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4.19.0-0.nightly-2024-11-30-001633 Download the installer for your operating system or run
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Blocking jobs Informing jobs
Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Created: 2024-11-30 00:19:42 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:2be5dd6657b467784611cab287b253dac077360b683b80af35cefcf3feac4a97
FeatureGate Changes
Default Hypershift
Default SelfManagedHA
DevPreviewNoUpgrade Hypershift
DevPreviewNoUpgrade SelfManagedHA
TechPreviewNoUpgrade Hypershift
TechPreviewNoUpgrade SelfManagedHA
CSIDriverSharedResource (0 tests)
Unconditional (Changed)
Unconditional (Changed)
Unconditional (Changed)
Unconditional (Changed)
Unconditional (Changed)
Unconditional (Changed)
CPMSMachineNamePrefix (0 tests)
Enabled (New)
Enabled (New)
Enabled (New)
Enabled (New)
ResilientWatchCacheInitialization (0 tests)
VSphereHostVMGroupZonal (0 tests)
Enabled (New)
Enabled (New)
Enabled (New)
Enabled (New)
Rebuilt images without code change
MGMT-19360 : do not monitor hosts with status installed (#7030) #7030
MGMT-19371 : Add downstream dockerfiles for mce (#7033) #7033
OCPBUGS-44882 : Add NTP sources to generated install-config.yaml (#7028) #7028
NO-ISSUE: Add giladravid16 to approvers list (#7035) #7035
MGMT-19192 : Add current stage when restoring host by Agent (#7026) #7026
MGMT-18288 : Don’t copy BMH and Machine to Baremetal Spoke Cluster without MAPI (#7002) #7002
MGMT-19369 : Restrict non-standard HA OCP control plane feature to x86_64 architecture (#7032) #7032
NO-ISSUE: Allow configuring suported GPUs (#7018) #7018
MGMT-19338, MGMT-19080, MGMT-18590, NO-ISSUE: Patches for non-standard HA OCP Control Plane PR (#7023) #7023
Full changelog
no-jira: Documentation fix: add missing whitespace character #1911
NO-JIRA: adm release: simplify manifest iteration #1917
OTA-1393 : status: compute mcoImagePullSpec only once #1924
Full changelog
WRKLDS-1449 : Update to Kubernetes v1.31.3 #2141
OCPBUGS-44896 : Enable format library for 4.18 #2139
TRT-1835 : Add an openshift-tests-extension compatible test binary #2105
OCPBUGS-34373 : Bump library-go to fix routes/custom-host permission for externalCertificate #2129
NO-JIRA: drop openshift-sdn references #2057
SDN-5457 : Bump kube-proxy image to 4.18 base images #2127
SDN-5457 : Add Dockerfile for standalone kube-proxy image #2082
WRKLDS-1449 : Bump k8s api to 1.31.2 #2122
OCPBUGS-28812 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: kubelet/cm: fix bug where kubelet restarts from missing cpuset cgroup #2031
OCPBUGS-39004 : CRD type check test fix #2116
OCPBUGS-38838 : Re-enable 1.31 kubectl tests #2114
TRT-1867 : Revert #2067 “OCPBUGS-39305: log only deprecated api requests” #2112
OCPBUGS-39305 : log only deprecated api requests #2067
WRKLDS-1449 : Update Hyperkube Dockerfile with the right Kubernetes version #2102
WRKLDS-1449 : Rebase 1.31.1 #2092
OCPBUGS-41172 : Updating openshift-enterprise-pod-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #2076
OCPBUGS-42120 : UPSTREAM: 125398: Fix issue with scheduler failing on hostname mismatch #2095
NO-JIRA: UPSTREAM: <carry>: retrying etcd Unavailable errors for the etcd health and ready checkers #2079
OCPBUGS-39004 : UPSTREAM: 127243: Fix invalid label use in validatingadmissionpolicy e2e #2080
OCPBUGS-36295 : UPSTREAM: 126295: dynamiccertificates: denoise Kubelet logs by skipping removal of non-existent file watchers #2064
OCPBUGS-38515 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: bump cadvisor version to fix missing network stats #2074
NO-JIRA: UPSTREAM: annotate audit events for requests during unready phase and graceful termination phase #2077
OCPBUGS-39004 : UPSTREAM: 126994: Add required FieldManager for validatingadmissionpolicy e2e #2069
NO-JIRA: UPSTREAM:<drop>: bump openshift/library-go@4d55b6d #2068
OCPBUGS-38336 : UPSTREAM: 126641: e2e/storage: update block device test to always specify a valid path #2054
NO-JIRA: update downstream owners #2047
OCPBUGS-35297 : UPSTREAM: 126470: Move APIServingWithRoutine to alpha and disabled by default #2044
OCPBUGS-37620 : Bump 1.30.3 #2038
NO-JIRA: UPSTREAM: 126213: add test about container metrics from cadvisor #2040
OCPBUGS-37281 : UPSTREAM: 126104: Add funcs in pkg/filesystem/util to set file permissions on Windows and update container log dir perms #2034
OCPEDGE-1181 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: update test annotations for sno #2033
NO-JIRA: add tool to validate test packages imported #2024
OCPBUGS-36742 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: sync imports #2017
OCPBUGS-37111 : UPSTREAM: 125404: Fix that PodIP field is temporarily removed for a terminal pod #2025
NO-JIRA: UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump( #2023
MULTIARCH-4229 : UPSTREAM:<carry>:bump cadvisor for 3516 upstream patches #2012
OCPBUGS-36743 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: inject k8s version from hyperkube Dockerfile #2018
OCPBUGS-34294 : OCPBUGS-34309: UPSTREAM: <carry>: update base image #1998
API-1783 : Bump 1.30.2 #1996
OCPBUGS-14613 : drop carry “don’t fail integration due to too many goroutines” #1995
OCPBUGS-34544 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Disable PersistentVolumeLabel by default #1991
OCPBUGS-34050 : Backport 125337 #1987
OCPBUGS-34544 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Disable e2e tests that need PersistentVolumeLabel #1986
OCPBUGS-34593 : UPSTREAM: 124933: [Scheduler] Use allNodes when calculating nextStartNodeIndex #1983
API-1783 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: skip PodLifecycleSleepAction test #1982
API-1783 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: skip storage tests #1981
OCPBUGS-25331 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: extend termination events #1827
API-1783 : Bump 1.30.1 #1979
API-1783 : Rebase 1.30.0 #1953
OCPBUGS-33574 : bump openshift/library-go@e22d25a #1967
OCPBUGS-32934 : UPSTREAM: 124795: e2e: DaemonSet maxSurge test should account for terminated pods #1966
no-jira: UPSTREAM <carry>: add native build to installer image #1961
API-1809 : Provide SCC access via RBAC #1959
NO-JIRA: UPSTREAM: <carry>: Revert create readyz event for kubeapi server #1957
OCPBUGS-20097 : Migrate tools image to RHEL9 #1954
OCPBUGS-32296 : Bump K8s api to 1.29.4 #1947
OCPBUGS-22301 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Fix garbage-collection for CRDs. #1811
OCPBUGS-26440 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: create readyz event for kubeapi server #1914
UPSTREAM: <carry>: OCPEDGE-807: add support for cpu limits into management workloads #1902
CFE-910 : RouteExternalCertificate validation in openshift-kube-apiserver custom resource validator #1904
NO-JIRA: UPSTREAM: <carry>: featureset validation moved to CEL #1944
CFE-910 : bump library-go #1941
OCPBUGS-11933 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump apiserver-library-go #1910
OCPBUGS-31663 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: add management workload check for guaranteed qos #1928
OCPBUGS-30957 : Use the right feature gate when updating uncertain … #1919
OCPBUGS-31384 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: allow type mutation for specific secrets #1932
OCPNODE-1886 : Bump k8s 1.29.3 #1925
OCPBUGS-31384 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: allow type mutation for specific secrets #1929
OCPBUGS-31384 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: allow type mutation for specific secrets #1924
OCPBUGS-30767 : UPSTREAM: 124110: retry policy creation for CRD type checking E2E test #1922
OCPBUILD-13 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: fix [sig-auth] ServiceAccounts no secret-based service account token should be auto-generated #1909
CFE-910 : [o/k-apis] Add context to ObjectValidator; Consume FeatureGate(s) in kube-apiserver #1852
UPSTREAM: <carry>: OCPBUGS-29520: fix cpu manager cpuset check #1892
OCPBUGS-30954 : Set up CEL IP/CIDR library from 4.14 onwards #1911
OCPBUGS-24481 : Enable SELinux tests #1908
MCO-392 : openshift-hack/images/os: delete #1805
OCPBUGS-23900 : UPSTREAM: 123512: system:kube-scheduler: extend the RBAC with pods/finalizers #1900
OCPBUGS-10996 : Fix race condition between resizer and kubelet #1899
OCPBUGS-29437 : Upstream: <carry>: RPM: Split apiserver, scheduler, k-c-m, kubelet into subpackages #1882
OCPNODE-1892 : Bump k8s to 1.29.2 #1888
NO-JIRA: Clean carry patches #1880
OCPBUGS-29435 : UPSTREAM: 123165: Add AudienceMatchPolicy and support multiple audien… #1881
CORS-3191 : Add Dockerfile to buld kube-apiserver for openshift-install architectures #1872
NO-JIRA: Revert “OCPBUGS-24404: add ignore for SAST scan” #1870
OCPBUGS-24404 : UPSTREAM <carry>: use snyk file #1871
OCPBUGS-26058 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: watch-termination: termination.log file with restricted permissions #1841
OCPBUGS-16760 : permanently disable NodeLogQuery e2e test #1792
OCPNODE-1892 : Bump k8s to 1.29.1 #1858
OCPNODE-1892 : Switch to golang 1.21 #1845
OCPBUGS-24606 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Update management webhook pod admission logic #1821
OCPNODE-1892 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: update test rules #1849
OCPBUGS-17249 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: openshift-kube-apiserver: pod .spec.nodeName should not override project node selector in podNodeEnvironment admission plugin #1787
OCPNODE-1892 : UPSTREAM: 122683: Use v1beta1 endpoints when cleaning up ValidatingAdmissionPolicies #1848
OCPBUGS-23896 : Fix device uncertain errors on reboot #1829
OCPBUGS-24404 : add ignore for SAST scan #1824
AUTH-439 : loosen authentication.spec.type validation #1770
OCPNODE-1892 : UPSTREAM: 122643: Add a new neverTerminate job behavior just for upgrade #1846
OCPBUGS-26067 : Backport CEL IP and CIDR validations #1828
OCPNODE-1892 : Bump k8s api to 1.29.0 #1840
OCPNODE-1895 : temporarily disable reporting e2e text bugs #1836
OCPNODE-1892 : Rebase 1.29.0 #1815
CNF-8809 : admission: add new admission for handling shared cpus request #1799
CNF-8326 : advertise shared cpus for mixed cpus feature #1795
OCPBUGS-23565 : Update to kubernetes 1.28.4 #1806
OCPBUGS-23073 : .spec.numberOfUsersToReport is not correctly applied in some circumstances #1794
OCPBUGS-22724 : UPSTREAM: 121881: Use golang library instead of mklink #1800
OCPBUGS-16922 : Remove skip flag for e2e tests related to AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions #1790
Update #1788
STOR-1278 : Fixes for SELinux mount context metrics #1771
Update to Kubernetes v1.28.3 #1776
openshift-hack: Fix sporadic 141 errors in build-rpms #1769
UPSTREAM: <carry>: support for both icsp and idms objects #1685
OCPBUGS-21584 : UPSTREAM: 121128: [CVE-2023-39325] .: bump to v0.17.0 #1757
Do not allow nodes to set forbidden openshift labels #1735
OCPBUGS-20096 : bump pause image to RHEL9 #1734
Revert #1731 “Revert #1703 “Update builder & base images”” #1732
Revert #1703 “Update builder & base images” #1731
Update builder & base images #1703
UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump(openshift/client-go,library-go,apiserver-library-go) #1726
OCPBUGS-19666 : kubelet/cm: use MkdirAll when creating cpuset to ignore file exists error #1724
OCPBUGS-17534 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: vendor: bump cadvisor and runc to 1.1.9 #1711
UPSTREAM: 120817: e2e: bootstrap vsphere tests earlier #1714
OCPBUGS-19452 : UPSTREAM: 119317: change rolling update logic to exclude sunsetting nodes #1716
Update to new openshift/* dependencies #1704
STOR-1425 : Update to Kubernetes 1.28.1 #1646
OCPBUGS-16080 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: watch-termination: termination.log file #1638
UPSTREAM: <carry>: disable test removed in 1.28 #1698
<carry>: Export cpu stats of ovs.slice via prometheus #1686
OCPBUGS-17654 : cm: reorder setting of sched_load_balance for sandbox slice #1665
OCPBUGS-18608 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Force using host go always and use host libriaries #1688
OCPBUGS-18149 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: retry etcd Unavailable errors #1681
OCPBUGS-18149 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: retry etcd Unavailable errors #1676
OCPBUGS-14301 : UPSTREAM: 117245: Fix TopologyAwareHint not working when zone label is added after Node creation #1673
OCPBUGS-14301 : UPSTREAM: 117249,118189: fix TopologyCache crashes #1668
OCPBUGS-7415 : grant user:full scope to self-SARs #1493
UPSTREAM: 118280: Set all PSa labels in tests #1663
OCPBUGS-17119 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump apiserver-library-go for updated required-scc errors #1661
OCPBUGS-15726 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: merge v3 openapi discovery and specs for special groups #1654
OCPBUGS-16166 : Update to Kubernetes 1.27.4 #1660
Update to Kubernetes 1.27.4 #1653
OCPBUGS-15726 : UPSTREAM: 118879: make discoverabl… #1630
OCPBUGS-16166 : Update to Kubernetes 1.27.4 #1645
OCPBUGS-15726 : UPSTREAM: 118881: fix openapi/v3 non local apiservices aggregation #1629
UPSTREAM: <drop>: hack/ #1634
UPSTREAM: 119107: Stop using deprecated API #1624
OCPBUGS-13392 : UPSTREAM: 118915: remove legacy NetworkPolicy tests #1623
UPSTREAM: <drop>: update openshift/api,openshift/apiserver-library-go #1621
UPSTREAM: <carry>: when only this kube-apiserver can fulfill the kube… #1616
Update to Kubernetes 1.27.3 #1609
UPSTREAM: <carry>: STOR-1270: Admission plugin to deny deletion of #1550
OCPBUGS-7181 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump apiserver-library-go #1605
STOR-1263 : Add csimock tests #1595
OCPBUGS-4053 : UPSTREAM: 118383: bump cadvisor for upstream patch 3301 #1594
Update test wrapper to match new k8s #1584
STOR-1263 : Bump to k8s 1.27.2 #1583
: #117785 from k/k
- disable external IPs on e2e net tests #1581
UPSTREAM: 117893: When expecting pods count only active ones #1577
OCPBUGS-13854 : UPSTREAM: 117371: kubelet: Don’t reference the pod manager interface directly from components #1578
OCPBUGS-11652 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Extend NodeLogQuery feature #1579
OCPBUGS-13148 : kubelet/cm: disable cpu load balancing on slices when using static cpu manager policy #1573
UPSTREAM: <carry>: move test rules from origin #1574
OCPBUGS-11143 : Azure: move to kube-proxy LB probes, don’t detach masters when unready #1569
OCPBUGS-10048 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: add conditional shutdown response header #1555
OCPBUGS-2474 : UPSTREAM: 116995: kubelet: Ensure pods that have not started track pendingUpdate #1561
STOR-1263 : Update to Kubernetes 1.27.1 #1558
OCPBUGS-10829 : UPSTREAM: 117310: kube-aggregator: correctly use client-go TLS cache with custom dialer #1548
UPSTREAM: <carry>: add shutdown annotation to response header #1537
UPSTREAM: <carry>: OCPNODE-1548,OCPNODE-1584: disable load balancing on created cgroups when managed is enabled #1518
Add wrapper which will allow running o/k tests as external binary in origin #1485
OCPBUGS-7267 : More fixes to SCC PSa extractor #1482
OCPBUGS-10048 : UPSTREAM: 115328: apiserver: annotate early (server not ready) and late (during shutdown) requests #1456
OCPBUGS-8220 : CSI Inline Volume admission plugin does not log object name correctly #1499
OCPBUGS-8092 : Fix mounted volume expansion tests #1498
UPSTREAM: <carry>: update rebase doc #1464
Bump to k8s 1.26.2 #1494
AUTH-336 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: PSa metrics: unset ocp_namespace on non-platform n… #1489
Bump to k8s 1.26.1 #1479
OCPBUGS-7267 : add SeccompProfile to Pod and Container accessors/mutators #1490
UPSTREAM: <drop>: OCPBUGS-5991: Kube APIServer panics in admission controller #1488
CNF-5901 : admission hook change for workload partition on all clusters #1312
UPSTREAM: 113799: tests: network: Prefer internal IPs first #1446
UPSTREAM: 115863: Remove global framework variable #1480
UPSTREAM: <carry>: add new approvers #1458
OCPBUGS-7555 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: add default kubelet sysctls within rpm #1475
AUTH-336 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: PSa metrics: log platform namespaces in audit denies #1454
add icsp validation: reject one of icsp idms.itms resources #1310
UPSTREAM: 114027: make GetSubnetPrefix IP family agnostic #1469
disable tests dependent on StackDriver #1466
UPSTREAM: 115484: Don’t explicitly set image version in tests #1465
UPSTREAM: 114994: kubelet: fix readiness probes with pod termination #1450
OCPBUGS-6030 : Rebase onto kube v1.26 #1432
Fix the mutated PodSpec extractor for warns if no SCC matches #1453
OCPBUGS-4900 : remove in-tree volume limits test now that CSIMigration is GA #1448
OCPBUGS-4658 : Apply shared defaulters to CRD-based routes. #1440
OCPBUGS-4657 : Bump library-go. #1431
UPSTREAM: <carry>: make the PSA workload admission warnings honor the… #1393
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Ensure balanced brackets in annotated test names #1410
STOR-829 : Add CSIInlineVolumeSecurity admission plugin #1384
OCPBUGS-3501 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Add host assignment plugin for CRD-based routes. #1419
UPSTREAM: <drop>: Bump openshift/api. #1424
OCPBUGS-3499 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Add validation plugin for CRD-based route parity. #1416
Bug 2117374 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: update apiserver-library-go to add message about wo… #1395
Bug OCPBUGS-2991: Disable expansion in SC, if driver does not support it #1402
OCPBUGS-3093 : Tag AWS security groups at creation #1411
UPSTREAM: <drop>: Bump library-go. #1406
OCPBUGS-2946 : Revert: 1340: tag AWS security group at creation #1401
OCPBUGS-3084 : UPSTREAM: 113481: kubelet: fix pod log line corruption when using timestamps and long lines #1404
OCPBUGS-2774 : UPSTREAM: 112807 Fix Load balancer services with xTP local #1400
UPSTREAM: 113208: Set default test timeouts first, only then modify the required ones #1396
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Bug 2098054: tag AWS security group at creation #1340
UPSTREAM: 113135: Wait for pod not running or gone in storage tests #1394
Bump to k8s 1.25.2 #1380
Bug 2041317 : Fix replica calculation at start of HPA scaling policy period #1391
UPSTREAM: <carry>: allow annotating with a specific suite #1388
k8s 1.25.0 #1360
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Dockerfile: use centos:stream9 #1366
OCPBUGS-718 : UPSTREAM: 112267: aws: skip health rules if they are a subnet of the client rule #1358
UPSTREAM: <carry>: optionally enable retry after until apiserver is ready #1346
UPSTREAM: 110639: endpointslices: node missing on Pod scenario #1359
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Update kubensenter to use exec instead of subprocess #1350
UPSTREAM: 110039: Add readinessProbe to aggregated api service test #1307
Bug 2118318 : UPSTREAM: 110939: don’t quota events by default #1344
UPSTREAM: 111789: Update Netpol e2e tests to use framework CreateName… #1349
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Skip session affinity timeout tests #1339
Bug 2117569 : UPSTREAM: 110888: feat: fix a bug thaat not all event be ignored by gc controller #1338
Add kubensenter to the openshift RPM #1327
UPSTREAM: 111306: Make scheduling e2e tests run PSa-restricted pods #1333
trt-393: add plugin name to caches not synchronized error #1330
Bug 2102383 : UPSTREAM: 89885: Fix panic in openstack.InstanceExistsByProviderID() #1315
Bug 2088606 : Overly loose admission check when configuring UpstreamResolvers or ForwardPlugin #1247
Bug 2081194 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: update list of deprecated apis #1091
Bug 2082773 : Fix resizing of ephemeral volumes #1296
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Remove reserved CPUs from default set #1295
Bug 2094012 : UPSTREAM: 110652: fix: –chunk-size with selector returns missing result #1303
Bug 2063414 : UPSTREAM: 109441: kubelet: parseResolvConf: Handle “search .” #1283
Bug 2086519 : get SCC admission default securityContext.runAsNonRoot to true on positive UIDs #1290
Bug 2078778 : UPSTREAM: 110408: apiserver: printers should use int64 #1288
Bug 2089933 : Backport 110191 Re-enable Kubelet Pod Readiness Probes on Termination and Pod probes should be handled by pod worker #1285
Bug 2087685 : Worker Latency Profiles: Config node object validation for extreme profile transition #1287
Bug 2065749 : UPSTREAM: 109103: cpu/memory manager containerMap memory leak #1229
Bug 2094954 : UPSTREAM: 110258: Fix pod eviction ip #1282
UPSTREAM: <carry>: provide unique reason for pod probe event during t… #1281
Bug 2086092 : UPSTREAM: 108284: fix: exclude non-ready nodes and deleted nodes from azure load balancers #1261
Fixes probe readiness shutdowns #1269
Bug 2086092 : update kube to v1.24.0 #1252
Bug 2086519 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: e2e-framework: don’t autosync PodSecurity labels #1268
Bug 2062459 : Identify if there are multiple schedulers running #1251
Bug 2075621 : UPSTREAM: 109487: Disable JobTrackingWithFinalizers due to unresolved bug #1243
Bug 1999325 : Backport 107821 and 107831 #1225
UPSTREAM: 109283: test/e2e/*: use restricted policy by default, default existing tests to privileged #1238
Bug 2051985 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: An APIRequestCount without dots in the name can cause a panic #1172
Bug 2066865 : Skip azure topology tests #1230
UPSTREAM: 106454: test/e2e: fix e2e tests for restricted policy #1227
Revert “UPSTREAM: <carry>: Unskip OCP SDN related tests” #1228
bump apiserver-library-go #1218
UPSTREAM: <carry>: update list of deprecated apis #1204
UPSTREAM: 106454: test/e2e: fix e2e tests for restricted policy #1226
Bug 1957668 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: use console-public config map for console redirect #1110
UPSTREAM: 106454: test/e2e: fix e2e tests for restricted policy #1212
Bug 2022507 : Backport 108366: OutofCpu Fixes #1199
Bug 1945329 : enable should drop INVALID conntrack entries test #897
Bug 2063938 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: use hardcoded rest mapper from library-go #1215
Bug 2062459 : Generate event when cache update is failed #1210
UPSTREAM:<carry>:Unskip OCP SDN related tests #1201
Bug 2034958 : enable “Conntrack should be able to preserve UDP traffic when initial… #1197
UPSTREAM: 106454: SQUASH: test/e2e: let e2e tests specify pod security admiss… #1128
Bug 2040715 : UPSTREAM: 108284: fix: exclude non-ready nodes from azure load balancer #1190
UPSTREAM: <drop>: zero-diff to pick up tags for versions #1193
Bug 2040715 : upstream 108149: do not return early in the node informer when there is no change #1184
Bug 2040533 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: Ignore container notfound error while getPodstatuses #1176
Bug 2040533 : UPSTREAM: 107900: Pods that have terminated before starting should not block startup #1157
UPSTREAM: 107847: service REST: Call Decorator(old) on update path #1156
Bug 1979671 : UPSTREAM <carry>: Remove pod warning annotation when workload partitioning is disabled #977
Bug 2044824 : UPSTREAM: 107786: Ensure the execHostnameTest() compares hostnames #1153
Bug 2044347 : bump to k8s 1.23.3 #1145
