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Changes from 4.6.16
Created: 2022-08-31 23:53:01 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:59fcf77d73e43fc5f458dbf4c6c0c1c5e07aaca55282ecaa2c8397c83362627a
Release 4.6.61 was created from
New images
Removed images
- local-storage-static-provisioner
Rebuilt images without code change
- Bug 1976198: update aws-sdk-go to v1.38.25 #414
- Bug 1941563: Ensure response body is closed when we are finished with the request #395
- “Bug 1912531: revendor mao” #388
- Updating ose-aws-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #383
- Full changelog
- Updating baremetal-machine-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #133
- “Bug 1912531: revendor mao” #137
- Full changelog
- Bug 2066403: Remove Azure mint mode support as Active Directory Graph API will be sunset #456
- Bug 2028971: Check for aws status in infra platform status field before client setup #430
- Bug 1963421: oVirt credentials secret contains unnecessary “ovirt_cafile” #347
- Bug 1958959: manifests/0000_90_cloud-credential-operator_04_alertrules: Drop CloudCredentialOperatorDown #337
- Bug 1916868: Check 47 creds backport #287
- Bug 1910372: Backport redistribute new root creds in passthrough mode #279
- Updating ose-cloud-credential-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #281
- Bug 1921901: exclude run-level 0 namespaces from MutatingWebhook for Pods #292
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #397
- Bug 1914848: add ServiceMonitor for the oauth apiserver #396
- Full changelog
- Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #188
- Bug 1927854: VPA: Ignore admission hook failures #186
- Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #189
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-cluster-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #177
- Full changelog
- Bug 1979585: Validate the status of the etcd snapshot during backup and restore #624
- Bug 1987134: Provide an option force backup even when API is not available to check the health. #633
- Bug 1978014: Increase inertia duration for the EtcdMembersDegraded condition #620
- Bug 1965535: [release-4.6] Improve cert controller detection and correction of invalid certs #604
- Bug 1905566: Backup script should get the latest revision of static-pod-resources #508
- Bug 1934342: pkg/operator/metriccontroller: cleanup transports #551
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-cluster-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #37
- Full changelog
- Updating cluster-policy-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #53
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins builder & base images to be consistent with ART #40
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-gcp-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #142
- Bug 1941563: Ensure response body is closed when we are finished with the request #154
- “Bug 1912531: revendor mao” #149
- Full changelog
- Updating ironic-hardware-inventory-recorder-image builder & base images to be consistent with ART #503
- Full changelog
- Updating ironic-inspector builder & base images to be consistent with ART #55
- Bug 1918178: Explicitly set minimum versions of python libraries #60
- Full changelog
- Bug 2076249: Mitigate multiple CVEs #1437
- Bug 2069143: [release-4.6] 2022-02-15 Security Advisory #1416
- Bug 2044938: Jenkins Fixes for CVE-2022-20617 and CVE-2022-20612 #1372
- Bug 2020612: Update Jenkins and plugins per 2021-11 advisory #1349
- Bug 1972366: Bump jenkins version 2.289.2 #1280
- Bug 1952561: bump config-file-provider to 3.7.1 #1266
- [release 4.6] Bug 1952337: Update Jenkins to 2.277.3 and disable setup wizard #1260
- [release 4.6] Bug 1929121: update kubernetes-client-api #1231
- [release 4.6] Bug 1929919: Upgrade Jenkins to 2.263.3 #1234
- Bug 1922139: Update Maven version to 3.6 in maven agent #1209
- Bug 1918637: Updating openshift-jenkins-2 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1202
- Bug 1918619: Updating ose-jenkins-agent-base builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1201
- Bug 1918628: Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-10 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1205
- Bug 1918632: Updating ose-jenkins-agent-nodejs-12 builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1204
- Bug 1918630: Updating ose-jenkins-agent-maven builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1203
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-prometheus-adapter builder & base images to be consistent with ART #42
- Full changelog
- Updating kube-rbac-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #39
- Full changelog
- Updating kube-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #42
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #166
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #216
- Bug 1939259: [release-4.6] Update MAO and set metrics on :8081 address #220
- Full changelog
- Bug 2022840: GCP CI runs are complaining about APIs not being enabled #955
- Bug 1993120: Make sure nodes don’t have attached volumes before vm deletion #905
- Bug 1947813: vSphere, detach virtual disks before virtual machine destroy if node not available #845
- Bug 1916772: Inject the cluster-wide proxy environment variables in the baremetal pod #808
- Bug 1933676: Cherry-pick: Azure disconnected reject publicIP setting #812
- Updating ose-machine-api-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #786
- Bug 1912531: 4.6: Update kubectl dep #782
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-network-metrics-daemon builder & base images to be consistent with ART #31
- Full changelog
- Bug 2043805: IPs with leading zeros are still valid in the apiserver #78
- Updating ose-oauth-apiserver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #36
- Full changelog
- Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #199
- Bug 1915667: remove logging when authz header is present but basic auth is not attempted #200
- Bug 1891725: don’t segfault on wrong option combination #193
- Full changelog
- Updating openshift-state-metrics builder & base images to be consistent with ART #65
- Full changelog
- Bug 2002752: Adds Proxy to provider client http transport #201
- Bug 1933667: Update ose-openstack-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #154
- Bug 1933667: Updating ose-openstack-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #165
- “Bug 1912531: revendor mao” #164
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #81
- Full changelog
- Bug 1935586: pkg/prometheus: remove liveness probe #110
- Updating prometheus-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #103
- Updating prometheus-config-reloader builder & base images to be consistent with ART #104
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-service-ca-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #135
- Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github