n namespaces n-r #8806
- Show roles in project access page based on customization #8672
- Full changelog
- Bug 1958405: UPSTREAM: <carry>: etcdserver/api/etcdhttp: log successful etcd server side health check in debug level #80
- Bug 1958405: UPSTREAM: <carry>: *: log server-side /health checks #79
- Bug 1958405: UPSTREAM: <carry>: server: add support for log rotation (#12774) #78
- Full changelog
- Bug 1952460: UPSTREAM: 101488: e2e/network/firewall: don’t assume nodes are exposed externally #738
- UPSTREAM: 101213: Bug 1881662: fix change erro to info #744
- Bug 1932280: UPSTREAM: 101116: vSphere: Return useful errors from parameter validation #707
- Bug 1948311: Handle 429 errors from watch requests in reflector #669
- Bug 1945091: Don’t force-disable IPv6, dual-stack, and SCTP tests #565
- Bug 1960780: UPSTREAM: <carry>: Use policyv1beta1 #752
- UPSTREAM: 101067: Bug 1946459: fix nfs storage ipv6 add square brackets #743
- Bug 1884800: Reduce names of vsphere volumes even further #701
- Bug 1959471: Conformance tests (sysctls) may not be excluded #741
- Bug 1923847: openshift-kube-apiserver: use #708
- Bug 1949105: Reenable NetworkPolicy test. #734
- Bug 1957502: UPSTREAM: <carry>: correct apirequestcount lock #735
- Full changelog
- Update gather-job image (#432) #432
- Bug 1961701: Change event gathering interval (#431) #431
- Collect full pod log for stack traces (#421) #421
- Fixes gendoc (#430) #430
- Bug 1959650: Gather SDI-related MachineConfigs (#422) #422
- Bug 1961091: Adding GatherMachineHealthCheck (#429) #429
- breaking changes in pr template (#426) #426
- Fix pre-commit (#415) #415
- Adds virt_platform metric to the collected metrics (#427) #427
- fixed obfuscation permissions (#424) #424
- Bug 1954640: Support of gatherers with different periods (#399) #399
- Bug 1958759: #417 insights report - add basic retry logic in case of 404 (#418) #418
- Bug 1952906: Add a few tests to configobserver_test.go (#409) #409
- Full changelog
- Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #202
- Bug 1958158: providers/openshift: remove logging of authorizer decisions #214
- Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github