Bug 2039539 : Revert “UPSTREAM: <drop>: revert upstream PR 106306” #1143
Bug 2041583 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: set correctly static pods CPUs when workload partitioning is disabled #1136
Bug 2040533 : UPSTREAM: 107695: kubelet: fix podstatus not containing pod full name #1140
Bug 2039539 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: revert upstream PR 106306 #1130
Bug 2022824 : Fix the leak of vSphere client sessions #1104
Bug 2042169 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: remove egressnetworkpolicies from gc ignored resources #1123
Bug 2040793 : Fix ordering issues with snapshot e2e #1119
Bug 2038968 : Restore upstream feature gates #1112
Bug 2004542 : UPSTREAM: 89885: SQUASH: Retry fetching clouds.conf #1099
Bug 2041641 : Backport fix for a memory leak within the inotify utilities #1122
Bug 2042493 : UPSTREAM 107564: kube-apiserver integration test: allow IPs with leading zeros on the API #1124
Bug 2039414 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: allows for switching KS to talk to Kube API over localhost-squash to other #1121
Bug 2042493 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Fix conformance and serial tests by stopping node cordoning #1129
Bug 1933144 : hardens the aggregated API e2e tests in an HA setup #1114
Bug 2001442 : empty termination.log file for the kube-apiserver has too permissive mode #1096
Bug 2034705 : UPSTREAM 107136: Don’t log vSphere configuration data in storage e2e tests #1098
Bug 2033751 : fix -rt builds and copy extensions into resulting image #1106
Bug 2033751 : Kube 1.23.0 rebase #1087
Switch to go1.17 #1080
Bug 2021629 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: api request counts for current hour are incorrect #1037
UPSTREAM: 105910: retry PV create in e2e-test on API quota failure #1078
UPSTREAM: <drop>: revert to go1.16 #1079
Updating openshift-enterprise-hyperkube images to be consistent with ART #934
UPSTREAM: <drop>: remove creation of openshift-infra ns and recycler SA #1039
Bug 2008532 : Fix subpath sources check #1065
Bug 2017276 : UPSTREAM: 105934: Don’t guess SELinux support on error #1052
Rebase Automation Script #1040
Updating openshift-enterprise-pod images to be consistent with ART #933
UPSTREAM: <carry>: delay queuing deletion for PV to allow nodes some time to unmount #1062
Bug 1978528 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: bump cadvisor for 2957, 2999 and 2979 upstream patches #1049
Bug 2023779 : Fix patch 104847 #1059
Bug 2022811 : UPSTREAM: 106382: defer close the rotated log open #1051
Bug 2007495 : UPSTREAM: 105213: remove StartedPodsErrorsTotal metrice message #988
Bug 2021936 : Read k8s version from hyperkube Dockerfile #1038
Bug 2002759 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: verify required http2 cipher suites #1022
UPSTREAM: <carry>: update rebase doc #1031
Bug 2000216 : Image policy should mutate DeploymentConfigs, StatefulSets, and new CronJobs #1014
Bug 1970331 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump apiserver-library-go #1017
Bug 1990190 : Remove Error Message Check Dynamic PV Tests #1011
Bug 2011513 : kubelet: do not arbitrarily create a podSyncStatus for finished pods #1007
UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump apiserver-library-go #1008
Bug 1997478 : Ensure terminal pods maintain terminal status #999
Bug 2010348 : UPSTREAM: 105352: revert pie build mode #993
UPSTREAM: <carry>: allow SCC to be disabled on a per-namespace basis #984
Bug 2000754 : UPSTREAM: 104865: e2e iperf2 change threshold to 10MBps = 80 Mbps #980
Bug 1965368 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump(apiserver-library-go) #971
Remove Error Message for Unsupported Volume Test #905
Add CSI migration feature gates for vSphere and Azure File #961
etcd-client starts retrying transient errors from the etcd cluster #959
UPSTREAM: <carry>: openshift-hack/images/os/Dockerfile: Add, etc. #963
Bug 2005182 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: update list of deprecated apis to be removed #965
Bug 1999133 : kubelet: Handle UID reuse in pod worker #938
UPSTREAM: <carry>: add control plane to allowed roles #957
UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump openshift, k8s to 1.22.1 #950
Bug 2003269 : UPSTREAM: 104817: kubelet: Rejected pods should be filtered from admission #948
Bugzilla 2001763: UPSTREAM: <carry>: 104437: run etcd healthcheck in the background and… #893
UPSTREAM: 104314: legacy-cloud-providers: aws: Add support for consuming web identity credentials #927
Bug 1996689 : Tighten up RestrictedEndpointsAdmission #899
Bug 1996779 : Fix bug with goroutine capturing loop variable #904
Bug 2000451 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: Disable broken sig-storage test #925
Bug 1994643 : UPSTREAM: 104630: remove server option startup-send-retry-after-until… #922
Bug 1994927 : Revert “Remove Endpoints write access from aggregated edit role” #908
Bug 1997657 : UPSTREAM: 104577: kubelet: Admission must exclude completed pods and avoid races #920
Bug 1948089 : openshift-apiserver should not set Available=False APIServicesAvailable on update #915
Bug 1986003 : Rebase 1.22.1 #916
Bug 1994643 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: sets X-OpenShift-Internal-If-Not-Ready HTTP Header for GC and Namespace controllers #907
Bug 1994643 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: send Retry-After when not ready with a caller opt in #906
Bug 1993980 : UPSTREAM: 104529: [1.22] vendor: bump runc to 1.0.2 #910
Bug 1948089 : openshift-apiserver should not set Available=False APIServicesAvailable on update #903
Bug 1986307 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: re-enable networking tests #885
Bug 1995804 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: rename termination events to use lifecycleSignals #896
Bug 1950993 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump cadvisor for 2868 and 2925 upstream patches #892
Bug 1997465 : UPSTREAM: 104466: bump to get fix for LRU cache #898
Bug 1994643 : UPSTREAM: 104281: send retry-after until the apiserver is ready #889
Bug 1982868 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: admission/managementcpusoverride: cover the roll-back case #877
Bug 1986306 : Kubectl client kubectl wait should ignore not found error with –for=delete #891
Bug 1994643 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: use lifeCycleSignals for isTerminating #887
Bug 1980118 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: drop the warning to use –keep-annotations #860
Bug 1992900 : Fix build with multiple GOFLAGS #886
Bug 1986003 : Bump to 1.22.0-rc.0 #862
UPSTREAM: <carry>: prevent the kubecontrollermanager service-ca from getting less secure #853
Bug 1981477 : Do not throw error when we can’t get canonical path #817
UPSTREAM: <carry>: add a way to inject a vulnerable, legacy service-c… #852
produce events for readyz going true #807
UPSTREAM: <drop>: remove the openshift authenticator from the apiserver #822
UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump(apiserver-library-go) #846
UPSTREAM: <carry>: add CSI migration feature gates for GCE PD and Azure Disk #831
UPSTREAM: 103385: Fix Multi-AZ test #837
Bug 1977920 : Ensure scc compatibility with BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume #841
UPSTREAM: 103050: Bug 1975325: Fix NodeAuthenticator tests in dual stack #823
Updating openshift-enterprise-hyperkube images to be consistent with ART #814
Bug 1976379 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Reject the pod creation when we can not decide the cluster type #832
Updating openshift-enterprise-pod images to be consistent with ART #812
UPSTREAM: <carry>: update rebase doc #824
Bug 1975283 : update Multi-AZ Cluster Volumes test name #825
UPSTREAM: <carry>: update rebase doc #818
UPSTREAM: <carry>: crd: add ClusterOperator condition message table column #810
Bug 1971745 : only chown if non-windows machine with projected volumes #804
Bug 1950993 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump cadvisor for 2868 upstream patch #802
BUG 1927359: Add support for gathering metrics from CSI block-mode volumes #731
Bug 1954509 : UPSTREAM: multiple: Fix corruption of FibreChannel volumes #788
Bug 1946479 : Re-enable BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume disabled by 1.21 rebase #714
Bug 1950010 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: apirequestcount: smear out CR updates over interval #798
Bug 1969626 : UPSTREAM: 102587: kubelet: Revert “Cleanup portforward streams after their usage” #796
Bug 1966410 : kube-apiserver: add system_client=cluster-policy-controller to apiserver_request_total #794
Bug 1965545 : vendor: bump runc to rc95 + “unit exists” fix #790
Bug 1948311 : UPSTREAM: 102606: Bring back “client-go: add retry logic for Watch and Stream” and fix test flake #792
Bug 1967591 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: do not mutate pods when it has a container with both CPU request and limit #785
Bug 1966410 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: apiserver: add system_client=kube-{apiserver,cm,s} to apiserver_request_total #784
UPSTREAM: <carry>: kubelet: add ehashman as reviewer #583
Bug 1967745 : Add DNS custom resource admission #681
Bug 1927397 : UPSTREAM: 98028: add auto update for priority & fairness bootstrap configuration objects #736
Bug 1964492 : UPSTREAM: 102171: Implement support for watch initialization in P&F #773
Bug 1946479 : UPSTREAM: 101950: Make watch order conformance test reliable #786
Bug 1953127 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: work around broken NetPol DNS rules #770
Bug 1958329 : UPSTREAM: 97428: add more context to log after a request times out #737
Bug 1948311 : UPSTREAM: 102107: client-go: add retry logic for Watch and Stream #783
Bug 1961925 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Does not prevent pod creation because of no nodes reason when it runs under the regular cluster #756
Bug 1913974 : UPSTREAM: 102021: Update snapshotting tests to use volumeHandle for CSI volumes when waiting for NodeUnpublish #769
Bug 1953102 : UPSTREAM: 102147: vendor: bump runc to rc95 #761
Bug 1960205 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: verbosity of managed workloads logging #771
UPSTREAM: <carry>: update rebase doc #768
Bug 1964197 : UPSTREAM: 102224: Fix expired unit test certs #767
Bug 1949050 : Rebase 1.21.1 #751
UPSTREAM: 102089: Bug 1961644: Add Node IP IPv6 formatting in NodeAuthenticator tests #760
Bug 1963079 : KCM with preferred host support #759
Bug 1952460 : UPSTREAM: 101488: e2e/network/firewall: don’t assume nodes are exposed externally #738
UPSTREAM: 101213: Bug 1881662: fix change erro to info #744
Bug 1932280 : UPSTREAM: 101116: vSphere: Return useful errors from parameter validation #707
Bug 1948311 : Handle 429 errors from watch requests in reflector #669
Bug 1945091 : Don’t force-disable IPv6, dual-stack, and SCTP tests #565
Bug 1960780 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Use policyv1beta1 #752
UPSTREAM: 101067: Bug 1946459: fix nfs storage ipv6 add square brackets #743
Bug 1884800 : Reduce names of vsphere volumes even further #701
Bug 1959471 : Conformance tests (sysctls) may not be excluded #741
Bug 1923847 : openshift-kube-apiserver: use #708
Bug 1949105 : Reenable NetworkPolicy test. #734
Bug 1957502 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: correct apirequestcount lock #735
Bug 1956895 : UPSTREAM: 101593: kubelet: change cgroup move message to log level 3 #732
Bug 1956898 : UPSTREAM: 99748: kubelet: fix log files being overwritten on containe… #733
Bug 1949612 : UPSTREAM: 101708: Fix log spam for du failure on pod etc-hosts metrics #729
Bug 1954696 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: add apirequestcount useragent #716
Bug 1952666 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: management workloads enhancement 741(uint64) #706
Bug 1953555 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Skip GlusterFS tests #723
Bug 1954770 : UPSTREAM: 99095: Prevent Kubelet stuck in DiskPressure when imagefs minreclaim is set #717
UPSTREAM: 101280: Bug 1913974: Force NodeUnstageVolume to finish for all distros #700
Bug 1952224 : kubelet: do not cleanup volumes if pod is being killed #709
Bug 1954972 : openshift-kube-apiserver/admission: fix featuregates resource name #719
Bug 1954634 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: honor max users #689
Bug 1951585 : Addresses build error pause #685
Bug 1954638 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: apirequest count with empty .status.removedInRelease #715
Bug 1927263 : UPSTREAM: 99336: kubelet: improve the node informer sync check #704
Bug 1953555 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Skip GlusterFS tests #647
Bug 1953127 : Re-enable [Feature:NetworkPolicy] tests which were wrongly disabled in rebase #655
UPSTREAM: <drop>: update openshift/api for old API removal #702
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Provide a new admission plugin to mutate management pods CPUs requests #632
Bug 1948311 : UPSTREAM: 100959: DelegatingAuthenticationOptions: TokenReview reques… #654
Bug 1948953 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Set informer for openstack #662
Bug 1952333 : UPSTREAM: 101306: Additional CVE-2021-3121 fix #699
Bug 1945104 : UPSTREAM: 101186: Fix RBAC of generic ephemeral volumes controller #694
Bug 1944631 : openshift authenticator: don’t allow old-style tokens #667
Bug 1937299 : Fix mounting partitions on NVMe devices #661
Bug 1949050 : UPSTREAM: 101287: Fail fast when image is specified w/o tag #693
Bug 1949050 : UPSTREAM: 101337: Remove Limits from scheduling e2e balanced pod reso… #696
Bug 1951558 : UPSTREAM: 101093: Fix startupProbe behaviour changed #687
Bug 1949306 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: keep apirequestcounts for non-persisted users between updates #684
Bug 1951042 : fix crash when killing container fails
Bug 1934400 : bump(apiserver-library-go): scc-admission: don’t apply defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation:false when container is privileged #673
Bug 1949661 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: management pinning annotations #627
Bug 1949306 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: DeprecatedAPIRequestHandler unit tests #675
Bug 1949306 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: DeprecatedAPIRequest Log #663
Bug 1949050 : UPSTREAM: 101147: Limit image spec’s hash length #674
Bug 1949721 : UPSTREAM: 99237: Use the audit ID of a request for better correlation #672
Bug 1934085 : UPSTREAM: 100128: [sig-scheduling] SchedulerPreemption|SchedulerPredicates|SchedulerPriorities: adjust some e2e tests to run in a single node cluster scenario #665
BUG 1948703: UPSTREAM: 100678: apf: exempt probes /healthz /livez /readyz #656
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Add Dockerfile to build pause image #633
<carry>: enable CSI migration gates in Attach/Detach controller #601
UPSTREAM: <carry>: bump tag version #652
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Disable CSI migration on OpenStack Cinder #651
KS with preferred host support #638
Rebase 1.21.0 rc.0 #641
Revert “UPSTREAM: 97295: Fix staticcheck in test/integration/{examples,framework}” #648
UPSTREAM: 97295: Fix staticcheck in test/integration/{examples,framework} #644
UPSTREAM: <carry>: rate limit initial watch storm from kubelets on apiserver restart #629
Bug 1941000 : get AZ of cinder volume from cinder and not from metadata #634
upstream: 99817: Fix zero-value custom resource validation with go1.16 #637
UPSTREAM: <carry>: kube-apiserver: ignore SIGTERM/INT after the first one #616
improves the apiserver graceful shutdown procedure #606
Ensure multi-az test is run in the serial job #626
UPSTREAM: 96856: e2e network policy enclose IPv6 destinations #628
UPSTREAM: <carry>: provide events, messages, and bodies for probe failures of important pods #609
UPSTREAM: <carry>: allow kubelet to self-authorize metrics scraping #598
UPSTREAM: 91295: kubectl explain: detect resource group in case there… #608
use hardcoded authorizer for metrics #588
UPSTREAM: 96984: APF e2e: wait for steady state before proceeding #599
Bug 1932097 : UPSTREAM: 98571: kubelet: Stop probing a pod during graceful shutdown #594
Bug 1885717 : UPSTREAM: 98742: Sync completed pods until their containers have been terminated #593
UPSTREAM: 99199: delay serving CRD creates for a few seconds for HA consistency #587
Bug 1931103 : UPSTREAM: 96958: kubelet: remove periodic messages from log-level 2 #584
Bug 1916489 : (e2e/scheduler) Ensure minimum memory limit in createBalancedPodForNodes #526
Bug 1908378 : kubelet: fix create sandbox delete pod race #580
UPSTREAM: 98956: Fix race when KillPod followed by IsPodPendingTermining #578
add failure details for SCC not used #573
Bug 1897918 : UPSTREAM: 93861: apiserver: add –permit-address-sharing flag to listen with SO_REUSEADDR #309
Bug 1876918 : Move deferred taint cleanup call to ensure all are removed #513
Bug 1927391 : UPSTREAM: 98939: fixes race in TestSyncPodsDeletesWhenSourcesAreReady #564
Bug 1926484 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: kube-apiserver: ignore SIGTERM/INT after the first one #558
Bug 1926285 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: ignore not found errors in status messages #557
Bug 1925493 : Enable snapshot tests #555
Bug 1896558 : Balance nodes in scheduling e2e #547
BUG 1924870: UPSTREAM: 96901: plumb context with request deadline #549
Bug 1915085 : UPSTREAM: 98424: register all pending pod deletions and check for kill #551
Updating openshift-enterprise-hyperkube builder & base images to be consistent with ART #449
Bug 1894645 : UPSTREAM: 89885: SQUASH: Fix cinder crash #510
Revert OWNERS changes #544
Bug 1917803 : UPSTREAM: 98187: Skip PD tests on 1 node cluster #546
Bug 1896558 : Revert undesired multi az skip #545
Bug 1920368 : UPSTREAM: 98019: specify the container CPU set during the creation #541
Bug 1868645 : UPSTREAM: 94087: kubelet: node sync at least once #522
Bug 1896558 : Skip multiaz e2e #525
Add DOWNSTREAM_OWNERS as preparation for #537
Bug 1870342 : UPSTREAM: 94684: e2e: Pod should avoid nodes that have avoidPod annotation: clean remaining pods #534
Bug 1882750 : UPSTREAM: 98103: kubelet: Delete static pod gracefully and fix mirrorPodTerminationMap leak #531
Bug 1899941 : Override termination grace period on annotation #527
Bug 1915945 : UPSTREAM: 96990: Increase preemption timeout from 1 minute to 2 minutes #530
Bug 1889420 : Add dangling volume check for vsphere #445
Bug 1841119 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: kube-controller-manager: allow running bare kube-controller-manager #415
Bug 1908880 : UPSTREAM: 97980: kubelet: revert checking sandbox deletion #523
Bug 1915582 : UPSTREAM: 97860: move all variables in sampleAndWaterMarkHistograms::innerSet #520
Bug 1903999 : Httplog response code is always zero #494
UPSTREAM: <carry>: (squash) Add detail to rebase doc #487
adds a unit test for checking if graceful shutdown of HTTP2 server works #483
Bug 1877812 : UPSTREAM: 96889: Fix loopback device lookup #512
Bug 1899760 : UPSTREAM: 96754: reduce buckets for etcd_request_duration_seconds #515
BUG 1913525: UPSTREAM: 97820: handle webhook authenticator and authorizer error #516
Bug 1908407 : UPSTREAM: 95269: Fix panic when kubelet register if a node object already exists with no Status.Capacity or Status.Allocatable #493
Bug 1895329 : UPSTREAM: 96751: Lower the frequency of volume plugin deprecation warning #491
Bug 1912563 : UPSTREAM: 97206: clean up executing request on panic #509
Bug 1912563 : UPSTREAM: 97323: fix the deadlock in priority and fairness config controller #508
Bug 1913096 : UPSTREAM: 97006: kubelet: Fix cadvisor machine metrics #507
Bug 1908389 : UPSTREAM: 97635: Cherry pick 443 and 448 from cloud provider azure #500
Bug 1896244 : UPSTREAM: 96467: Add GinkgoRecover to a local storage go routine #492
Bug 1903346 : UPSTREAM: 97013: Fix FibreChannel volume plugin corrupting filesystem on detach #489
add sjenning and mrunalp to approvers and reviewers #505
Bug 1897603 : UPSTREAM: 96673: Fix Cinder volume detection on OpenStack Train #490
Fix vendoring of shared libraries missed by 1.20 rebase. #488
Bug 1907373 : Rebase to kube v1.20.0 #471
Bug 1770017 : kubelet: do not rerun init containers if any main containers have status #481
Bug 1903248 : UPSTREAM: 87461: kubelet: ensure pod UIDs are unique #474
Bug 1873114 : Nodes goes into NotReady state (VMware) #472
UPSTREAM: 94693: test/e2e: Busybox image is not being templatized #452
Bug 1884800 : Reduce volume name length for vsphere #461
Bug 1893972 : UPSTREAM: 96144: Skip the sig-storage e2e test as early as possible #451
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Skip “subPath should be able to unmount” NFS test #450
Bug 1897754 : HPA: Ignore deleted pods. #462
Bug 1893776 : UPSTREAM: 96054: Allow debugging kubelet image pull times #460
OCPCLOUD-914 : UPSTREAM: 94526: Add vCenter info metric #447
Bug 1877681 : UPSTREAM: 95174: Don’t add empty AZ labels to OpenStack pre-provisioned PVs #440
UPSTREAM: 96571: Use the busybox shim image constant #455
scc-admission: add audit annotations with reason #444
UPSTREAM 95002: no stack on panic timeout #456
Revert “UPSTREAM: revert: <drop>: don’t use dynamic tokens for KCM” #459
UPSTREAM: revert: <drop>: don’t use dynamic tokens for KCM #448
Bug 1862643 : UPSTREAM: 96120: kubelet: Expose a simple Get-WinEvent shim on the kubelet logs endpoint #383
Bug 1870337 : UPSTREAM: 96310: PV e2e: fix race in NFS recycling test #441
UPSTREAM: <carry>: stop overriding flags that are explicitly set #439
Bug 1887278 : UPSTREAM: 95236: vsphere: improve logging message on node cache refresh event #432
Revert “UPSTREAM: 95252: Kube-proxy: Perf-fix: Shrink INPUT chain” #434
Bug 1816812 : Allow test images to be in a single mirror #291
Bug 1873043 : Rebase to 1.19.2 #361
Bug 1891459 : UPSTREAM: 95867: Log PodExec stdout + stderr #427
Bug 1884041 : UPSTREAM: 95233: Add error text to kube-system wait error #395
Bug 1879607 : UPSTREAM: 95252: Kube-proxy: Perf-fix: Shrink INPUT chain #425
UPSTREAM: 95495: remove secondary client retries in e2e tests #405
Add component to OWNERS #422
Bug 1889891 : UPSTREAM: 94774: Fix misusage of RLock in timeCache lru.Cache.Get() #418
Bug 1889786 : UPSTREAM: 94712: avoid potential secret leaking while reading .dockercfg #417
Bug 1887026 : UPSTREAM: 95451: Fix fcpath #413
Bug 1868527 : Fix vsphere disk detach failing #408
Fix networking-related test exclusions #382
Bug 1888041 : UPSTREAM: 95561: kubelet container status calculation doesn’t handle suddenly missing data properly #411
Bug 1888663 : wait for oauth-apiserver accessibility #403
Bug 1887292 : UPSTREAM: 95245: Mask Ceph RBD adminSecrets in logs when logLevel >= 4 #406
Bug 1884035 : set lastterminationstate for container status even when CRI fails to return termination (or any) data #393
Bug 1884697 : UPSTREAM: 95261: test: e2e: fix race in pods test #385
Bug 1874583 : fix kube-apiserver termination event(s) validation failures #336
Bug 1848358 : Show error in status if preserve unknown fields is true for nonstructural schemas #355
Bug 1879057 : e2e: skip write/read cache when running Block-mode RWX PVC tests #378
Bug 1882750 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: watch-termination: avoid false positives of NonGracefulTermination events #379
Bug 1881144 : UPSTREAM: 95003: Fail a test on pre-provisioned Cinder volume deletion error #380
Bug 1873043 : Stop annotating origin tests with [Suite:openshift] #377
Bug 1883196 : kube-apiserver: silence own loopback requests before /readyz success #376
Bug 1873043 : Update README.openshift to reflect transition to openshift/kubernetes #366
Bug 1879837 : UPSTREAM: 94986: drop managed fields from audit entries #375
Bug 1882446 : Fix pre-readyz request message without ?verbose #374
Bug 1866836 : UPSTREAM: 95009: Remove ext2 + ext3 tests #373
Bug 1881688 : UPSTREAM: 94984: check readyz before adding endpoint for kube-apiserver #371
Bug 1881238 : UPSTREAM: 94903: Take into account latency incurred in server filters #365
Bug 1881225 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: apiserver: create hasBeenReadyCh channel #368
Bug 1877793 : Force releasing the lock on exit for KS #367
Bug 1866814 : UPSTREAM: 94773: count of etcd object should be limited to the specified resource #357
Bug 1880363 : UPSTREAM: 94888: apiextensions: prune array type without items in published OpenAPI #362
Bug 1873043 : Add rebase instructions #360
Bug 1880941 : kube-apiserver: log non-probe requests before ready #356
Bug 1878163 : Updating openshift-hack/images/hyperkube/Dockerfile.rhel baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #358
Bug 1874920 : Revert “bug 1874919: UPSTREAM: 94423: debugger scheduler plugin” #345
Bug 1880279 : [e2e] scheduling: Pod should avoid nodes that have avoidPod annotation: fail when not all pods are properly deleted #352
Bug 1878163 : Build with golang 1.15 #348
Bug 1877791 : Release lock on KCM and KS termination #350
Bug 1873043 : Commit openapi definitions #351
Bug 1877338 : UPSTREAM: 94653: Tolerate NotFound errors when deleting snapshots #340
Bug 1873043 : Enable k8s-e2e-gcp-serial #337
Bug 1867929 : Reduce offline volume expansion flake #347
Bug 1875194 : UPSTREAM: 94609: Use namespace flag passed to RunKubectl* methods #334
Bug 1873043 : Commit test/e2e/generated/bindata.go #349
Bug 1874584 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: retry etcd errors #327
Bug 1854434 : UPSTREAM: 94112: Remove canonicalization of endpoints by endpoints controller for better comparison #318
UPSTREAM: 89885: Bug 1850149: Include / prefix in the instance ID output #343
Bug 1877001 : UPSTREAM: 92878: cleanup: print warning message only if the function does not finish within 30 seconds #344
Bug 1873043 : Rebase 1.19.0 #325
Bug 1875046 : Undiagnosed panic detected in pod: openshift-kube-apiserver_kube-apiserver: runtime.go:76: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference #338
Bug 1867103 : UPSTREAM: 93777: e2e storage: avoid flaky test failure when watch dies #333
Bug 1821661 : UPSTREAM: 94614: e2e: fix deployment non-unique env vars to avoid SSA error #335
Bug 1875841 : watch-termination: fix deletion race and write non-graceful message also to termination.log #332
BUG 1875041: UPSTREAM: 94134: Make similar buckets for api and etcd request duration histogram #331
Bug 1872080 : Updating openshift-hack/images/hyperkube/Dockerfile.rhel baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #321
Bug 1874919 : UPSTREAM: 94423: debugger scheduler plugin #330
Bug 1855500 : UPSTREAM: 94204: Add impersonated user to system:authenticated group #323
BUG 1863009: vSphere provision failure on ocp46 #319
BUG 1858871: UPSTREAM: 93478: kubelet: eviction: remove unexpected output from TestGetReclaimableThreshold #295
Bug 1868750 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: don’t use dynamic tokens for KCM #320
Misc post rebase cleanup #298
Enable gcp-e2e-kubernetes job #304
UPSTREAM: <carry>: only create valid LateConnections/GracefulTermination events #308
Switch to golang 1.14 #297
UPSTREAM: <carry>: add readyz check for openshift apiserver availability #293
oauth-token-authn: switch to sha256~ prefix #305
UPSTREAM: 93658: test/e2e: fail test rather than flooding logs if PVC watch is closed prematurely #306
Bug 1861631 : UPSTREAM: 85983: fix metrics kubelet_running_pod_count #303
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Strip unnecessary security contexts on Windows #301
UPSTREAM: 93429: e2e: examples: fix test image reference #299
Add custom resource validation for network spec #294
Reapply: UPSTREAM: <carry>: oauth-authn: support sha256 prefixed tokens #302
UPSTREAM: 93508: add permissions required by endpoints controller for blockOwnerDeletion #300
Rebase 1.19.0-rc.2 #166
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Enable timeout validator to run in kube-apiserver #263
UPSTREAM: <carry>: oauth-authn: support sha256 prefixed tokens #208
Enable build and test for master #164
UPSTREAM: <carry>: apiserver: skip local IPs and probes for LateConnections – fix race #25290
Bug 1847043 : UPSTREAM: 89053: migration of re-usable package from pkg/kubelet/cm/cpumanager to pkg/kubelet/cm #25111
wires the egress proxy to the kube-aggregator #25258
IPFamily fixes from upstream #24963
UPSTREAM: <carry>: eliminate unnecessary closure in openshift configu… #24967
Pick scheduler v1beta1 componentconfig API #25203
UPSTREAM: 92197: make log output of failed healthchecks more focused #25132
Bug 1843319 : Fix DS expectations on recreate #25208
UPSTREAM: <carry>: apiserver: skip local IPs for LateConnections #25199
Bug 1839933 : UPSTREAM: 91307: CSI: Modify VolumeAttachment check to use Informer/Cache #25109
UPSTREAM: 89164: Fix data race issue in unit test #25205
Bug 1806034 : UPSTREAM: 90638: Fix race in VSphere volume provisioning #25047
only patch authenticators when there’s no webhook authenticators #25185
Bug 1821280 : Unable to provision vSphere volume #25166
Bug 1814282 : Storage e2es leaving namespaces/pods around #24981
Bug 1842660 : 4.6: UPSTREAM: 91748: FieldManager: Reset if we receive nil or a list with one #25153
Bug 1848379 : UPSTREAM: 89937: portAllocator sync local data before allocate #25150
Bug 1849175 : UPSTREAM: 91569: kubelet: block non-forwarded packets from crossing the localhost boundary #25141
Bug 1847185 : fix: GetLabelsForVolume panic issue for azure disk PV #25121
UPSTREAM: <carry>: apiserver: log new connections during termination #25123
UPSTREAM: 91984: genericapiserver library must wait for server.Shutdown #25108
kube-apiserver: drain HTTP/2 early during termination #25106
UPSTREAM: 91816: GC doesn’t have to create monitors in the constructor #25024
Bug 1838730 : UPSTREAM: 91642: Adjust Azure e2e binding mode #25059
UPSTREAM: 89934: Simplify the unregistration of csiplugin #24877
Bug 1813894 : Disable the addition of service ca to token secrets #24956
Bug 1824423 : Revert “UPSTREAM: <drop>: Increate timeout in volume expansion test” #25034
Bump to kube 1.18.3 #25015
Bug 1765301 : UPSTREAM: 89379: deflake grace period for pod deletion in node e2e #25008
Bug 1825915 : UPSTREAM: 90985: Set session scanning to manual to avoid discovering all iSCSI devices during login #25007
Bug 1827062 : UPSTREAM: 90608: Updates the fstype of Cinder volumes to be ext4 if nil #24990
Bug 1827071 : UPSTREAM: 90792: Send a nicer event when resizing attached Cinder volume #24987
Bug 1798282 : DROP: Avoid unnecessary calls to the cloud provider #24532
Bug 1832641 : UPSTREAM: 90823: Service load balancers should include unschedulable nodes #24954
Bug 1823406 : Upstream: 89160: Remove potentially unhealthy symlink only for dead containers #24926
Bump to kubernetes v1.18.3 #131
base-images: Use debian-base:v2.1.0 and debian-iptables:v12.1.0 (includes CVE fixes) #90863
Automated cherry pick of #91257: Use staging-csi to work around availability #91272
Automated cherry pick of #91184: Azure: support non-VMSS instances removal #91198
Automated cherry pick of #90645: kubeadm: fix flakes when performing etcd MemberAdd on slower #91080
Automated cherry pick of #90989: count no nodes scheduling failure as unschedulable instead of #91108
base-images: Update to kube-cross:v1.13.9-5 #90964
Automated cherry pick of #90425: fix: ACR auth fails in private azure clouds #90478
Automated cherry pick of #90749: fix: azure disk dangling attach issue #90786
Automated cherry pick of #90162: Fix flaws in Azure CSI translation #90324
Move ipvs lib to third_party/forked and fix address family bug present in old kernels #90678
Automated cherry pick of #89222: bugfix: initcontainer wasn’t considered when calculate #90378
Automated cherry pick of #90373: kube-scheduler: compatibility with ServerSideApply #90388
[1.18 cherrypick] Check Annotations map against nil for ConfigMapLock#Update() #89909
Automated cherry pick of #90476: fix backoff manager timer initialization race #90495
Manual cherry pick of #89833: preserve integers decoding raw JSON values #90019
Automated cherry pick of #90468: Restore cache-control header filter #90470
Automated cherry pick of #88006: Unregister csiplugin even if socket path is gone #89934: Simplify unregistration of csiplugin #90125
Automated cherry pick of #90243: Revert “stop defaulting kubeconfig to http://localhost:8080” #90244
Automated cherry pick of #90057: Fix Node initialization for GCP cloud provider #90181
Automated cherry pick of #89188: Move PSP tests behind a feature tag #90120
Automated cherry pick of #89589: Wait for APIServer ‘ok’ forever during CSINode #89809
Automated cherry pick of #89963: Drop round-trip annotations in HPA conversion #89965
Automated cherry pick of #89551 upstream release 1.18 #90016
Automated cherry pick of #89902 upstream release 1.18 #90048
Automated cherry pick of #89908: Skip updating cache on pod update if the node was deleted #89959
Manual cherry pick of #89652: Fix client watch reestablishment handling of client-side timeouts #89975
Automated cherry pick of #89970: Fix priorityClass typo, add numeric priority to static pods #89971
Automated cherry pick of #89768: fix: update max azure disk max count #89853
Automated cherry pick of #89741: Fix permissions for endpointslice controller #89804
Automated cherry pick of #89722: Ensure Azure availability zone is always in lower cases #89879
Automated cherry pick of #89664: Allow to continue if a resource fails to #89789
Automated cherry pick of #89848: Fixes problem where kubectl apply stops after first error #89864
Automated cherry pick of #89706: fix a bug where spn: prefix is unexpectedly added to #89783
Automated cherry pick of #89794: Clean up event messages for errors. #89796
Automated cherry pick of #85027: Fix bug about unintentional scale out during updating #89517
Automated cherry pick of #89795: Ensure diff doesn’t persist patches #89827
Automated cherry pick of #89540: fix cpu resource metric type by changing to counter #89606
Automated cherry pick of #89604: fix concurreny issue in lb creation #89605
Automated cherry pick of #89602: Kubeadm: fix Ready condition check #89603
Automated cherry pick of #89227: Label Windows test as Serial. #89376
Automated cherry pick of #89539: Fixes problem where kubectl apply stops after first error #89607
Automated cherry pick of #89537: kubeadm: add missing RBAC for getting nodes on “upgrade #89577
Automated cherry pick of #88348: Check that ImageInspect pointer is not nil #89536
Update to Golang 1.13.9 #89398
Automated cherry pick of #89444 upstream release 1.18 #89449
Automated cherry pick of #89401: fix kubectl port-forward for services with explicit local #89402
Automated cherry pick of #89337: Fix the VMSS name and resource group name when updating VMSS #89355
Automated cherry pick of #89341: bump utils #89343
Automated cherry pick of #89232: Use discovery to test apply all status #89333
Automated cherry pick of #89319: Update vendored MountSensitive code for Windows #89331
Automated cherry pick of #88987: make filteredZones order predictable #89238
Automated cherry pick of #89236: Restore orphaning check in gc test #89237
changelog: add changelogs for all release back due branch FF merge issue #89124
Cleanup CHANGELOG/ #88334
Implement ItemBucketRateLimiter #88261
chore: move Azure caches to a separate package #88259
kubeadm config images list: implement structured output #86810
Use ProxierHealthUpdater directly to avoid panic #87870
test/e2e/framework:remove TODO and make func private #88235
Fix route conflicted operations when updating multiple routes together #88209
Graduate PodTopologySpread to Beta #88105
Run Windows kubelet stats e2e tests serially to reduce test flakes #87992
fix: update azure disk max count #88201
Add deletion interfaces for VM, VMSS and interface clients #88155
[Scheduler Framework]Remove FilteredNodesStatuses
argument from PreScore
’s interface #88189
upgrade pause everywhere #88173
Error if –local and –dry-run=server are passed #88135
Pass context to tryAcquireOrRenew #87899
If lastTimestamp is not set use firstTimestamp when printing event #86557
Ineffassign fixes for pkg/volume #87711
Version the API Priority and Fairness FieldManager values #88171
fix path to prow size plugin #80302
Shrink mutation detection critical section #88131
Fix example of kubectl config set-credentials command #88071
Ineffassign fixes for pkg/controller and kubelet #87712
Report scheduler_perf integration test kube-scheduler metrics into artifacts dir #88162
test/e2e/framework/:remove TODO and use framework.SingleCallTimeout #88065
Remove PodBackoffMap #87948
fix: get azure disk lun timeout issue #88158
Reduce public methods for DryRunVerifier #87489
e2e-topology-manager: single-NUMA-node test #87645
Clean up TODO around running test as sudo #87355
Update Release Engineering OWNERS #88116
Fix shellcheck warnings/errors in /build/lib/ #87285
apps/StatefulSets: Garbage collector should be able to orphan ControllerRevisions too #84984
kube-proxy: Only open ipv4 sockets for ipv4 clusters #87699
Change line terminators from CRLF to LF #88144
switch pause to docker manifest instead of manifest-tool #88139
kube-proxy crash when load balancers use a different IP family #87117
Create an OWNERS alias for net-driver-approvers #88138
Add events to PV when mount fails on filesystem mismatch #86982
Fix a bug in e2epod function #88143
Construct http Request using http.NewRequest #88140
add a changelog note for pause 3.2 #88137
Switch test COS image to include runc-1.0.0-rc10 fix. #88102
Fix gce-cos-master-reboot test #88099
Set up connection onClose prior to adding to connection map #88079
register queue metrics in controller manager #87967
Separate containerd install from config, and other cleanups #87907
Add twice refactored filter and config consumer for API Priority and Fairness #87754
Fix typo from reseting to resetting #87079
Fix a failing test in NetworkPolicy e2e #85909
update pause to 3.2 since we changed the build #88129
Fix impossible condition in test/e2e/framework/resource_usage_gatherer.go #88104
Move skip method from e2e fw ginkgowrapper to e2e skipper fw #88096
Replace Beta OS/arch labels with the GA ones #88092
test/e2e/framework/util.go: make function LookForString private #88067
Add buffer for GC resync retry to GC e2e tests #88053
Remove HardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight from v1alpha2 Component Config #88002
Collect some of scheduling metrics and scheduling throughput (vol. 2) #87923
Update Abdullah as the scheduling feature approver #88128
CHANGELOG: Update #88115
kubectl cluster-info dump: use file extension according to output format #82070
don’t specify apiVersion when getting AAD token #87590
Provide OIDC discovery for service account token issuer #80724
Remove tautological condition in test/e2e/framework/pod/resource.go #88070
add azure disk WriteAccelerator support #87945
[Scheduler Framework] Rename PostFilter
plugin to PreScore
Use –dry-run=server in kubectl commands #87714
add roycaihw to reviewers in apiextensions-apiserver #82051
Add ephemeral containers to streamLocation name suggestions #81678
Initialize http Request Header before RoundTrip to avoid panic #88064
Don’t show flags in api-versions help #88084
Refactor e2e node selection #88059
Change migrated-to annoation key to follow best practices by removing beta #88032
kube-proxy: validate dual-stack cidrs #87353
Return the error from copyInto #86896
Create manual conversions for serializer testing types #88018
Make Azure clients only retry on specified HTTP status codes #88017
Staticcheck: vendor/ etc. #87403
Add logs of port-forward-tester pod #87057
kubeadm: remove ‘kubeadm upgrade node config’ command when v1.18 is released #87975
cross build pause with buildx #87954
Fix kubectl drain ignore daemonsets and others #87361
fix golint error in plugin/pkg/auth/authorizer/rbac/bootstrappolicy #87234
proxier: only get local addresses once per sync loop #85617
Round managedFields times to the nearest second before sorting #88035
Avoid running docker specific test in containerd #88033
Add RegisterPluginAsExtensionsWithWeight #88024
fix: add azure disk migration support on CSINode #88014
Support for adding test-handler for containerd #88010
Add missing tag to vSphere storage E2E tests #88003
test/e2e/framework:move functions to test/e2e/scheduling/ #87943
add indexer for pod storage #87939
Remove the exponential backoff in NodeGetInfo #87911
Make DisruptionController eviction tests serial to avoid flakes #87819
Add kubectl diff exit code doc #87805
WatchBasedManager stops watching immutable objects #87718
Add comments in several hack/*.sh #87595
Add comments in several hack/verify-*.sh(s-v) #87417
Add matthyx to sig-node-reviewers in OWNERS_ALIASES #85234
add exponential backoff with cap and reset in reflector during retrying ListWatch #87795
Migrate health monitor from read only port to healthz port #87463
Lower ssa auto-enablement to 10% #88019
Cleanup “slow-path” logic in scheduler Filters #87847
Added ‘No resources found’ message to describe <type> and top pod commands #87527
Use NodeSelector instead of NodeName in hostexec Pod #87871
Enable field management for all new objects #87984
Add damemi to sig-scheduling owners #87982
test/ : fix non-ascii characters #87950
Fix non-ascii characters in test/e2e_node and test/network. #87949
remove authn/z.CreateContext expansions #87991
Switch node authorizer indexes to reference counts, add fastpath edge removal #87696
tolerate when bazel shutdown errors out #87958
Refine WaitingPod interface for scheduler Permit plugin #87936
Treat replaced events that didn’t change resourceVersion as resync events #87957
add StatusConflict(409) as non-retriable error for disksClient #87959
Add error check in kubectl proxy on server setup #80651
Ability to use containerd as runtime in kube-up (on Ubuntu) #87931
Prevent returning invalid usageNanoCores value when cpuacct is reset in a live container #83507
Support config kubelet provider id for local cluster #87914
Remove references to prometheus is test/e2e #85029
remove TODO and unused code #87947
Flip CSIMigrationOpenStack flag to be beta and off by default #85637
add *Options to Create, Update, and Patch in generated clientsets #87952
Bump to latest SMD to pick up performance optimizations #87908
Modify Kubelet Pod Resources API to get only active pods #79409
kubeadm: remove ‘kubeadm alpha kubelet config download’ #87944
kubeadm: deprecate –kubelet-version command line option #87942
fix: add non-retriable errors in azure clients #87941
Do lenient decoding only for #87853
kubeadm: dual-stack validation allow single stack #87453
Validate Except of IPBlock for NetworkPolicy spec #86578
Fix golint in staging/src/ #83546
kubelet: Debug pod status output diff is wrong #87858
context in client-go #87299
Ensure bazel is really brought down (ONLY on bazel-release target) #87929
remove bash examples/comments from the v1beta1 and v1beta2 APIs #87886
Add code to fix kubelet/metrics memory issue. #87913
Fix non-ascii characters in test/e2e/storage #87930
LogResult if there is an error #87928
cluster: Add justaugustus as reviewer #87877
Prevent error message from being displayed during plugin list when path includes empty string #87633
staticcheck: pkg/volume/fc, pkg/volume/portworx and pkg/volume/vspher… #87381
SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates resource limits of pods that are allowed to run - set resource requests as well #87242
token cache: make fetch_total a counter #86921
kubectl create clusterrolebinding
creates object #85889
Added server-side printers for API priority and fairness #85321
Adds initial unit tests for tablegenerator.go #84620
Remove deprecated fields from #87904
Limit number of instances in single update to GCE target pool #87881
Drop packages #87503
Fix Cpu Requests priority Windows. #85856
add indexer for storage cacher #85445
Fix Golint errors in pkg/registry/core/pod #87885
Ensure kubectl is available in default PATH #87772
Add defaults to pod affinity args #87725
Fixed a failing test on a RBD mount scenario #87609
Refactor docker specific oom const out of qos pkg #87390
Register conversions for kubectl testing types #87892
Fix non-ascii characters in test/e2e/node/pods.go #87841
Use longer pod start timeouts for specific tests #87910
Remove Error log for nil StartTime in preemption candidates #87900
Revert “Collect some of scheduling metrics and scheduling throughput” #87897
Add UpdateTwice and UpdateApply benchmarks for fieldmanager #87896
CHANGELOG: Move changelogs into a subdir to delegate releng approvals #87879
fix staticcheck errors in vendor/ #87874
Fix non-ascii characters in test/e2e/common/projected_configmap.go #87798
Add a fast path for adding new node in node_authorizer #87688
fix command variable exited with status 1 #87653
volume binder testing #87642
add a flag in azure auth module to omit spn: prefix in audience claim #87630
Openapi/delete return type #87559
FC mount options #87499
fix e2e dual-stack test flakiness #87201
gce-addons: Make sure default/limit-range doesn’t get overridden #87902
PodTopologySpread plugin now excludes terminatingPods #87845
snapshot clientsets pending context migration #87734
Make oidc authenticator audience agnostic #87612
build: Remove deb and rpm build definitions/specs #87585
Explicitly shutdown bazel after the target finishes #87866
Move ‘path’ package usage to ‘path/filepath’ (repeat the #87713) #87838
Updating dependency to version v1.2.0 #87830
implement backoff manager #87829
add myself to hack/OWNERS #87826
Ensure testing credentials are labeled as such #87823
Check getNodeInfoError against nil #87818
kube-aggregator: increase log level of AggregationController API group logging #87813
Reduce overhead of error message formatting and allocation for NodeResource filter #87788
makes unavailableGauge metric to always reflect the current state of a service #87778
Cleanup TopologyManager and update policy.Merge() #87758
python snippets should work on both old and new python versions #87741
update to c8a5fca4a652 #87695
Move IngressFromManifest/IngressToManifest to ingress e2e fw #87513
Add annotation updating for migration for PVs and PVCs #87098
Windows kubelet stats timeout updates #87730
Collect some of scheduling metrics and scheduling throughput #85861
Cleanup manual conversions #87007
test/e2e/framework: remove skip.go and use e2eskipper subpackage #87358
fix static check errors in vendor/ #87492
remove stateCheckPeriod #82111
kubectl: allow to preselect interesting container in logs #87809
Add an option to external storage e2es to use a copy of a pre-installed StorageClass #87793
remove authn/z expansions #87791
Save log files for network proxy #87786
Only set admission review reponse patch type if the patch is not empty #87781
Ensure specified container runtimes are present #87761
update network-y stuff for supporting ubuntu/bionic #87760
Change HostPath to EmptyDir for VolumeSubpathEnvExpansion e2e tests #87825
grammar(noun to pod adjective phases) change for pods status in tests #87598
Avoid thundering herd of relists on etcd #86430
Move ‘path’ package usage to ‘path/filepath’. #87713
Fix CreateVolume signature in comment #87451
Use network proxy for aggregator api #87515
Ineffassign fixes for pkg/proxy #87710
Initial behavior examples for conformance #85960
fix shell checks errors in cluster/ #82454
Log when client rate limiter latency is very high at a lower log level #87740
Update GCP Windows node image versions #87629
kubectl-diff: Return non-1 errors on kubectl failures #87437
add to api repo documentation #87663
kubelet/network: add sig-network-approvers to OWNERS #85472
Fix non-ascii characters in test/e2e/common/runtime.go #87680
Enable selinux tags in make targets #87658
kubeadm: prevent bootstrap of nodes with known names #81056
More unit tests for scheduler #87565
Update OWNERS #87732
Fix statefulset conversion #87706
Fix comment whitespace #87705
fix: missing variadic dots #87689
Fix backoff retries for AzureFile client #87686
Add disableAvailabilitySetNodes to avoid VM list for VMSS clusters #87685
Set cache to nil data when Azure node provisioning state is deleting #87635
Reduce default CPU requirement for konnectivity server #87729
Extend –dry-run to support values ‘client’, ‘server’, ‘none’ #87580
Fix some scheduler metrics(pending_pods and schedule_attempts_total) are not recorded. #87692
Fix node authorizer index recomputation #87693
Delete the sysctl runtime admit handler #87394
Attach a new finalizer in GCE ILB creation. #86793
Add support for pre-allocated hugepages with 2+ sizes #82820
Allow Action’s Matches function to specify a subresource. #87687
Move mutating admission step into finishRequest in the create handler #87671
Fix preemption race conditions on heavily utilized nodes for e2e tests #82350
Fixed listType annotations for API Priority and Fairness #87676
remove client label from apiserver request count metric since it is unbounded #87669
Update GCE Windows smoke-test script to work with 1909 nodes. #87632
Add #87628
Cleanup validation for immutable secrets/configmaps #87602
Bump dependency #87517
Agnhost webhook sidecar #87385
cleanup: delete unused func #87384
changelog: clarify 1.17 upgrade requirements #87090
apimachinery: fix bugs in a Test function #85011
Do not serialize internal types in ComponentConfig tests #86144
Fix cpu manager e2e test typo #86413
Make schema error log message more useful #87677
Add GC e2e debug logging #87670
Allow update of onXPN field in fake GCE clients. #87667
Update GCI_VERSION to cos-77-12371-114-0 as older image is deprecated #87652
Move GetPortURL to ingress e2e fw #87512
cni: Update CNI version to v0.8.5 #78819
Revert “Merge pull request #87258 from verult/slow-rxm-attach” #87664
Image Promoter: Cleans manifest list #87647
Register RunPodSandbox* metrics #87627
Fix back off when scheduling cycle is delayed #87616
Refactor context handling in rest.Request #87597
remove duplicate default etcd server version from #87588
Bump dependency opencontainers/runc@v1.0.0-rc10 #87516
bump #87431
Add: ConfigMap lifecycle test #87212
Add foreground deletion check to ensure GC is aware of the new custom type #87665
Remove kubectl run generators #87077
various context related cleanups to rest.Request #87599
Skip default spreading scoring plugin for pods that define TopologySpreadConstraints #87566
fix static check in pkg/volume/flocker #87544
Promote: Secret patching test #87262
Implement support for setting hugepages limit on container cgroup sandbox. #84154
Fix kubectl taint’s Complete parsing #87423
Add: PodTemplate lifecycle test #87219
Add: promotion for LimitRange defaults test to Conformance #87371
import-boss reverse import #83526
Clarify sha matching etcd release tag #87614
Parallelize attach operations across different nodes for volumes that allow multi-attach #87258
azure: switch log verbosity for cache refresh logs #87601
add comment in several hack/ sh scripts. #87446
Fix bug of hack/ #87514
azure: set nil cache entry based on old cache #87531
add logging when kubelet is waiting for cert #86458
Updates to roundtrip package #86959
Add logging to scheduler’s event handlers #87548
Cleanup unused Azure client interfaces #87555
Make API Priority and Fairness suggested config avoid the mandatory catch-all #87528
test/e2e/framework: handle the case where BeforeEach was never called #87511
kubeadm: improvements to the concurrent etcd member join support #87505
/test/e2e/framework:remove TODO in test/e2e/framework/util.go #87525
fix static check in cluster/images/etcd-version-monitor #87243
Adds unit test on Bind extension for the scheduler #87455
Added relevent approvers and reviewers for gci. #87529
Fix golint errors in test/e2e/storage/vsphere #86910
Promote: find Kubernetes Service in default Namespace #87260
Adding taint toleration error reasons #87250
Refactor Topology Manager policies to reduce code duplication #87460
Simplified and corrected logic around context cancelation in refactored QueueSet #87362
Whitelisting * for the GCP credential provider #87509
remove unused layer of loop structure in processorListener::run #87393
clean up node_authorizer code: verb judgement #87239
Clean up commented assertions in tests #87237
Revert “It fixes a bug where AAD token obtained by kubectl is incompa… #87507
Default the –enable-cadvisor-endpoints flag to disabled #87440
Update cri-tools to v1.17.0 #86305
Add serathius to sig-instrumentation-approvers #87518
Fix issue with GCE scripts assuming Python2. #87504
Re-enable apply for 50% of requests #87500
Debugging 87473, printing out the last state of the dependent #87479
Remove deprecated GA feature gates that expire in 1.18 #87475
Fix error-string-capitalization in clientset generator. #87138
fix-staticcheck:pkg/volume/scaleio/ #87183
kubeadm: kube-dns is deprecated and will not be supported in a future version #86574
Update to v2.2.8 #87467
add warning on ObjectReference #87459
kubeadm: remove the deprecated GA CoreDNS feature-gate #87400
Self nominate aojea as sig-network-reviewer #87356
Promote: Namespace patch test #87256
informers: Don’t treat relist same as sync #86015
Fix numPDBViolations when victims on same node are assigned same PDB #82235
Remove scheduler/algorithm/priorities
in import-restrictions #87406
Fix staticcheck in pkg/controller/podgc #87308
Image Promoter: Bump timeout limit #87494
Image Promoter: Remove -it from docker command #87483
Fix static check failures in test/e2e/instrumentation/logging/st… #87178
Add env var(CNI_TAR_PREFIX) for cni install. #87478
don’t wait blindly #87471
fix static check errors in test/integration/etcd #87457
Delete TODO to use docker client #87456
Update structured-merge-diff dependency to v3 #87442
add crash protection to wait functions that were missing it #87338
Support test deprecated metrics #87241
pass through KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS to enable build on specified platforms #87012
add dynamic reloading for CSR signing controllers #86816
kube-proxy: fix incorrect log information #87449
test images: Image Promoter fixes #87188
Record overall Filter latency for all nodes in a scheduling cycle. #87458
Enable verify-import-boss check for e2e framework #87265
add myself to sig-network-approvers #85612
Move default binding to a plugin #87430
e2e-topology-manager: Initial commit for E2E tests #86184
Fix grammar: have -> has #85421
healthz: instrument root healthz requests for metrics #83598
Fix: describe of statefulset prints pointer not value #85846
Remove folder pkg/scheduler/algorithm #87439
Fix static check errors in pkg/util/netsh #87377
bumped pause-win to 1.1.0 #87436
Use e2eskipper package in test/e2e/common/ #87270
fix flaky test “should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a replication controller” #87432
Deprecate scheduler’s framework.plugins.RegistryArgs #87407
Fix multinode storage e2e tests for multizone clusters #85898
Promote a TCP socket probe test to Conformance #85486
Move GeneralPredicates logic to kubelet. #87342
Fix typo in comments for func GetFullContainerName #87072
Move scheduler’s SchedulerExtender interface to core/extenders.go #87401
Support server-side dry-run in cli-runtime REST Helper #86408
Enable bound tokens in local-up-cluster #87386
fix static check failure in pkg/controller/disruption and pkg/control… #87382
Add comments in several hack/verify-*.sh(g-r) #87379
Use e2eskipper package in test/e2e/framework/ #87317
Replace Scheduler.GetBinder with a method #87297
Initialize CPUManager containerMap to set of initial containers #87397
switch to docker command line in tests/e2e_node #87335
Update logic in CPUManager
Remove check for empty activePods list in CPUManager removeStaleState #87255
Update aws-sdk-go dependency to v1.28.2 #87253
Bump golang/mock version to v1.3.1 #87326
Return error instead of panic when cpu manager fails on startup. #84705
fix staticcheck: pkg/volume/awsebs #87074
fix staticcheck:pkg/volume/cinder #87139
Add flowcontrol to apiVersionPriorities #87357
hack/ unify –cluster-cidr in KCM and CCM #87359
fix a bug that orphan revision cannot be adopted and statefulset cannot be synced #86801
Updating protobuf (v1.3.1) and grpc (v1.26.0) #87081
Add Azure storage clients with backoff retry #87306
API for immutable Secrets and ConfigMaps #86377
Update validation for API Priority and Fairness #87313
Add comments in several hack/verify-generated-*.sh #87307
Remove Brad Childs from OWNERS #87347
Improve error message when diff binary is not in PATH #87344
Fix static check failures in test/e2e/instrumentation/monitoring #87221
Creating new EndpointSliceProxying feature gate for kube-proxy, enabling EndpointSlice feature gate by default #86137
Move Snapshot to internal/cache #87165
fix staticcheck errors in pkg/volume/hostpath. #87245
Modify alias of e2e/framework/job to e2ejob #87303
rename some declartions named context in tests #87298
Remove Brad Childs from OWNERS files #87293
Updated - topologymanager: Add Merge method to Policy #85798
Check first if ipvs module is builtin #82223
Implement default queue sort logic as a scheduler plugin #87261
In test framework LoadConfig(), use CurrentContext.Server for TestCon… #87030
kubeadm upgrades always persist the etcd backup for stacked #86861
move function GetKubemarkMasterComponentResoureUsage and remove long-time TODO #87271
test/e2e/framework/rc/:refactor function ByNameContainer remove unused flag #87274
Add comments in several hack/verify-*.sh #87272
add in hack/ #87065
Move ValidateEndpointsPorts() to e2e test #87291
Fix the bug PIP’s DNS is deleted if no DNS label service annotation isn’t set. #87246
Allow a preloaded gke-exec-auth-plugin #87032
Add error check for instance insert in node e2e #87003
Adding unit tests for kube-scheduler Config Complete() method. #86709
Update bitmask printing to print in groups of 2 instead of all 64 bits #87283
Use e2eskipper package in test/e2e/autoscaling #87173
fix-staticcheck:pkg/volume/emptydir #87128
Fix ineffectual assignment to CPUSets #83904
fix ci-kubernetes-node-kubelet-serial Non-system critical priority classes are not allowed to have a value larger than HighestUserDefinablePriority #82493
Fix link in readme #86652
Fixed fluentd (addon) docker.log format (configuration) #87041
pkg/master: fix staticcheck warning #85171
simple typo fix #87254
cleanup(scheduler): remove unused function, remove duplicate comment #87238
add comment in hack/update-*.sh #87181
use e2eskipper package in test/e2e/cloud #87175
Update to golang@1.13.6 #87106
Use e2eskipper package in test/e2e/auth #87062
Add import-aliases check of e2e sub framework #87042
Allow show hidden metrics in kube-controller-manager #85281
Add integration test for NodeResourceLimits plugin #87192
Fix a flaky scheduler preemption e2e #86400
Pick closest tags for a few packages and avoid random SHA #87158
Add PatchService method in service/helper. #87217
Nominate alculquicondor to sig-scheduling-maintainers #87202
remove TODO in test/e2e/framework/providers/gce/ingress.go #87132
Revert “Revert “Add an option to specify kubelet flags for heapster node #87013
Simplify code generator dependencies #87226
Add Azure network and VM clients with backoff retry #87122
remove TODO in test/e2e/framework/skip.go #87230
using string instead of byte #86569
Clarify intstr.IntValue() behavior #86172
Fix apply –prune to visit cli specified namespace #85613
Fix kubectl top sort-by cpu and sort-by memory options #82333
cleanup(kubectl taint): fix Errorf and comment error, and remove unne… #86347
Revert “list vm instead of get when getting virtual machine” #87210
storage e2e: Add context to timeout errors #87168
test/e2e/framework:remove generateWriteBlockCmd due to the repeat to … #87021
Cleanup cloud controller manager when closing cluster. #86955
Fix err variable shadowing issue in storage/utils #86886
Add test coverage for oom watcher #86728
Mark session affinity e2e tests as [Flaky] #87222
Make sure PDB has observed pods before doing eviction in e2e test #87205
Clean up rkt specific code in pkg/kubelet/pleg
Do not require token secrets when using bound service account tokens #87029
Make CustomResourceDefinitionStatus fields +optional #87213
make request logs greppable #87203
remove TODO(random-liu): Move pod wait function into this file #87189
Use e2eskipper package in e2e/scheduling and e2e/servicecatalog #87169
Use v1 subjectaccessreview API in controller-manager CSR approver #87164
set test image cloudbuild directory #87162
Multi arch for nonroot image #87153
Allow embedding logs command #87152
e2e/gke_local_ssd.go and e2e/gke_node_pools.go:Use e2eskipper package #87121
test/e2e/windows/:Use e2eskipper package #87103
e2e/instrumentation:Use e2eskipper package #87101
Remove last scheduler dependencies on predicates package #87091
Remove direct use of Snapshot’s data structures #87038
Add Azure network security group resource group #87035
Cleanup comments and names in client-go/tools/cache #86774
fix broken link: #86239
Enabled reading config files for vsphere e2e tests. #82027
Stop tracking managedField on create/update #87196
Included CSINode describer #85283
Fixes unnecessary creation of default SG and trying to delete non-provisioned SG by k8s system when annotation [] is present #84265
Refactor kubelet resource metrics #86282
Fix(kubectl): the fields of history controllerrevision will be covered with daemonset #86215
Clean deprecated metrics #76496
Allow “kubelet –node-ip ::” to mean prefer IPv6 #85850
test/e2e/ui and test/e2e/upgrades:Use e2eskipper package #87125
test/e2e/storage:Use e2eskipper package #87124
updating googleapis/gnostic to v0.1.0 #87107
test/e2e/kubectl test/e2e_kubeadm:Use e2eskipper package #87102
Drop random SHA and update to v0.6.2 #87088
Remove unused KUBE_TEST_API logic #87082
e2e/network/:Use e2eskipper package #87073
Fix staticcheck failures of pkg/util/ipconfig pkg/util/iptables pkg/util/ipvs/testing #87002
kubeadm: support automatic retry after failing to pull image #86899
Centralizes images into agnhost (part 4) #81170
Fix GetPodLogs failures in NetworkPolicy e2e tests #85897
Enable tracking field management for some objects before they are applied to #87044
change apply signature and move it’s decoding into handler #86560
Bootstrap flow-control objects #85268
Update to v2.2.7 #85458
Move from random SHA - update to v0.1.0 #87093
Update hostpath and mock csi drivers with latest sidecars #86939
Fix a flaky e2e test of Job completion #86627
Create test to patch a secret #86857
Remove duplicated ServiceStartTimeout #87097
Add some comment to hack/ #87076
Fix a comment typo in legacyNodeRoleBehaviorFeature #84433
Use release tags for aec and goconvey #87089
Remove no longer needed modifyContainerPIDNamespaceOverrides
Refactor oom watcher to allow greater test coverage #86702
Ensure a provider ID is set on a node if expected #87043
Remove workaround for RS bug in cmd apps test #87023
add myself as feature approver (for SIG cloud provider) #87084
e2e/node/:Use e2eskipper package #87069
Use e2eskipper package in e2e/apps #87061
Cleanup unused predicate error types. #87055
Remove scheduler/algorithm/priorities/util package #87051
Update Azure owners #87034
Add a comment for function WithPlugin #87005
fix: typos in comments of admission #87060
fix golint error in pkg/apis/rbac #87050
Cleanup scheduler/algorithm/predicates package #87037
fix typo in ipvs proxier README #87001
Add error handling of CloseWrite() #87052
Fix comment #87014
test images: Adds E2E test image automated build #84058
Separate skip as framework subpackage #87031
kubenet: replace gateway with cni result #85993
Allow usage of consts and variables for stable metrics in static analysis #84373
Bind kube-dns containers to linux nodes to avoid Windows scheduling on kubernetes cluster includes linux nodes and windows nodes #83358
refactor: remove several files in priorities package #86997
Revert “fix flakes on e2e test TCP CLOSE_WAIT timeout” #87036
feat(scheduling): address disabled plugins in scheduling framework #86905
Break nodeunschedulable Filter plugins dependency on predicates package #86848
fix: remove ErrTopologySpreadConstraintsNotMatch #86999
Remove nodes from cache immediately on delete events #86964
Cleanup/Enhance scheduler metrics #86545
Add simple reference to synopsis of kube-scheduler #86529
feat: remove several feature gates in 1.18 #86210
Bind dns-horizontal containers to linux nodes to avoid Windows scheduling on kubernetes cluster includes linux nodes and windows nodes #83364
Remove ErrServiceAffinityViolated scheduler predicate error #86998
Remove uses of NodeInfoMap outside of snapshot and cache #86981
fix kubectl annotate error when local=true is set. #86952
Move yaml limit tests to benchmarks #86885
Repair smoke-test for Windows GCE clusters #86495
Add johnbelamaric as conformance code reviewer/approver #85154
Update Calico to v3.8.4 #84163
remove TODO in test/e2e/framework/node/resource.go #86782
fix kubectl apply set last applied namespace error #86474
Move TaintToleration predicate to its plugin #86979
Add VolumeBinder to FrameworkHandle interface #86940
Move IsAppArmorSupported() from e2e framework #86991
Remove test/integration dependency on predicates and algorithmprovider #86985
Move selector spreading priority code to plugin #86890
Remove test/e2e dependency on scheduler/predicates package #86983
Fix interpodaffinity issue #86966
Update scheduler’s RunFilterPlugins to return a plugin to status map #86963
crd openapi e2e: increase waitForOpenAPISchema timeout #86931
Break interpodaffinity Filter plugins dependency on predicates package #86836
Change PDB tests to use pod conditions instead of phase #86366
fix e2e test TCP CLOSE_WAIT #86924
Use Network Proxy for Admission Webhooks #85168
Demote Delete Grace Period test to [Flaky] #86962
cleanup(api-machinery): remove unused struct and variable #86950
Remove redundant nil check in apiserver integration test #86947
fix typo #86946
Add simple explanation to #86945
Use Snapshot.NodeInfoList for listing operations #86930
Move publish and unpublish counting up in test #86891
Addons: elasticsearch supports automatically setting the advertise address #85944
Drop version from static openapi json file #84654
Break serviceaffinity Filter plugins dependency on predicates package #86764
Create test for finding service from listing all namespaces #86856
Revert “fix flakiness on e2e test TCP CLOSE_WAIT timeout” #86932
kubeadm: Fix a false positive in a warning #86917
staticcheck:test/integration/master/ #86901
Remove variable EXTERNAL_CLOUD_VOLUME_PLUGIN default value #86893
fix log message error in nodelifecycle #86871
Create namespace patch test #86854
fix staticcheck of pkg/util/ebtables #86775
Adding in missing Registry unit tests. #86755
Lock checksum calculation for v1 CPUManager state to pre 1.18 logic #86689
Add simple explanation to verify golint script #86604
kubectl: remove unreachable code #84241
refactor events utils in e2e #85190
Fix golint failures for pkg/kubelet/config/… #84927
Shorten health check timeout for AWS NLB with externalTrafficPolicy: Local #73363
Fix how we check for node info list consistency #86919
Break volumezone Filter plugins dependency on predicates package #86852
Break nodelabel Filter plugins dependency on predicates package #86847
move functions from e2e/framework/deployment/ to e2e/apps/ and e2e/up… #86767
Revise SharedInformer godoc comments #84453
fix a bug in scheduler’s node resource limits score #86913
Move RequestedToCapacityRatio argument processing to its plugin #86875
Break nodevolumelimits Filter plugins dependency on predicates package #86849
code-gen: fix argument type for plural exceptions #86310
staticcheck:test/integration/auth/ #86900
Remove dead code in fake docker client #86832
Remove recorder.PastEventf
method #86727
allow an SNI cert to be used to respond for a particular IP #85308
Dualstack support for kube-proxy iptables mode #82462
kubemark use remote cri #86575
add route.Get() and skip PUT if route exists #86561
Reuse converter in crdHandler#getOrCreateServingInfoFor #86501
Remove unused scheduler types #86877
rename ExtenderConfig to Extender in comments #86859
Correct comment around which integrations require cadvisor_stats #86844
list vm instead of get when getting virtual machine #86817
move funs of framework/volume to e2e/storage #86748
remove TODO in test/e2e/framework/auth/helpers #86738
Update to golang@1.13.5 #86707
Add public documentation for kubelet/apis/config #85431
remove TODO: Use return type string instead of []string and update func #86653
kubetestgen: improve errors handling #86874
Add VMSS and VMSSVM clients with backoff retry #86740
fix fake remote CRI #86724
Copy nodeaffinity predicate to its filter plugin #86718
fix flakiness on e2e test TCP CLOSE_WAIT timeout #86708
Kubelet: add a metric to observe time since PLEG last seen #86251
replace grpc.WithDialer which is deprecated #84345
Fix staticcheck failures of test/integration/client test/integration/disruption #86781
e2e: move funs of framework/viperconfig to e2e #86743
Require client / server protocols #86646
Remove rkt
from container runtime options #86845
Add klueska as an approver in test/e2e_node/OWNERS #86438
Add klueska as an approver in pkg/kubelet/cm/OWNERS #86344
Fix local cluster do not work with non-intree external cloud provider issue #86870
Remove ineffective calls in toUnstructured #86512
Log mvcc revision compaction as warning #84602
Break volumerestrictions Filter plugins dependency on predicates package #86850
Perform dead storage removal linearly #86514
Cleanup deprecated scheduler functions/files #86822
Return when removePod failed #85561
remove unused code and use framework #86831
clarify apiserver bind-address flag usage #86830
Break DS controller dependency on scheduler predicates and predicate errors #86730
Break volumebinding Filter plugins dependency on predicates package #86742
fix: correct the mentioned endpointslice manage label name. #86829
publishing: Update to go@1.13.4 for kubernetes-1.16 #86704
remove unused code test/e2e/framework/google_compute.go #86796
kubeadm: use bind-address instead of address to configure the http probes #86493
Cleanup SetPredicatesOrderingDuringTest due to deprecation of predicates #86820
Cleanup unused parameter of NewGenericScheduler #86819
prevent blocking wait in cert reloading #86383
Kubemark - adding private cluster check #86815
deprecate scheduling_algorithm_predicate_evaluation_seconds and sched… #86584
remove unnecessary code in client-go test #86660
update comments of some funs in scheduling_queue #86785
Define algorithm providers in terms of plugins #86673
kube-proxy: add some interface type assertions #86665
Don’t paginate in listwatch #86790
if no cycle dependency , use framework in test/e2e_node/ #86768
CHANGELOG-1.17: add note about service CIDR bug #86759
Deprecate scheduling_duration_seconds Summary metric #86586
Define workloads specs by YAML #86160
Minor nit in error message about feature gate stage #86757
Add instructions about how to bring up e2e test cluster #85836
silence usage when required flag is not passed #86693
kubeadm: tolerate whitespace when validating user CA PEMs #86705
Fix staticcheck failures of test/integration/replicationcontroller #86745
Scheduler handles pod annotation updates during scheduling more gracefully #86230
Remove todos for verification of “allowed to post CSR” and “allowed to auto approve CSR” for bootstraptoken group #86598
Postpone flag warning log to just before it be used #86750
Move resource-based priority functions to their Score plugins #86725
Metrics stability framework cleanup #86723
Move WaitForFailure() to the test #86732
Add backoff retries and client config for Azure cloud provider #86719
e2e:remove func of framework/replicaset to e2e/upgrades/apps/replicas… #86661
e2e:remove unused func in /test/e2e/framework/autoscaling/autoscaling… #86657
Add apierrors as alias for #85078
Output test description in TestPreemption #86737
Remove Delete/CreateSyncInNamespace() #86731
Fix staticcheck failures of test/integration/scale test/integration/serviceaccount test/integration/serving test/integration/volume #86716
Add debugging message to know the pod status #86733
Add error handling for Register() call #86736
Fixing regex for kubernetes version in kubeadm #86609
Count dropped requests except system previledged group requests. #86521
Come out of loop when omitempty is true #86618
Fix unit test to run in non-gce environments #86713
refactor (pod log) container valiate #86621
Fix staticcheck failures for test/images #81895
Add alias of api/errors in endpointslice.go #86655
Add ipv6 examples for network policy API #86511
Fix ensureStaticIP if name for existed address was changed #86452
Move podtopologyspread priority logic to its Score plugin #86684
e2e: move funs of framework/gpu to e2e_node #86062
validation.go: don’t clamp the CIDR size calculations #86553
alias kubeadmutil for #86688
remove unused code in test/e2e/apps/deployment #86634
Fix a typo in interpodaffinity score plugin #86681
Azure cloud provider should not retry on bad request #86685
feat(scheduling): implement azure, cinder, ebs and gce as filter plugin #86662
move funcs from test/e2e/framework/job to test/e2e/apps #86640
Change log level to 3 when –random-fully is not supported #86583
Cleanup testapi after it has been removed #86650
Move CheckNodeUnschedulable predicate to its filter plugin #86625
Move pod topology spread predicate logic to its filter plugin #86659
Move ServiceAntiAffinityPriority to score plugin #86638
feat(scheduling): move csi volume predicates to csi filter plugin #86635
Optimize error messages when updating openapi spec #86533
e2e: move funs of framework/pv to e2e/storage #86283
move funcs in replicaset to autoscaling_utils #86541
Fixing Potential Race Condition in EndpointSlice Controller. #85703
Unify aliases for “” #85123
move func EnableAndDisableInternalLB from test/e2e/framework/service … #86639
Fix nil pointer dereference in the azure provider #85975
fix: azure disk could not mounted on Standard_DC4s/DC2s instances #86612
Use Deployment in sample-apiserver examples #86152
Updating minor grammar error. #86615
Move VolumeZone predicate to its Filter plugin #86623
Deprecate scheduler predicate and priority factory registration and associated types #86614
Remove unused function NewMetricExporter from e2e test #86570
add extra group and usage check for bootstraptoken #86573
Added scheduler algorithm provider registrey. #86591
move NoDiskConflict predicate to its filter plugin #86601
Move ResourceLimitsPriority to its Score plugin #86580
move nodepreferavoidpods to score plugin #86599
Return typed errors for Azure client interfaces #86555
e2e: move funs of framework/deployment/fixtures.go to e2e/apps/deploy… #86466
feat: implement node affinity priority as score plugin #86595
Delete unused function from e2e test autoscaling_utils.go #86568
Move RequestedToCapacityRatio to plugins/noderesources #86589
Cleanup scheduler’s in-tree plugins registry naming #86593
Clean up kube-apiserver reference document #86588
“Move Taint and toleration priority to its Score plugin” #86585
fix: remove totalNumNodes from priority metadata #86577
introduce checker for the result of nodeInfo.Node() #86542
On OpenRC ServiceIsActive should not report true if no such service exists #86508
change print log for unity when during kubeadm init #86567
fix kubectl run help image name #86565
Move volumebinding predicate to its filter plugin #86530
Fix staticcheck failures for pkg/proxy/… #81886
Restore IPAllocator ipv4 range handling #86534
Support AlwaysCheckAllPredicates in the scheduler framework. #86496
feat: implement image locality as score plugin #86548
update fluentd to 1.8.0 / fixed gemfile / fixed shellcheck #86433
Change Azure global rate limit to per client #86515
e2e: move funs of framework/statefulset to e2e/apps & e2e/upgrades #86169
kubeadm: re-enable kubelet version check test in preflight #86519
fix azure cloud provider bug when lb specified in other resource group #86502
Bump version #86346
Add unit tests for pkg azure/auth #86470
swap over kube-apiserver manifest to use livez and readyz #85868
Cleanup failedPredicateMap from generic_scheduler.go #86498
Make e2e scale updates unconditional #86321
Sample apiserver: Avoid etcd listening on DNS result for “localhost” #86389
chore: port azure disk csi code to azure cloud provider #86385
apiserver: add localhost to alternateDNS certificate field if BindAddress is “::” #86490
hack/local-up-cluster: modify cloud provider launch to work with aws #86473
move inter pod affinity predicate logic to its Filter plugin #86459
Fix golint failure not contained in .golint_failures #86416
Remove DefaultConvert functions #86382
Remove alwaysCheckAllPredicates from NewGenericScheduler #86369
kms: use negative cachesize value to disable caching #86294
Bump Ginkgo to support building on riscv64 arch #86013
Expect NodeUnpublish calls when NodePublish is called #86397
Add a config option to azure cloud provider for the pre-configured loadbalancers #86338
Update Windows subnet mask calculation for compatibility with future VNIC changes #86453
Promote StartupProbe to beta for 1.18 #83437
Revert “Merge pull request #86376 from xieyanker/kubemark_deployment” #86464
Move NodeLabel priority logic to its Score and Filter plugin #86446
InterPodAffinity Priority as Score plugin #86399
fix incompatible AAD token #86412
e2e: move funs of framework/job to e2e/upgrades/apps/job #86109
Add support for GOBIN to #85302
Fix validation for metav1 fuzz targets. #84480
Update etcd-version-monitor readme and yaml file. #84146
change CounterVec to use Counter in the Kubelet’s Pod Lifecycle Event… #86167
Revert pull request #85879 “hollow-node use remote CRI” #86425
rename _count to _total in a few metrics #86415
improves watch and report e2e #86354
Simplify volume zone checker codes #84611
Isolate kubectl test-cmd plugin tests #86411
kubectl apply refactor #86361
test/e2e_node/:use framework.Equal() instead of using gomega.Expect(b… #86156
Wait for resizing condition #86396
Allocate map when out parameter points to nil map #86395
remove personal kind.yaml that was added accidentally #86392
Add debugging for delete grace period e2e flake #86315
e2e: move funs of framework/metrics to e2e_node #86119
change kubemark from ReplicationController to Deployment #86376
Add test cases for a helper function in controller manager #78380
networkPolicy ipv6 unit tests validation #86298
Revert “promote e2e tests for taint-tolerations in predicates” #86386
hollow-node use remote CRI #85879
fix: azure data disk should use same key as os disk by default #86351
Move added info and status stack trace to the end of line. #86234
Allow show hidden metrics in kube-proxy #85279
Deprecate PredicateMetadata #86289
Remove stale comment re making apiserver common names dynamic #85754
Remove cluster-monitoring #85512
Split cronjob tests, so they don’t interfere #86348
Set core_pattern to an absolute path. #86329
Use private master IP in GCE kubemark tests #86316
Cloud node controller: Only call once into cloud provider #85735
Fix uncertain mounts #82492
Register nodeports and noderesources prefilters #86284
auth: add metrics to token cache #86265
support configuration of kube-proxy IPVS tcp,tcpfin,udp timeout #85517
wardle example e2e #84735
Update CPUManager stored state semantics #84462
Refactor kubectl proxy
command to have similar design pattern as other kubectl commands. #82971
promote e2e tests for taint-tolerations in predicates #83652
Be more agressive acquiring the iptables lock #85771
fix static check in kubectl/pkg/cmd/annotate. #86040
Fix golint issues in pkg/util/sysctl/testing #85016
Declare constants in pods test as const #84425
Fix up the sub-test style #86319
Check FileInfo against nil during walk of container dir path #86277
Make cloud provider caching TTL configurable #86266
test/e2e/: use framework.Equal() replace gomega.Expect(…).To(gomega… #86148
Adding new job completed event #86142
fix misspelling in comment #86303
Move service affinity predicate logic to its plugin. #86264
Change example in can-i to apps instead of extensions #86261
AWS: Don’t report deletion of attached volume as warning #86250
Upload containerd logs to stackdriver #86221
test/e2e: move funcs from test/e2e/pod to other folders #86199
e2e: remove unused method in e2e/framework/log #86113
move test/e2e/framework/lifecycle/ test/framework/cloud/gcp #86098
e2e: move funs of framework/deviceplugin to e2e_node #86061
Ensuring EndpointSlices are not used for Windows kube-proxy implementations #86016
Fix NetworkPolicy PolicyTypes validation #85747
tests: Removes [LinuxOnly] tag from a few tests #85453
fix staticcheck faulures in ‘cmd’ pkg #81928
cri_stats_provider: do not consider exited containers when calculating cpu usage #83504
Mark top flakes #86327
Add UID precondition to kubelet pod status patch updates #86320
Mark GCEPD test flaky #86313
Disable excessive logging in scheduler plugins #86309
Fix internal loadbalancer configuration failure when subnet name too long #86276
Remove old-style conversions registration #85891
Fix staticcheck failures of test/e2e/manifest #86238
PodFitsResources Predicate Metadata as prefilter #86249
e2e: support long CSI driver names #86000
Update go version in go.mod to 1.13 #86269
doc: remove Draven from test package reviewers #86240
Move EvenPodsSpread metadata computation logic as a PreFilter Plugin #86205
Wrap host ports metadata in a prefilter #86224
Promote SataQiu to an approver of test and test/e2e/framework #86190
Remove ability to re-enable serving deprecated APIs #85903
Fix build break - Hyperkube image needs kubelet/kubectl #86258
Remove use of testapi package #86256
Compatibility tests for default provider and mandatory filters #86254
move funcs from test/e2e/framework to test/e2e/apps #86193
Guarantee ClearState will fully clear a collector #86213
make test framework easier to re-use #86177
add getting Storage Quantity to ResourceList #83302
kubeadm: add basic validation around kubelet.conf parsing #86216
Remove priority execution path from prioritizeNodes in generic_scheduler #86129
Remove daemonset controller’s dependency on scheduler metadata #86229
Clean up conformance tar test data #86232
Deprecate scheduler’s FailureReason #86228
Wrap InterPodAffinity predicate metadata as a Prefilter #86175
Do not swallow timeout in manageReplicas #86140
Remove unnecessary nil check in if statement in nodelease controller #85789
Fix a bug in port-forward: named port not working with service #85511
kubectl change podSecurityPolicy group #85406
drop KUBE_TIMEOUT in test/cmd/ #85718
e2e: move funs of framework/service to e2e/network #86159
Add an interface to return scheduler framework instance #86218
Extend authorization benchmark #86117
Ensuring kube-proxy does not mutate shared EndpointSlices #86092
code-generator: expose pluralExceptions via flag #86212
kubeadm: persist dns replica count on upgrade #85837
add @hwdef as a reviewer of hack #86204
kubectl oidc auth-provider: include cluster address in cache key #86020
fix log format string #86178
Sync the status of static Pods #84951
Make sure critical pod in the preemption test is always cleaned up. #86180
Increase Burst limit for discovery client #86168
Fix func VerifyLatencyWithinThreshold() to local #85522
e2e: move funs of framework/kubelet to e2e/scheduling #86110
e2e: remove unused method in e2e/framework/autoscaling. #86059
Reduce visibility of prometheus libs #85287
test/e2e/storage : use framework.Equal() replace gomega.Expect(…).To(gomega.BeTrue(),…) #86147
Added alejandrox1 to test/approvers #86136
Fix staticcheck failures of e2e/storage/utils e2e/storage/vsphere #86112
Clalify how to contribute to kubectl book #83525
e2e storage: improve instructions for external driver testing #86077
client-go: update to include semver tags #85995
Eliminate running paths of Predicates in scheduler #86133
Revert “Add an option to specify kubelet flags for heapster node.” #86154
Configurable HorizontalPodAutoscaler #74525
Rename Azure driver to Azure Disk driver in e2e test #85621
Make error message and service event message more clear #86078
Fix staticcheck failures of e2e/storage/drivers e2e/storage/testsuites #86057
change FakeWatcher.Stopped to be a private field #86120
update RBAC rules in e2e aggregator test #86084
Dump namespace if the namespace could not be cleaned up #85542
SafeSysctlWhitelist: add net.ipv4.ping_group_range (allow ping without CAP_NET_RAW) #85463
[pkg/auth/nodeidentifier/default_test.go]: fix testing error message typo #85452
share authentication lookups #85242
invoke getTypedVersion() instead of direct runtime call #84191
Added e2e test to verify zone support across datacenters #75583
Revert “staging/publishing: temporarily disable publishing tags” #86099
Add kind/flake issue template #86096
optimize some log config #85838
Remove the derprecated API RawRegister from stability framework #85446
Report api request throttling at v=3 #80649
Fix inter-pod affinity scheduler benchmarks #86028
Update API compatibility data for v1.17.0 #86105
fix potential memory leak issue in processing watch request #85410
Verify kubelet & kube-proxy recovery on Windows nodes #84886
Update v1.17.0 CHANGELOG to match final draft #86090
Optimize required pod affinity (2) #86046
updated fluentd to 1.7.4 + plugin updates and switch to debian buster #86039
Sets HostNetwork to False for tests which do not require it #78731
Increasing LoadBalancerPollTimeout from 15 to 22 minutes #86085
e2e: move funs of framework/deployment to e2e/apps #86050
Return all scheduler predicate failures instead of the first one #86022
Include cloud/gcp tests in e2e.test #85962
kubectl/drain: add option skip-wait-for-delete-timeout #85577
Turn off kubelet deprecated metrics #83841
refactor: move unwanted console output out of versiongetter API #85032
slim down some lister expansions #85899
Kubelet cert TTL via GaugeFunc #85874
Add serathius to metrics-server OWNERS file #86065
Bind metadata-agent containers to linux nodes to avoid Windows scheduling on kubernetes cluster includes linux nodes and windows nodes #83363
Bind metrics-server containers to linux nodes to avoid Windows scheduling on kubernetes cluster includes linux nodes and windows nodes #83362
Fix IPv6 addresses lost issue in pure ipv6 vsphere environment #86001
Update checks.go #85857
Fix broken SELinux detection #86027
Fix staticcheck failures of test/e2e/storage #85906
Provider/Azure: Add cache for VMSS. #85885
Refactor and optimize preferred (anti) pod affinity #85959
fix staticcheck in test/integration/apiserver #85676
ping kmsplugin gentely when in good state #85828
kubelet: guarantee at most only one cinfo per containerID #86009
fix staticcheck in test/e2e/network/ #85893
kubelet: rename HTTPGetter interface #85001
move KubectlCmd out of utils into its own package #84613
modify dockerID to containerID #85170
Two bugfixes in installTunneler #76741
staging/publishing: temporarily disable publishing tags #86008
correct invalid urls #85709
Add current chairs to component base approvers #85971
fix staticcheck in test/e2e/cloud/ #85751
Update go-winio module version from 0.4.11 to 0.4.14 #85739
Add an option to specify kubelet flags for heapster node. #85797
kubeadm: Throw an error if the currentContext does not exists #85953
Provide a mechanism to enable hidden metrics in stable collector #85845
Fix LoadBalancer rule checking so that no unexpected LoadBalancer updates are made #85990
Disable broken pd e2e test #85973
Replace the hostname in the fluentd config file even if the file exists #85827
e2e storage: public API for testsuites, support CSIInlineVolume type for generic resource #85540
Increase test coverage for ComponentConfigs and add tests for kubeproxyconfiguration #84688
When running kubectl drain
in dry-run, list warnings and pods that would be deleted. #82660
Fix bug in apiserver service cidr split #85968
Deflake kubectl custom printing test #85967
Revert “kubeadm: don’t check if image exists before pulling” #85965
Convert ExpectEqual(err, nil) to ExpectNoError(err) #85934
Rename PodDisruptionsAllowed to DisruptionsAllowed in type PodDisruptionBudgetStatus #85863
increase LRU cache size 8x for authorization webhook #85957
Refactor kubelet component config lenient path decoding #85945
fix staticcheck in pkg/printers #85790
test/e2e/auth: Fix static check failures #85780
Remove nodes slice in loop of takeByTopology #85706
Typecheck support for verifying providerless build #85457
Run all csi-hostpath containers as privileged #85947
Perf benchmarks for preferred (anti)pod affinity #85872
fix staticcheck errors in legacy-cloud-providers/azure #82315
Nominate liu-cong to be sig-scheduling reviewer. #85756
Fix waiting for logexporter log fetching processes #85913
fix golint check in test/e2e_node/runner/remote #85890
fix: typo Snapshoting to Snapshotting #85935
Revert “Use ExpectEqual test/e2e_node” #85931
Update GCE Windows startup scripts for plugin-based authentication #85466
remove max pods from e2e test #85916
scheduler benchmark: allow to override bench prefix #85915
Deleted extra ‘phase’ in command example #85907
Clean up cluster-service label from calico-policy-controller #85290
Utilize Context with timeout in gce_instances.go #85875
kubectl/drain: add disable-eviction option #85571
Create kubemark cluster as private #85905
handle registry merge error #85590
pkg/master: Fix static check failures #85634
Enhance error message for failed controlplane init #85843
cmd/kube-controller-manager: fix staticcheck warning #84624
Make APIService.spec.service optional in the openapi v2 spec #85728
Fix staticcheck failures of test/e2e/upgrade #85853
Use ExpectEqual test/e2e_node #85787
use ExpectEqual of framework in test/e2e/storage #85770
add PredicateFunc for configmap #85844
Fix golint issues in test/e2e/lifecycle/ #85744
Partially avoid LabelSelectorAsSelector overhead in anti-pod affinity calculation #85862
add pod info when failing to add pod to unschedulableQ #85470
update CRI(LinuxContainerResources ) to support hugepages #83614
kubeadm: Group centric component configs #85639
Utilize Context with timeout in GCE operations #85581
Fix golint issues in pkg/apis/batch/validation #85071
fix: replace TrimLeft with TrimPrefix and TrimRight with TrimSuffix #85800
Fix golint issues in pkg/registry/…/storage #85046
Prune internal clients from CRD apiserver #84005
Switch addon resizer to 1.8.7 #85793
Included FSType in CSI volumes #85293
Revert “Fix shellcheck failure in log-dump/” #85858
Deflake delete grace period e2e #85849
Deflake pod readiness e2e #85847
Cleanup metav1 conversions #85729
Replace nginx image with agnhost in sig-node pods tests #84788
Start and stop the scheduling queue consistently #85820
kubelet: add certificate rotation error metric #84614
Fix golint failures of test/e2e_node/remote #85749
Use expect equal test e2e upgrades #85781
add err handling in gce/gci #82720
fix unit test in hostport_manager_test.go #83289
Use GCS bucket for crictl on windows. #85825
Kubeadm: upgrade apply & upgrade node always overwrite Kubeadm-env file #85412
Add API for clear descriptor status #85714
Refactor custom collector unit test #85680
Reduce unnecessary Set in updateAllocatedDevices #85688
upgrade api-version to fix azure file AuthorizationFailure #85475
Add defaulting and validation logic for EncryptionConfiguration type. #85363
Ensure webhook backend requests are not artificially rate-limited #85810
kubeadm: default etcd address based on the IP family #85745
kubeadm: set cluster name on the controller manager #85817
Update number of scheduler perf benchmarks to be more representative #85808
kubectl/drain: Add context support #85574
Add containerd windows support on GCE for test. #85396
Log error when writing checkpoint fails #85760
Enable mutation detection in test-cmd/test-integration/test-e2e-node, improve memory impact #85350
Fix iscsi refcounter in the case of no Block iscsi volumes #85705
Setting kubemark node labels #85717
fix broken link:… #85629
Fix AWS eventual consistency of AttachDisk #85675
Make elasticsearch discovery supports IPv6 #85543
kubeadm: Improve resiliency in CreateOrMutateConfigMap #85763
Bump Cluster Autoscaler version to 1.17.0 #85610
Optimize UpdateNodeInfoSnapshot #85738
kubeadm: simplify discover/token and add detailed unit tests #85468
Add kind/deprecation to pull request template #85713
fix: padded base64 encoded docker auth field #85687
Switch TableGenerator/TableConvertor interfaces to metav1 #85644
Fix device plugin generator script #85473
fix the defect in the shell scripts #85274
apiextensions: filter required nullable to workaround kubectl validation #85722
Fxing kubemark node labels #85716
use ExpectEqual of framework in test/e2e/autoscaling/ #85711
use framework refactor code in test/e2e/common #85671
e2e: use log functions of core framework on pv, testfiles and volume sub packages #85666
use framework in test/e2e/cloud/ #85664
Variables collide with imported package name #84921
catch the exception raised in Remove-HnsPolicyList #85704
Fix shellcheck failure in cluster/log-dump/ #83604
Adding KubeProxyConfigMap19 checking in test-e2e-kubeadm #85628
Update cadvisor dependency to v0.35.0 #85698
remove redundant definition of the defaultProvider in the scheduler #85695
stop spamming the log on failures with full objects #85700
Fix benchmark artifact parsing. #85513
Export scheduler.Snapshot function #85689
Fix PVC condition check for offline resizing #85297
fix kubelet failed to start on setting hugetlb limits #84854
golint fixes for /pkg/util/iptables/testing #85562
correct invalid urls in CHANGELOG file #85684
don’t error if set-resources patch is empty #85490
Print nominated pods when dumping scheduler cached NodeInfo #85526
add test coverage with kubectl get components #85595
Bumped the number of times a node tries to lookup itself #81880
Fix golint failures for pkg/registry/apps/replicaset #85172
use ExpectEqual in /e2e/auth #85323
Fix golint issues in test/e2e_node #84901
Track collectors by fqName #85640
decrease test pv controller resync period to try to deflake api update conflicts #85620
fix staticcheck failures in test/e2e/windows #83714
Enable outside of GOPATH #85657
add applyto tests for controller configs #85654
Fix resource version precondition on pod delete #85516
fix kube-apiserver poststarthook additions to avoid duplicating them #85651
Enable snapshottable e2e test for csi pd driver #85371
test/e2e/apimachinery: fix staticcheck warning #85469
Switch storage version to use v1.CSINode in 1.18 #84477
modify the error url of autoscaler #85626
kubeadm: add a upgrade health check that deploys a Job #81319
Fix attach/detach metric failure #85619
kubeadm: don’t check if image exists before pulling #85603
Remove e2e/framework/profile_gatherer.go #85304
Migrate Kubemark to distroless #84728
check service status value returned by EnsureLoadBalancer #85521
fix broken link : #85534
Add RainbowMango to owner list of metrics stability framework. #85622
Provided a mechanism to re-register hidden metrics #85444
Add support for new dual-stack flags for kubernetes-controller-manager in kubeadm #85609
ignore image err when docker image has been cleaned up #84401
Fix HTTP readiness/liveness probes using NodePort #85611
Fix golint issues in pkg/kubelet/events/event.go #85451
fix 1-12 number urls #85496
fix broken link :… #85533
fix etcd version check error on ARM #85601
Revert “remove redundant source
in shell” #85582
Cleanup conversions in kubectl #85556
Support Azure Stack dynamic environments #85432
e2e: move LogFailedContainers out of e2e test framework util.go #85200 add namespace #85537
Deep copying EndpointSlices in reconciler before modifying them #85368
Fix GKE upgrade test. #85555
Revert “kube-proxy: check KUBE-MARK-DROP” #85527
Set node cidr mask size ipv4/ipv6 config #85500
Output port as number in error message #85558
fix kubemark output error #85502
rest: retry on connection refused and apiserver shutdown #75368
Add cofyc as owner of pkg/volume/local #85493
Fix lint in /pkg/util/iptables #85440
Plumb test state through to fake volume host creation for error handling #85426
use context to check client closed instead of http.CloseNotifier in processing watch request #85408
added yliaog to OWNERS #85404
Test writing configurations with numeric names #85401
proxier: improve node topology event handler logic #85345
remove redundant source
in shell #85340
kubeadm: reset raises warnings if it cannot delete folders #85265
Move suites.go to e2e package #85235
Wait for kubelet & kube-proxy to be ready on Windows node within 10s #85228
add ut for scheduler framework #85188
[]: fixup minor typo #84327
Initialize FeatureGate map for KubeProxy config. #1929 #85524
Remove metric be hidden log temporarily #85402
Fill in default node cidr mask size when dual stack is not enabled #85494
apiextensions: fix items+type logic in API due to broken go-openapi validation #85223
Fix providerless #85456
Plumb authorization webhook version from CLI to config #85441
Flip CSIMigrationAWS flag to be beta and off by default #85237
Addon Manager: Fix parsing KUBECTL_EXTRA_PRUNE_WHITELIST #85344
Turn off apiserver deprecated metrics #83837
apiextensions: freeze and document supported v1.16 OpenAPI formats #85381
cache.Expiring: fix stress test: it’s not doing anything #85386
update images to Debian buster, detect iptables mode #82966
e2e: promote CRD defaulting test to conformance test #84861
Add IPv6 support to kubenet hostport #80854
Add CSI migration logic for EBS storageclass zone/zones/topology #85251
fix terrible bug and inline GC for expiring cache #85370
apiextensions: validate list-type and map-type “atomic” #84722
Skip Node printing in kubectl column test #85377
Add single-item list/watch to delegated authentication reader role #85375
[kube controller manager] add comments for compatibility #85367
kubeadm: Use only stdout when calling kubelet for its version #85351
Disabling EndpointSlice feature gate by default #85365
Flip CSIMigration and CSIMigrationGCE to Beta #85231
Fix label mutation in endpoints controller #85361
kubeadm: use the right name for the no validator function #85348
Reverting managed-by-setup annotation #85359
service topology: remove redundant API validation for local external traffic policy #85346
Increase cache size for EndpointSlices. #85339
Remove pkg/util/mount (moved out of tree) #85305
Check error return from closing connection #85284
Turn off scheduler metrics that have been deprecated #83838
pager.go: don’t set ResourceVersion on subsequent List calls #85272
Update inline volume translated PV Name to be unique per disk so that staging paths are unique #84754
Service Topology implementation #72046
Revert “Enable snapshot e2e test for csi pd driver” #85322
Brushed up fairqueuing package #85259
Move RegisterNodeFlags() to e2e_node test #84875
Allow multiple node cidr masks in kube-controller-manager #79993
Dualstack downward api #83123
modify error output in cniNetworkPlugin #83896
update to v1.0.0 #83576
CSI Migration phase 2: disable probing of in-tree plugins #83098
Separate staging/publish and unstaging/unpublish logics for block #74026
Avoid constructing table printer on every componentstatus request #85309
Use CSINodes v1 API in scheduler #85298
Renamed FeatureGate RequestManagement to APIPriorityAndFairness #85260
Move test inputs for EncryptionConfiguration tests into testdata. #85249
Enable snapshot e2e test for csi pd driver #85169
let standalone npd use kubelet credentials #85014
Refactor mapper/unmapper of block volume #84747
Add an expiring cache for the caching token authenticator #84424
Improve iptables logging #84295
Update dependency vmware/govmomi to v0.20.3 #83505
Ensuring EndpointSlice controller does not start when feature gate or API are disabled #85301
Fix –resource-version handling in kubectl #85285
Correct the checking of robinIndex #85257
Specify a port range to ILB firewall rule create. #85252
Continue removing file in ManagerImpl#removeContents #85147
Enable Priority and Fairness to discriminate on target namespace #84900
Add support for –runtime-config=api/beta=false, –feature-gates=AllBeta=false #84304
tests: Adds large requests tests #83680
pkg/util/iptables: add Dan Winship to approvers #83491
tests: Fixes tests for Windows (containerd, RunAsUserName) #83058
Updating kube-proxy to support new EndpointSlice address types #85246
Add TODOs for removing invalid e2e dependencies #85230
Add comments to explain replace directives #85175
pkg/kubeapiserver: fix staticcheck warning #85117
Move json,yaml,jsonpath printers to correct locations #84752
pkg/client: fix staticcheck warning #84674
Refactor block volume’s descriptor lock logic #84660
refactor apparmor utils in e2e #84439
Drop job from scale description #84227
Initial Implementation for kubetestgen for Conformance. #83964
Rename PluginConfigArgs to AlgorithmConfigArgs #85294
add table convertor to componentstatus #85174
Strip nullable for Server-side apply #85162
Fix a CM panic when ipam tries to lock an out of range pre existing cidr #84732
Move pod bindVolumes behind RunPermitPlugins #84859
Add unit test to catch scheduler’s node order evaluation regressions #84335
Tests/agnhost guestbook replacement #84046
kubeadm: add retry to etcd calls #85201
add DeleteOptions conversion #85077
Include *intstr.IntOrString in API compatibility test fixtures #85258
Azure : filter disks with ToBeDetached flag #84958
azure: remove disk locks per vm during attach/detach #85115
Fix missing resource version when updating the scale subresource of custom resource #80572
bump CSI version to 1.2.0 #84832
Adds Windows build information as a label on the node #84472
Turn off proxy metrics that have been deprecated #83839
Convert existing PVs to use volume topology in VolumeBinderPredicate #83394
Check for terminated reason appropriate for containerD and dockershim #82878
Additional mount comments #82031
Update structured-merge-diff to latest version #85227
Added fair queuing for server requests #85192
Move functions from e2e/framework/util.go Part-4 #85149
modify istio url: #85129
Add translation logic for EBS storage class fstype parameter #85010
Update bucket for scheduler framework latency histograms. #85236
guard kubeadm dependencies on #85229
Wait for terminating pods to be deleted #85226
Retire mount.Exec for #85153
Promote service load balancer finalizer to GA #85023
Refactored PriorityLevelConfiguration #84771
Promoting EndpointSlices to beta #84390
Windows: Fixes termination-file mounting support for containerd #83057
Revert #76586, restructure LICENSES file generation #85220
Increase cache size for leases #85219
fixed golint errors in pkg/apis/extensions register.go and types.go #85217
Add Reset() API to stability framework #85202
fix wrong link #85194
report cache misses in cached token authenticator benchmark #85152
dynamic reload cluster authentication info for aggregated API servers #85004
Use log functions of core framework on e2e/storage/utils #85180
fix vmss dirty cache issue #85158
Store topology spread constraints in metadata with labels.Selector #85157
Remove nested retries #85156
scheduler: make algorithm source an option #85151
Promote, kind=WebhookAdmissionConfiguration #85138
Bumps CoreDNS to 1.6.5 and updates manifest for kube-up #85109
Bump CoreDNS version to 1.6.5 and update manifest #85108
Promote, kind=ResourceQuotaConfiguration #85099
Promote, kind=AdmissionConfiguration #85098
Remove unused func and struct from pod.go #84892
Allow show hidden metrics in kube-apiserver #84292
Add startupProbe result handling to kuberuntime #84279
Adding e2e tests covering EndpointSlice and Endpoints Controllers #84208
feat: graduate ResourceQuotaScopeSelectors to GA - part2 #82690
Pass InformerFactory/SharedLister instead of individual informers/listers in scheduler config logic #85150
kubeadm: Amend the hyperkube deprecation change #85137
Remove unused function from e2e framework rest.go #85119
kubeadm: alpha certs command should read in-cluster config #85091
Reorder stackdriver setup in windows startup script #85084
pkg/credentialprovider: fix staticcheck warning #85075
Windep #85018
Ensure that Node lease has OwnerReference set #84998
Remove resource constraints #84975
Splitting IP address type into IPv4 and IPv6 for EndpointSlices #84971
update to version 7.3.2 #84934
Skip GetPodNetworkStatus when CNI not yet initialized #84649
Promote PodProcessNamespaceSharing feature to GA #84356
Fix incorrect message on describe netpol #84194
kubeadm: enable kubelet client certificate rotation on primary CP nodes #84118
add RequiresExactMatch for label.Selector #85048
Hide metrics that have been deprecated #83836
Clarify startupProbe e2e tests #84291
vsphere: check if volume exists before create #84211
Fix #76093, restructure LICENSES file generation #76586
test/e2e: Reduce need to use local kubectl #84042
Relax namespace restriction for critical pods #76310
kubeadm: component configs versioned #79223
Add scheduler plugin execution duration metric. #84522
Updated NewSnapshot interface to accept a NodeInfoMap #85139
Quick steps for generating hyperkube image #85120
Merging selectors used for spreading into one #85106
Removed unused method from e2e test framework #85100
Handle error return from allocatePodResources #85047
proxy/ipvs: only get local addresses once per sync #84924
Moving WindowsRunAsUserName to beta #84882
remove system validators package from kubeadm and use #84718
Fix startup probe test by checking updated values #84179
Promote volume limits to GA #83568
Check that endpoint has subset before accessing first subset #84862
e2e: Fix error where pods not logged #84837
remove global variable dependency from admission plugins #84813
Eliminate couple unnecessary conversions #85135
client-go/tools: Docs: Clarify what’s “old” core/v1 and what’s “new” events/v1beta1 #85134
Change Configurator.Create to Return a Scheduler #85049
- Delete backing string set from a threadSafeMap index when the string set length reaches 0. #84970
cmd:fix staticcheck warning #84672
Fix golint issues in pkg/registry/core/service/storage #85059
publishing: bump go versions in rules #85088
Remove unnecessary judgment #84957
switch delegated authnz to v1 APIs #84768
Remove plugin watching of deprecated directory and CSI v0 support in accordance with deprecation policy #84533
adjust token cache benchmarks to get more accurate behavior #84423
Adding new label to indicate what is managing an EndpointSlice #83965
Fix a racing issue in client-go UpdateTransportConfig #80284
fix wrong typo stoageMap to storageMap #82078
Fix storage e2e clean up #83653
Enable VolumeSnapshotDataSource Feature Gate and update e2e tests for VolumeSnapshot CRD v1beta1 #80058
Add appProtocol to EndpointSlice.Port #83815
Plumb configured acceptContentType to client config #85095
kubeadm: alpha certs should skip missing files #85092
Add MetadataProducerFactory for predicates #85012
added nodeSelector: linux #84826
Print progress updates to stdout and publish to URL #84524
Fix a typo in pkg/controller #85067
kubeadm: remove the deprecated “–cri-socket” flag for “upgrade apply” #85044
fix kubectl diff panic #85035
scheduler: improve some comments and validation messages #84639
Remove leftover factory directory #84996
kubeadm: Deprecate hyperkube use #85094
close scheduler kube-apiserver #85090
Fix RS expectations for recreate case #82572
Fixed error check in graceful shutdown test #84796
Support specifying a custom subnet for ILB ip in GCE #82257
Fix watch negotiation when using a non-default mime type in the client #84692
Stop register to prom registry #84135
migrate kubelet custom metrics to stability framework part 2 #84987
migrate kubelet custom metrics to stability framework part 1 #84907
Refactor kubelet ut with metrics testutil #83664
Fix golint errors in pkg/apis/apps #84243
Removes pkg/registry/core/secret/storage from golint failures #83914
kubeadm: use the secure ports for kube-scheduler and kcm health checks #85043
clean up PriorityFunction #84948
kubeadm: always use a short timeout for clientset creation #84648
Mirror owner #84485
Move password retrieval to openstack_test.go #84992
Fix golint issues in pkg/apis/policy #85042
Fix golint issues in pkg/apis/authorization #85037
Move functions from e2e/framework/util.go Part-3 #85008
Remove potential Goroutine leak in kubeadm wait.go #85017
Enable verify-import-aliases check in CI #85009
Set default percentageOfNodesToScore in kube-scheduler back to “adaptive” #85030
kubeadm: fix skipped etcd upgrade on secondary CP nodes #85024
feat(scheduler): convert InterPodAffinity to score plugin #84973
pkg/apis: fix staticcheck warning #84673
fix race condition when delete azure disk right after that attach azure disk #84917
Update test logic to simulate NodeReady/False and NodeReady/Unknown events correctly #84883
fix apiserver to advertise IPv6 endpoints if bound to IPv6 #84727
Feature: Flowcontrol rest storage implementation #84708
Only put un-filtered pod in podDeleteList #84562
Enable cAdvisor ProcessMetrics collecting #84331
bump json-iterator dependency #83840
Remove unused function from e2e framework util.go #85002
Set TypeSetter in get print flags, like we do everywhere else #84612
Let token create help with joining a master #84591
Restrict visibility of prometheus packages #84302
Fix typo in docstring of DeepEqual #83385
Promote Node Instance Type Label to GA #82049
Refactor mount fakes #81423
Autogenerate autoscaling/v2beta2 conversions #84989
Fix json patch limit check #84963
Revert changes to WaitForStableCluster in scheduler e2e test #84988
Fixing docker fake client - InspectExec #84983
Bumping up log level for not updated node #84933
Retain CoreDNS corefile when migration fails in kubeadm #84523
Promote node lease to GA #84351
Traverse resources before giving no name error #84006
Do some Kubectl optimizations suggested by the golangci linter #78676
Add envs for configuring hollow-node resource usage. #84773
Add reclaim policy to kubectl get storage class result #84299
Unmount subpath should only scan the first level of files/directories #82698
Migrate custom collector for kube-scheduler #84896
Fix the import aliase nodev1beta1 #84942
Aggregate mulitple ServiceAffinity custom priorities to a single score plugin. #84738
fix: return NodeScore in even pods spread priority #84952
Pin kube-openapi vendor to 30be4d16710a #84911
delete unused func in latencies.go #84897
Promote Node Zone/Region Topology Labels to GA #81431
Set go version in fluentd-elasticsearch addon #84939
Move functions from e2e/framework/util.go Part-2 #84868
allow a verifyoptionsfunc to indicate that no certpool is available #84864
Use framework.ExpectEqual() in unit test #84843
Refactor: use existing function to simplify check for IPv6 in kubelet #84711
Stop Watching when there is encoding error #84693
Setting Hostname from Pods on EndpointSlice to match Endpoints behavior. #84207
Limiting the scope of new kubectl get e2e tests to decrease flakiness #84941
e2e_kubeadm: fix missing suite –test* flags #84937
provide functionality for custom collector testing #84919
panic in featuregate if a requested feature is unknown #84865
refactor autoscaling utils in e2e #84510
feat(scheduler): remove deprecated pattern in scheduler priority #84905
Make test-cmd effective again #84871
Update WaitForStableCluster to wait for only system pods to exist #84806
e2e: move KubectlVersion out of e2e test framework util.go #84630
remove reference to promhttp in kubelet #84393
Remove unused skip functions #84881
Eliminate couple default conversions #84860
pkg/controller: fix staticcheck warning #84763
Remove hack/e2e.go #84696
Script based hyperkube to avoid dependencies #84662
Migrate CheckServiceAffinity custom predicate to Filter plugin #84635
Fixes crd per-version validation field path #84560
Cancel context when RunPermitPlugins finishes #84337
fix string trim func isBackendPoolOnSameLB in azure #83953
fix account key getting logic in azure #83952
Add deprecation warning for in v1.16 CHANGELOG #83118
use controller to publish cluster authentication info #82705
Avoid listing pods in NodeLifecycleController #81167
kubeadm: fix an issue with the kube-proxy container env. variables #84888
delete EqualPriority priority function, and make registering it a no op #84873
Fix migration tranlation library for ebs #84844
Remove Framework dependency on nodeinfo snapshot #84834
Support comments in hack/.golint_failures #84772
Fix golint issues in test/e2e_kubeadm #84750
Fix golint issues in pkg/controller/volume/persistentvolume/options #84748
feat: update interpod affinity priority with map reduce pattern #84669
Rename ILB FirewallRules to be consistent with other resource names. #84622
Updating EndpointSlices to use PublishNotReadyAddresses from Services. #84573
Handle bazel >= 0.25 in stable metric static analysis #84378
Building peer-finder Image on s390x #84370
Change to #81670
added –reserved-cpus kubelet command option #83592
Dump GKE windows test logs via diagnostics tool #83517
add service selector cache in endpoint and endpointSlice controller #84280
Avoid going back in time in Reflector relist (revived) #83520
update to use go1.13.4 #82809
tests: Fixes minor agnhost error #84825
Feature: Validates partial path for flow-schema’s non-resource-url rules #84706
Grab init containers logs in e2e tests #84600
Fix bug in TopologyManager hint generation after kubelet restart #84525
Revert “enabling fluentd on kubemark” #84858
Correct spelling mistakes #84836
Write scheduler configuration from config file #84812
Modify the status code number to HTTP status semantics #84807
Ensure health probes are created for local traffic policy UDP services on Azure #84802
Add sig-scalability-approvers/reviewers as kubemark approvers/reviewers #84774
Move out const strings in pkg/scheduler/api/well_known_labels.go #84746
Promote CRD defaulting to GA #84713
Fix typo in admission webhook #84517
feat: convert selector spread priority to score plugin #84845
e2e: Provide more helpful error output for failing test #84838
Provide a mechanism for custom collectors to use the metrics stability framework #83062
Enable profiling by default in the scheduler #84835
Tracking nodes with pods with affinity #84824
Aggregate mulitple NodePreference custom priorities to a single score plugin. #84816
Validate scheduler configuration from config file #84815
Make GCE PD Access Mode reflect readonly status when translating an inline read only volume #84809
Fix panic on configmap and lease lock implementations #84801
Use time.Until instead of t.Sub(time.Now()) #84781
Mark rbac v1beta1 and v1alpha1 deprecated #84758
Fix golint issues in pkg/kubeapiserver #84723
Add benchmark test to compare EvenPodsSpreadPriority and SelectorSpreadingPriority #84606
Move functions from e2e/framework/util.go #84471
Fix typo in #84139
Adding e2e test to ensure kubectl get output is using custom columns when desired #83748
Change Scheduler ComponentConfig fields to nilable pointers #83619
very minor grammar fix in 10-kubeadm.conf (‘generate’ instead of ‘generates’) #80136
change directory permissions from 0755 to 0750 #76407
Revert “Make writing file via container in tests sync for real this time by enclosing multiple commands in quotes” #84745
Isolate configuration of etcd related parameters into a separate function. #84744
Update the event handler for deleting pods to reject the waiting pod #84578
Move funcs of suites.go to e2e.go #84499
Fix a double lock in test/utils #84489
Adding initial EndpointSlice metrics. #83257
Convert multiple node label predicates to be a single filter plugin #84795
Build: Use a better filter on find #84761
Set user agent for e2e consistently #84725
remove #84770
Autogenerate missing conversions for corev1 options types #84670
fix golint failures of kubernetes/pkg/security/apparmor #84111
expose PredicateMetadataProducer in generic scheduler #84785
Adding owners file for Endpoint controller utils #84527
Fix a TaintBasedEviction integration test flake #84766
Add lenient decoding path for v1alpha1 kube-scheduler config #84129
add azure disk encryption(SSE+CMK) support #84605
Move funcs of node_util to cloud/gcp. #84412
Base Infrastructure for adding Merge() API to TopologyManager Policies #84721
Use log functions of core framework on test/e2e/framework/kubelet #84640
Switch debugger configuration fields to pointers #84739
remove cfssl dependencies #84677
Reduce node update frequency #84007
CSI Topology ga #83474
tests: Adds guestbook app subcommand in agnhost #83055
Validate custom priority policy config. #84646
reject pods when under disk pressure #84415
Enabling fluentd on kubemark #83897
Refactor the process to get ip address of loopback interface #84712
Add a kubelet serving cert age metric #84534
Handle namespace deletion more gracefully in built-in controllers #84123
Bump shellcheck to v0.7.0 #84249
Remove Alpha feature MountContainers #84365
NodeLifecycleController - MarkPodsNotReady retry fix #84445
fix log and note :cidr mask size must be <= node mask #84637
kube-proxy: ensure KUBE-MARK-DROP exists #84422
Fix a data race in registrytest #84487
feat: remove suspendedDaemonPods from daemon controller #84323
Make dependency policy explicit #84558
Fix a double lock bug in staging/…/apiserver #84483
deprecate cleanup-ipvs flag #83832
Apiserver flowcontrol api models #83671
test/e2e: AddOrUpdateAvoidPodOnNode/RemoveAvoidPodsOffNode: retry when conflict hit during annotation update #84513
Scheduler Policy API Refactoring #83578
Add linux selector to kube-proxy yaml. #84666
Fixes error in go_pkg() #84664
Make writing file via container in tests sync for real this time by enclosing multiple commands in quotes #84656
Moves test to new print_flags_test.go #84621
Move funcs of create.go to e2e/storage #84463
refactor(*): fix comparison to bool constant, return redundant #84440
delete unused cache #84408
Traverse OwnerReference maps more efficiently #84060
Refactor tests for by moving environment config to testdata. #84579
Move json/yaml printer tests to correct location #84618
Update dependency to latest #84604
cmd/kubeadm/app: fix staticcheck warning #84626
Move small test back to printers_test.go #84619
Cleanup clientcmd api conversions #84503
Remove prom from metrics validation #84500
Fixed bug in TopologyManager with SingleNUMANode Policy #83777
publishing: fix typo in rules #84631
Cleaned up and reorder skip functions from e2e framework #84384
Rename test/data directory to testdata #84617
Support local filesystem volume with block source reconstruction and add related e2e tests #84218
If an iptables proxier sync fails, retry after iptablesSyncPeriod #83387
Move CheckLimitsForResolvConf to Kubelet#syncLoop #84253
Add davidz627 as owner of pkg/volume/csi #84572
Migrate EvenPodsSpread priority implementation as Score plugin with map/reduce style #84262
Use log functions of core framework on test/e2e/freamwork/psp.go #84509
Ensure EndpointSlice exist if Endpoint is found #84421
Add serathius to sig-instrumentation-reviewers #84592
publishing: add rules for 1.17 and remove for 1.13 #84588
kubeadm: remove ObjectMeta from output.BootstrapTooken #84286
feat: make prioritizeNodes private function of genericScheduler #84589
Enable strict serializer in kubelet #83204
Don’t use hardcoded /go GOPATH in #84593
cleanup: Update comments of SearchMountPoints/GetMountRefs #84413
propagate proxy env var to kube-proxy #84559
Separate e2enetwork from e2e core framework #84379
Dynamic SNI certificates #84303
Optionally run e2e pod as privileged for SELinux #83727
Change DescribeItem() to local func #84427
fix cpumanager reconcileState without sourceready #81344
Update Azure/azure-sdk-for-go #84543
Moves kubectl get subcommand to staging #84540
switched to use the pause image served from gcr #84538
Add conformance-behavior-approvers to OWNERS_ALIASES #84531
test refactor: move test specific functions from rc_util.go #84495
Force file sync after writing file via container in test #84491
Fixing EndpointSlice port validation #84481
tests: Extends agnhost netexec udp buffers #84045
Add scheduler cache size metrics #83508
Move the common logic of checking for kms-plugin’s version into gRPC client interceptor. #84387
Add lenient decoding path for v1alpha1 kube-proxy config #84143
Change unit test fixtures to be compatible with FIPS-enabled compilers #84561
Adds some basic READMEs to some of the test images #84362
RequestedToCapacityRatio as score plugin #84520
delete nodeinfo “getter” #84553
Fix golint issues in pkg/credentialprovider/gcp #84478
Apply feature gates in scheduler policy api compatibility test #84190
Expose filteredNodes to func PriorityMetadataProducer #84542
Update default etcd server to 3.4.3 #84329
Add Scheduler validation check for redeclared policy configs #83963
Move funcs of framework to common runtimeclass. #84411
download cni plugin from gcs bucket #84496
move funcs of expect.go to e2e/common #84410
Priorities use SharedLister interface instead of NodeInfo Map #84449
Improve e2e HostExec utility #84444
Migrate couple manual conversions to the new AddConversionFunc() way #84464
Use DNS_SERVER_IP as –cluster-dns in all cases. #84383
Predicates use SharedLister interface instead of NodeInfo Map #84389
e2e: share /dev with host in hostpath driver deployment #84501
Make sure score plugins are executed when no prioritizer configured #84506
Prevent 2 goroutines in test from being leaked if proxy hangs #84484
Fix bug of kubelet enable-cadvisor-json-endpoints flag #83881
improve error handling in cloud node controller #84469
Uncomment interpod affinity integration tests #84450
Remove prometheus addon #83442
e2e storage: bump revision of sidecars and driver #83957
Allow unsafe read from cache for Azure #83685
Provide a mechanism for GaugeFunc to use the metrics stability framework #83830
removed powershell-yaml module dependency #84434
kubeadm-validators: bump the latest validated Docker version to 19.03 #84476
Remove predicates.NodeInfo dependency from kubelet #84294
Feature-gate RuntimeClass informer starts #84275
kubeadm: always mount a flex volume path for the controller-manager #84468
Add event for pvc in case node expansion fails #84301
Adds x-kubernetes-map-type annotation as a CRD API extension #84113
framework: Fix a goroutine leak bug in resource_usage_gatherer.go #83925
add a fallback for kube-scheduler when is disabled #83692
Make e2eservice.CheckAffinity wait longer, to avoid flakes #84238
make ClaimProvisionTimeout a var #84140
Remove prometheus references in test/integration #84283
Migrate components to EndpointsLeases leader election lock #84084
Run snapshot before PreFilter plugins when schedule begins #84437
Change FuzzTime to FuzzTimeStrict for naming consistency #84409
Fix metrics may be hidden in current minor release issue #84395
Add fuzz targets for Duration, MicroTime, and Time #84168
Convert NodeLabelPresence custom predicate to filter plugin. #84297
fix staticcheck failures in test/e2e/common directory #83711
Cleanup conversions registrations #84288
Add updated v0.6.0 stable PD driver specs - enable block tests for PD #84312
Support local volume block mode reconstruction #84173
Made all scheduler Node and Pod list/lookups from the snapshot #84293
Pass list of files through stdin to avoid hitting ARG_MAX on some env… #81592
kubeadm: remove commented test #84309
Fixing EndpointSlice kubectl output #82603
rename scheduler fake listers #84328
set config.BindAddress to IPv4 address “” if not specified #83822
CSI: modify detach timeout to match attach timeout #84321
Add note on the applicability of –grace-period flag #84316
typos in old changelogs releases #83563
Require exact match when calling Get method within fake clientset #82794
Fix incorrect “whitespaces” plural #84325
Update etcd client to v3.4.3 in k8s v1.17 #83987
Fix deployment e2e test at scale #84339
Remove deprecated CSI RBAC roles #84282
remove reference to promhttp in etcd-version-monitor #84221
Ensure script saves results even when tests fail #84166
Refactor kubelet collector test #83713
Move PokeUDP() to e2e service subpkg #84313
Feature-gate CSINode and CSIDriver informer starts #84273
Refactor remaining metric tests #84305
Forbid label updates by nodes through pod/status #84260
Move TranslateIPv4ToIPv6() to e2e scheduling test #84258
Dynamic serving certificates #84200
Adding FQDN address type for EndpointSlice #84091
Removes kubectl get dependency on Kubernetes core #84062
Prune inactive owners from pkg/* misc api-machinery related OWNERS files #83864
Prefer CRD v1 for internal clients #84276
Prune inactive members from cluster/* OWNERS files. #83863
Fix service sanity check after jig.ChangeServiceType #84289
Do not list in discovery when disabled #84277
Feature-gate PDB informer starts #84274
Remove wrappers around storage-related listers in the predicate #84192
refactored counter_test to use assert statements and renamed variable… #84117
Add permit_wait_duration_seconds metric for scheduler. #84011
cleanup util code #84083
Clean-up and additional test cases for socket-mask unit test. #78938
Add an event to pvc when node expand successfully #84137
feat: remove WaitForCacheSync from scheduler factory #84268
Fix base image discrepancy when building kubemark images #84231
Pod GC controller - use node lister #82365
Move CreatePodOrFail() to e2e network test #84255
Optimize interpod affinity priority function #84264
Move funcs of networking_utils to e2e network #84261
Fix static failure for package: staging/src/ #81708
Follow-up of #71136: Switch system priority class usage to versioned (v1) api #76362
Use v1 CRD deletion endpoints in e2e tests #84235
Autogenerate conversions for decoding parameters #83709
add option to skip verifying kubelet certificates for logs #84251
remove hostnetwork from hostpath csi manifest #84098
Fix Typos in pkg/kubelet/dockershim/docker_service.go #83986
Prune inactive owners from autoscaling related OWNERS files. #83856
Benchmark for authn cache #83797
Fix crash in kubectl drain #83795
move nodeinfo/snapshot.go into its own package #84197
fixed node search starting point #84232
Fix and clean up timeouts for networking tests in large clusters #84229
Addon Manager: Fix bug in generate_prune_whitelist_flags #84228
Revert “move hostPID tests to common” #84212
Separate scheduler listers into their own package #84193
Comment out an e2eservice sanity check for now #84188
storage: Deleting a namespace while spec.finalizers pending should not error #84122
Prune inactive members from OWNERS_ALIASES. #83866
Prune inactive owners from api-approver owned OWNERS files. #83865
Prune inactive owners from cloud-provider related OWNERS files. #83852
Dynamic cert file ca bundle #83579
feat(scheduler): graduate ScheduleDaemonSetPods to GA #82795
Fix retry logic in DisruptionController #82152
shuffle sharding package for priority and fairness #83665
Microoptimization in SelectorFrom*Set #84182
This adds context from for cloud calls for Kubelet. #83931
Few improvements to Cloud NAT #81073
Lower AWS DescribeVolume frequency #84181
Move GoTemplatePrinter tests to correct location #84023
kubectl drain: avoid leaking goroutines #83967
Introduce http handler to metrics stability framework #83722
Plumb dynamic SNI certificates #83627
Add a metric to track number of scheduler binding and prioritizing goroutines #83535
nodeipam-controller:fix static check failures #82145
Add mtls support to add/remove-replica #81075
Prune inactive owners from staging/src/* OWNERS files. #83857
Upgrade all node pools for gke upgrade test. #84174
Fix windows performance counter error on Non-English environemnt #84156
Check PV volumeMode in kubelet even when block feature is off #84048
Fix golint errors in pkg/controller/service #83645
remove ipallocator in favor of k/utils net package #83422
kubelet: Record preemptions similarly to evictions #84120
Extract PodPhase map outside Less func #84075
feat: remove CheckNodeMemoryPressure/DiskPressure/PIDPressure/Condition #84152
etcd health check key should have proper prefix #84167
set default value of KUBE_MASTER_URL to empty in e2e test #84150
Log the error before calling closeFn #83971
Fix sanity-checking of LoadBalancer services in e2eservice.TestJig #84159
[migration phase 1] Add filter plugin for cloud provider storage predicate #84148
Add block feature gate checks to PV controller #84049
Issue 83458:Changed the return check for GetNodeInfo #83983
Bugfix kube-proxy README file to list ipvs modules, closes #83676 #83677
Flush data cache during unmount device for GCE-PD in Windows #83591
Fix double counting issue for request metrics on timeout. #83427
tests: Simplifies image pulling tests #83398
Move hostPID tests to common #83368
Push context up to cloud node controller. #83872
Remove the assumption of pod cidr of /24 in the gce window node start… #83585
scheduler: make getVolumeLimits a function instead of a method #83310
Close the file after reading in verifydependencies#main #84108
Return an error when zone info is not found. #84138
Allow users to use custom tags #83497
rename FilterPlugin NodeResources #84121
Move LaunchHostExecPod() to e2e network #84090
Create microbenchmarks for ToUnstructured/FromUnstructured. #84082
Remove CSINode from scheduler cache. #84017
LeastRequestedPriority/MostRequestedPriority/BalancedResourceAllocation as Score plugins #84074
feat(scheduler): replace several algorithm listers with client listers #84099
Refactor scheduler’s framework permit API #83756
Added a new --sort-by
flag to kubectl api-resources command #81971
feat: implement node unschedulable as a filter plugin #84047
remove usage of the test/test_owners.* files #84070
Add kubectlPath flag to e2e_node.test #82308
Clarify the role for SupportedSizeRange #84094
Add note about addon-manager image location #84092
Migrate EvenPodsSpread Predicate to Filter plugin #84066
Update to use go1.12.12 #84064
Amending the GMSA e2e test to allow it to run against Windows-only clusters #83805
A go-fuzz target for Serializer.Encode/Decode, tested with go-fuzz #83750
feat: update taint nodes by condition to GA #82703
Use frameworkHandle to get listers #84034
Update glbc.manifest to v1.6.1 #84018
Make node tree order part of the snapshot #84014
Convert error messages to use event recorder #83934
more e2eservice.TestJig cleanups #83549
fix Security Context should run with an image specified user ID #82817
Compact memory before requesting huge pages #82656
Update Cluster Autoscaler version to 1.16.2 #84038
[migration phase 1] MatchInterPodAffinity as filter plugin #83982
feat: several cleanups in the scheduling package #84073
Fix indent in cherry_pick_pull script #84055
GeneralPredicate as framework plugin config #84054
Don’t use CachingObject if the number of watchers is small #84043
Update release notes for 1.14.8 to reflect AWS bugfix #84019
cleanup unnecessary func parameters in genericScheduler methods #84015
[migration phase 1] CSIMaxVolumeLimitChecker as filter plugin #83894
Prune inactive owners from cmd/kube-controller-manager/OWNERS. #83853
Refactor test/integration/master/ with metric #83833
Remove direct references to prometheus from transformation_testcase.go #83831
Use single kms-plugin mock in unit and integration tests. #83811
test/e2e: move some tests from cluster-lifecycle to cloud-provider-gcp #83744
Prefer to delete doubled-up pods of a ReplicaSet #80004
Plumbing for dynamic apiserver serving certificates #83580
Promote WatchBookmarks feature to GA #83195
add myself to typecheck / go-srcimporter owners, move rmmh to emeritus #84020
feat(scheduler): implement node affinity as score plugin #83998
Ensure TaintBasedEviction int test not rely on TaintNodeByConditions #84036
Change node name to env value of HOSTNAME_OVERRIDE #84008
stop removing cni directories as they aren’t installed by kubeadm #83950
Fix AWS block volume reconstruction to be like file #83466
Fix shellcheck failures in cluster/ #81345
Move CreateNginxPod() to specific e2e #84025
Revert “kubeadm: enable kubelet certificate rotation on primary CP nodes” #84012
Swtich nodelifecyclecontroller to coordination/v1 #83989
Update Calico to v3.8.3 #83976
Dynamic cert kube apiserver wiring #83555
Sending non-blocking audit events to a webhook is retried on any error #83238
feat(scheduler): use context in scheduler package #82072
move service helpers to #81348
make sure filters are executed when no predicates configured #84028
e2e: remove duplicated test specs #84002
Move Initialized() to e2e framework util #83812
Update comment for syncHandler #82455
tests: Replaces Redis image with Agnhost #81358
set backup value to ensure connections against kubelets eventually close #75190
kubeadm: enhance certs check-expiration to show the expiration info of related CAs #83932
choose a more unique request timeout default #78541
Add incoming pod metrics to scheduler queue. #83577
Insecure backend proxy #83419
Amend for v1.16.2 #83979
Updated COS version to M77 and includes fixes to ensure scalability tests pass #83974
Bump bbolt to v1.3.3 #83970
Remove #83969
Fix proto.Merge of IntOrString type #83956
feat(scheduler): implement NodePreferAvoidPods as score plugin #83893
add tombstones handle for pdb #83951
kubeadm: use strings in TestTokenOutput #83949
Disable local block volume reconstruction test #83946
Fix memory and timer leak in work queue #83945
Add crictl windows binaries to workspace #83944
fix: scheduler perf test with pod informer #83935
release: lib: revert docker_registry to constant #83924
Move scheduler cache ListNodes interface to snapshot #83921
Fix DeltaFIFO Replace method to prevent SharedIndexInformers from missing notifications #83911
Support dynamically set log level for kube-scheduler #83910
bump metrics server version to v0.3.6 #83907
remove duplicate code #83902
Add information from Lease to kubectl describe node #83899
Clean up for component-base/metrics #83828
Rewrite printer tests #83802
Fix link to moved Docker image #80437
Rename dashboard-controller.yaml to dashboard-deployment.yaml #80137
Fix broken link in sample-controller #81952
Check error return from snapshot Restore #83867
Prune inactive owners from pkg/controller/* network related OWNERS files #83862
Prune inactive owners from pkg/kubelet/* network related OWNERS files. #83861
fix kubectl delete semantic error #83825
Move jbeda to emeritus status. #83819
Remove test_verify from e2e framework package #83816
Hash keys used in cached token authenticator #83796
Isolate the logic related to the configuration of kube-apiserver into a separate script. #83753
Don’t log about deleting non-existent affinity entries in userspace OnEndpointsAdd #83644
Add metrics for scheduler framework. #83569
Improve IPVS Module loader logic #83553
Fix kube-proxy healthz server for proxier sync loop changes #83498
Clean up sig-auth OWNERS_ALIASES #83486
Migrate etcd version monitor to metrics stability framework #83283
Reworking kube-proxy to only compute endpointChanges on apply #83206
add fuzzing targets for sig-yaml and yaml.v2 #83978
fix rbd info when return warning information #75588
Upgrade to etcd server 3.3.17 #83804
Using pointers to pod in node lifecycle controller #83780
Improve efficiency of csiMountMgr.GetAttributes #83747
Remove direct reference to prometheus from aws #83278
Adds –prefix flag to the kubectl log command #76471
Change XPN firewall change msg. Should be required by security admin #71674
E2E tests for dualstack phase2 #80725
Prune inactive owners from pkg/volume/* OWNERS files. #83859
Prune inactive reviewers from staging/src/* OWNERS files. #83858
Prune inactive owners from pkg/credentialprovider/* OWNERS files. #83860
Remove prometheus reference from storage #83678
fix inconsistent comment in device plugin api #83757
Prune inactive owners from staging/src/ #83855
Add to #83827
[migration phase 1] VolumeZoneChecker as filter plugin #83843
Prune inactive owners from test/e2e/framework/providers/vsphere/OWNERS. #83854
[migration phase 1] PodFitsHostPorts as filter plugin #83659
Add warning when –certificate-key is set and –control-plane is not. #83661
feat: implement imagelocality as a score plugin #83849
[migration phase 1] PodFitsResources as framework plugin #83650
Move Factory Package to Scheduler #83573
Rename e2e framework functions used locally #83817
Move Sortable List into its own package #83558
local-up-cluster kube-proxy terminated error #82413
Fix attachment of just detached AWS volumes #83567
[migration phase 1] PodMatchNodeSelector/NodAffinity as filter plugin #83660
Rename Generate[Read|Write]FileCmd()s on e2e framework #83808
Upgrade to etcd client 3.3.17 #83801
[migration phase 1] NoDiskConflict as filter plugin #83731
Move PodPreemptor to Scheduler #83389
Remove duplicated log. #81594
Fix package name of psp on e2e framework #83793
apiextensions: fix panic with x-kuberentes-int-or-string in CRDs #83787
dynamic delegated authn header reload #83459
Improve ‘No resource limits’ message #83749
feat(scheduler): expand node score range to [0, 100] #83522
Mark ‘wait until preStop hook completes the process’ flaky #83792
bump to pickup bug fix for rangesize func #83785
tag test that taints a node as disruptive #83647
Eliminate direct references to prometheus from apiserver admission #83610
Add RainbowMango to reviewers for component-base/metrics #83772
Address staticcheck failures for test/e2e/lifecycle/bootstrap #83702
feat: change the pod_preemption_victims
to Histogram #83603
[migration phase 1] Implement CheckVolumeBinding as a filter plugin #83764
feat(scheduler): expose SharedInformerFactory to the framework handle #83663
Revert #83735: Update etcd client to 3.3.16 #83763
Add more tracing steps in generic_scheduler #83539
Kubemark node labels #83736
[migration phase 1] PodFitsHost as filter plugin #83662
Topology manager aligns pods of all QoS classes. #83492
Implemented taints and tolerations priority function as a Score plugin #83601
kubelet e2e: run resource monitor only if the actual number of nodes is small #83755
fix unsafe JSON construction #81158
kubeadm: add warning about ‘upgrade apply/plan –config’ #83530
Add sig-node-approvers alias #83746
Drop framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie #83729
Fixed bug in TopologyManager with SingleNUMANode Policy #83697
[migration phase 1] Make scheduler cache, volume binder and listers available when registering default plugins #83694
Adding per-pod metrics for scheduler. #83674
Audit of test/* OWNERS files #83587
feat(apiserver): add user-agent and remote info into trace log for endpoints handlers. #83237
Minor cleanup meta v1/v1beta1 and register DeleteOptions #82921
Validation: len is measured in bytes #80880
Validate container status in e2e pod status checks #82491
Update etcd client to 3.3.16 #83735
Use latest node-cache version with stubdomain fix. #83707
Remove e2e/common package usage in volumemode testsuite #83609
Move external facing kubelet apis to staging #83551
Fix init order during starup for dynamic kubelet config #83184
Remove direct references to prometheus/testutil from kubelet/metrics #83704
fix static check failures #81940
Introduce sig-instrumentation aliases in OWNERS_ALISES and simplify OWNERS files #83718
Improve negotiate media type #83583
Clean up dynamic client pre-flight check #82652
kubeadm: remove OutputFlagSpecified from PrintFlags #83720
Use log functions of core framework on testsuites/topology.go #83667
Promote VolumeSubpathEnvExpansion feature gate to GA #82578
kubeadm: preserve order of user specified apiserver authorization-mode #82616
openstack: Don’t Delete LB in Case of Security Group Reconciliation Errors #82264
Switch admission webhook config manager to v1 #80883
Remove the no-op plugin #83686
Introduce testutils.CollectAndCompare for metrics test #83699
Replace deprecated methods in the logic involved in the construction of gRPC connection to kms-plugin. #83595
Address staticcheck
failures for test/e2e/node/...
Structured output for ‘kubeadm token list’ #78764
Use consistent short name for receivers #83615
Remove stale comment about resyncPeriod #83543
Update test/e2e/storage for new GetReadySchedulableNodes stuff #83480
Enable strict serializer in kube-proxy #82927
feat: update scheduling queue with options #81263
Clean up TODOs #83447
increase auth cache size #83643
replace iteration with hashmap in *state_of_world #82123
Add podCgroup to process kill events to allow for correlation #83625
Migrate prometheus bucket functionality to metrics stability framework for apiserver #82630
pkg/apis/policy: Fix “informatio” -> “information” comment typo #83638
Refactor scheduler metric test with testutils #83611
Add RepairVolumeHandle to the csi translation struct #83593
Complete output of docker info #83556
Log the error return from store.Delete #83536
Up minimum go version to 1.12.4 #83596
Added PredicateMetadata and PriorityMetadata to framework’s CycleState #83537 add note about etcd client bug with IPv6 addresses #83641
move util/metrics to component-base #81797
feat(e2e): refactor hard-coded provision size #78306
Remove unused method reciever for CSITranslator #83626
Making iptables probability more granular in kube-proxy. #83599
feat(scheduler): refactor predicateMetadata into a collection of sub types #83286
Fix EndpointSliceController service deletion processing #82996
Fix wrong comments and inaccurate logs in endpointslice_controller #82865
kubectl: remove usage info from bad flag msg, only print help tip #82423
Fix Container exit message lost due to FallbackToLogsOnError is not compatible with ContainerCannotRun #81280
Added alejandrox1 as test/* reviewer #83616
Move privilege e2e test to common #83211
Fix log level for runtime error in kubelet.go #78720
correct the return information in scheduler.go #78461
Only kill process where killing failed during previous iterations #83296
cmd: fix spelling mistake #83605
Eliminate direct references to prometheus from kubelet #83499
Bump dependency opencontainers/runc@v1.0.0-rc9 #83527
Expose Shutdown func for EventBroadcaster #83489
Fix block volume reconstruction #83451
kubeadm: enable kubelet certificate rotation on primary CP nodes #83339
Mark startupProbe test as NodeAlphaFeature and fix podClient #83570
Verify metadata schema when decoding unstructured objects in resource builder #83552
Refactored e2e-test-framework util.go #83510
Add known issue to release notes for 1.14.7 #83414
Removal of kubernetes error dependencies #83090
feat(scheduler): expose kubernetes client in the framework handle #82432
Check whether mirror pod is ciritical in managerImpl#evictPod #83325
Introduce testutil package to support metrics testing #83299
Initial deprecation of kubeadm v1beta1 apis #83276
Log error from AddIndexers in NewAttachDetachController #83597
Fix typo in API server help for shutdown-delay-duration #83121
remove trailing dots from the parsed searches from host resolv.conf #83069
Fix misleading kube-proxy logs about IPversion mismatch #83534
kubeadm: fix wrong default value for the “upgrade node –certificate-renewal” flag #83528
refactor: v1 event expansion. #83106
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet/status/… #82968
IP validates if a string is a valid IP address #83104
Fix volume scheduling error handling #83540
Show the complete docker info command #83548
remove the repeat word in documents #83495
Overriding CA file should override skip TLS and CA data #83547
spelling error ‘doen’t’ #78411
fix golint errors for pkg/master #83297
Requesting Review/Approve privileges for cluster/OWNERS #83516
[migration phase 1] Implement PodToleratesNodeTaint as a filter plugin #83460
Remove hyperkube from release artifacts #83454
Fix golint issues in pkg/util/env #78357
Switch from admission-control flag to enable-admission-plugins #83366
Move heap into its own internal package #83233
[server-side apply] Cap the number of managedFields entries for updates at 10 #81816
add mtaufen to cluster/gce owners #83518
Delegate topology hint gen to CPU manager policy #83043
Ginkgo update + stack fix #82176
Fix test/integration/kubelet
staticcheck failures #81885
refactor tlsConfig creation for secure serving #83500
check that N job pods succeeded instead of exactly N pods existing a… #83456
Dedupe logging for PD SetUpAt and added a slow SetVolumeOwnership warning #83426
iptables.Monitor: don’t be fooled by “could not get lock” errors #83402
Fix help text in kubectl top -h #83247
Add jpbetz as reviewer of api-machinery code #82662
Cleanup reflection usage in framework creation #83506
Modified the name of the Extensions method in the scheduler’s framework. #83502
remove Get/Set node condition dependency for the ccm controllers #83501
Update nodelocaldns yaml to use image with custom Stubdomains support #82845
Kubeadm: allow users to use as advertise address #83475
Avoid unnecessary identifier computations #83452
feat(scheduler): scale the extender output in generic scheduler #83490
Add klueska as reviewer for CPUManager and devicemanager #83468
feat(scheduler): rename PluginContext to CycleState #83430
Check the return value from store.Update #83420
Enable strict serializer in kube-scheduler #83030
Return proper error message when BindPodVolumes fails #83343
kubeadm: add 1.18 entry in the etcd map #83314
add ability to authenticators for dynamic update of certs for delegated authn #82371
fixed typos in kubectl book #81457
Use pod + nsenter instead of SSH in block volume tests #83108
Prune should respect namespace option #83084
Fix shellcheck failures of cluster/addons/addon-manager/ #82237
fixed a typo in kubectl book #81420
removed duplicated kubectl get #79852
feat(scheduler): use reflect to reduce the similar pattern #83243
removed extra hyphen in kubectl book #79844
Refactor scheduler.New so that all framework-related parameters are options #83418
add ability to pre-configure poststarthooks for apiservers #82077
Ability to set up additional, bigger nodes during tests #83352
Reset default namespace deletion timeout to 5 minutes #83432
Remove runtime.VersionedObject from universal apimachinery #70734
fix metrics-server rbac #83405
Move PodConditionUpdater to Scheduler #83342
Only detecting stale connections for UDP ports in kube-proxy #83208
Make resourceVersion parameter semantics consistent across all storage.Interface implementations #72170
limit yaml/json decode size #83261
Fix sig-node test by adding back the numNodes #83376
Upgrade Calico to 3.8.2 #83258
Remove block volume capability from GCE PD CSI Driver because not supported in v0.5.2 #83409
Bump version of event-exporter and prometheus-to-sd. #83396
Kubeadm DualStack Support for List of Service IPs #82473
Adding pods to DeletePods and MarkPodsReady methods parameters #83320
feat(scheduler): remove MaxPriority in the scheduler api #83386
Bump nfs provisioner version to v2.2.2 #83383
Revert “Revert “Revert “[Re-Apply][Distroless] Convert the GCE manifests for master containers.”“” #83390
fix wrong test in #83355
Run block tests for gce-pd csi driver. Improve skip block test function name #83381
Revert “Bugfix: remove PV dir when umount raw block device” #83379
Add link to release notes documentation to PR template #83049
kubeadm: add test to detect panics when given certain feature gates #83369
reuse Equal #83109
.github: add guineveresaenger and mrbobbytables as reviewers #83370
Use pod + nsenter instead of SSH in mount propagation tests #82424
A consistent interface for plugin extended functionality #83365
Don’t leak a go routine on panic #83333
Refactor scheduler extender-related API fields #83262
Fix staticcheck failures in test/utils/...
Explicitly handle returned error values in admission metrics_test #82105
Cache serializations across watchers #81914
Update symlink warning #83350
Improve error message for projected tokens when API is not enabled #83192
explain why finalizers are not processed in order #83110
Use imageutils instead of hardcoded image paths #81093
Update e2e testing nodePort service listening on same port but different protocols #81419
Revert “Revert “[Re-Apply][Distroless] Convert the GCE manifests for master containers.”” #78466
e2e: on aws, tag volumes we want the cluster to mount #83301
use log functions of core framework #83148
Fixed issue with duplicate containerPorts in different address families #82374
Allow ipv6 urls in GetPortURL() #83331
test/e2e: Delete test namespaces asynchronously #82439
Add nil checks for Azure CSI translation #83249
Use $STACKDRIVER_ENDPOINT to set exporter sd endpoint #83205
Merge attach and detach common func #80420
Remove deprecated scalability tests #83322
Remove direct reference to prometheus from kubelet #83279
Cleaned up skip* functions from framework/util.go #83219
Mapping Layer - 2. Convert predicates/priorities configurations to a framework plugin one. #83099
kubeadm: bump versions for v1.17 cycle #83312
Adding fakeGetPodsAssignedToNode to node lifecycle controller tests #83248
complete pkg/scheduler/util unit test #82368
Fix host reuse for e2e tests #83284
using short flags instead of validate #83117
Refactor CSI Translation Library into a struct that is injected into various components to simplify unit testing #82683
scheduler: change PredicateMetadata.AddPod to use *v1.Node insead of rich *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo #83234
Fix aggressive VM calls for Azure VMSS #83102
Remove direct reference to label #83220
Remove direct reference to prometheus from openstack #83269
Fix #80571: Update service controller to prevent orphaned public IP addresses #82890
E2E: Add missing Bootstrap() call #83255
using online file instead to fix NUMA nodes init #83196
Always set content-type & nosniff #72535
Apply currently parses the yaml object 3 times, please remove 2 #83131
Deflake TestWatchBasedManager #83250
Remove direct reference to prometheus.Label #83223
replace bytes.Compare() with bytes.Equal() #83071
scheduler: add error handling for *podSpreadCache.removePod #83231
Fix typos in KeyUsage constant names #82511
Bugfix: remove PV dir when umount raw block device #79784
Fix informer-gen to honor nonNamespaced tag #80458
Use log functions of core framework on [r-u] #81685
Add LinuxOnly tag to e2e testing session affinity #82171
add logicalhan to reviewers for api-machinery directories #82033
Update to use go1.12.10 #83139
Update crictl to v1.16 #82856
Improve fieldmanager tests and benchmarks #82847
use vmss instance view expansion and azure-sdk-for-go v33.1.0 #82496
Promote DNS e2e verifying PQDN resolution for cluster #74977
add a known issue in 1.16 for kube-scheduler #83201
add test to show generic pod count counts all pods #83190
fix auth import statement in client-go #82764
Promote lease API test to Conformance #82632
Add e2e test for kubectl describe cronjob #79814
feat(scheduler): consolidate ScoreWithNormalizePlugin into ScorePlugin #83042
aws: sort addresses of multiple interfaces correctly #80747
fix typo in pkg #81916
migrate leader election to lease API #81030
Bump addon-resizer to 1.8.6 #83179
NodeLifecycleContorller - eviction processing refactor #82884
Remove direct reference to prometheus.Label from metrics API. #83159
Cleanup staticcheck issues for apiextension #81989
Delete the redundant define test #78563
Defer the removal of labelAlphaNodeRoleExcludeBalancer to 1.18 #82855
Cleanup DumpAllNamespaceInfo() in e2e test #82106
Mapping Layer - 1. A mapping from predicates/priorities to plugin configuration #83080
Update go mod hcsshim version to fix the kube-proxy issue cannot access service by self nodeip:port on windows #83027
Handle stability level default better #82957
remove apiserver loopback client QPS limit #80465
kubeadm: update OWNERS for 1.16 #83116
bump to pickup ipallocator changes #83113
Stop building the kubernetes-test mondo tarball #83093
Adding owners for EndpointSlice controller #83079
Remove unnecessary traversal of pod.Status.Conditions #83075
Adding lifecycle to RC, RCSet, Deployment, and Job testutils #83067
fix the comments of default daemonset update strategy #83047
Updating EndpointSliceCache sort function to be significantly faster. #83035
Optimize GetControllerOf method and add a benchmark for it #83022
Remove unused func GetPersistentVolumeClaimVolumeMode #82994
Properly close the file in makeFile #82991
Remove unnecessary sorting for highestSupportedVersion #82972
Check error return from WaitForCacheSync #82964
fix docker_build_opts bound variable #82963
fix typos in /test/e2e_node #78418
Corrected the pod reporting and messages #82932
simplify regexp with raw string #82928
An interface that allows pre-filter plugins to update their pre-calculated status #82912
Allow disruptive conformance tests and tag 2 as such #82664
Fix bug The statefulset have duplicate revision after resource was up… #82643
Move GetPodPriority from /scheduler/util to /api/pod #82465
informer-gen: allow package names containing dots #82410
Add authentication overall latency metrics #82409
Add support for type checking Unstructured event objects via GVK to client-go’s reflector #82388
Harden kube-dns to run with less privileges. #82347
migrate from framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie to e2enode.GetReadySchedulableNodes #82291
Made some grammar edits to the README #82157
fix: adding padding the encoded docker auth field #82148
Update ConfigMap test #82037
Propagate context to remote authorize/authenticate webhook calls #83064
Fix the cluster role for typha horizontal scaler. #83029
Clean up code about scheduler algorithm #82990
fix(pkg): delete unused var or const #82909
to use existing validating function #83060
fix(test): delete unused unused var or const #82910
hack/ ability to configure auth webhooks #83008
cleanup unused function LookForStringInFile #82998
Remove error check which is always false in RBDUtil#cleanOldRBDFile #82976
use log func in test/e2e/apimachinery #82717
cleanup test code in upgrades and autoscaling pkg #81978
Use scheduler.New() Instead of factory.NewConfigFactory() in Integration Test scheduler_test.go #81911
fix: remove reportingInstance field in eventKey. #83018
Use log functions of core framework on test/e2e/autoscaling #83010
Rename package socketmask to bitmask. #83033
Add KUBE_COVER_REPORT_DIR to specify coverage output dir. #83031
Use log functions of core framework on test/e2e/upgrades #83013
Fix staticcheck failures for pkg/scheduler/… #81744
Wrap promethues.Labels to stability framework. #83019
Use ipv4 in wincat port forward #83036
Come out of loop when RPC_STAGE_UNSTAGE_VOLUME is found #82974
make namespace-lifecycle controller more responsive #82802
auth/cloud-platform is a superset of devstorage. #82801
pkg/kubelet: fix uint64 overflow when elapsed UsageCoreNanoSeconds exceeds 18446744073 #82300
Copy PrettyPrintJSON to core framework #82108
Add known issue for informer-gen for packages with dots #83023
Revert “Updated COS version to M77” #83021
Updated ContextData and PluginContext with Clone methods. #82951
Add version logging to kubemark #82629
feat: bump prometheus common to v0.1.0 #79261
Fix pre pull of images in DiskPressure tests #82654
Allow relaxing deleted pods checking in RC runner #82029
Bump to v1.0.0 #83014
Minor cleanup of jsonFallbackEncoder #82984
Bump metrics-server version to v0.3.5 #83015
Replace hyperkube with apiserver for binary path guess #82947
Bind kubernetes dashboard containers to linux nodes to avoid Windows scheduling #82975
fix map assignment to entry in nil map,when use –feature-gates in kubeadm #82929
Fix possible fd leak and closing of dirs in doSafeMakeDir #82873
Remove some unused codes in stateful_set_utils.go #79129
Fixes static check failures in test/e2e_node/* #81932
Add support for preemptible instances in node-e2e #81512
storage E2E: test drivers must have DNS-1123 names #82955
Use framework.ExpectNotEqual() #82922
add volume topology e2es #81819
Fixes static check failures in pkg/security/podsecuritypolicy/sysctl #81933
Add benchmarks for yaml marshaling and unmarshaling #78688
Use framework.ExpectNotEqual() #82908
Refactor the scheduler’s configuration logic. #82896
Improve Scheduler Compatibility Test #82735
fix shellcheck in cluster/gce/ #82357
Fix kubectl panic when handling invalid error. #82914
Correct the error variable for releasing CIDR #82797
Do not query the cloud if dynamic PV has all the labels #82830
Move PodPriorityResolution e2e to integration #80824
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet/qos #78110
docs: add comments for action. #82941
Fix reinvocation test flake by scoping webhooks and markers #82807
WithAuthentication should wrap WithMaxInFlightLimit #82206
add conditions for remaining object totals during ns termination #82189
Move flag.Parse() from init() to TestMain() #82742
update spelling mistakes #82363
delete extra comma #82164
Break out of loop when NodeHostName is found #82848
No timeout when Kubelet Calling cni plugin #71653
TokenCleaner#evalSecret should enqueue the key #82887
Fixed a scheduler panic when using PodAffinity (k8s version >= 1.15) #82841
Check the error return from AddPlugin #82594
Clean up redundant post-finalizer deletions #82882
Update 1.16 CHANGELOG with introduction of feature EvenPodsSpread #82853
Fix typo in v1.16 CHANGELOG #82867
delete unused var #82858
Modified the Filter interface to pass in nodeinfo instead of node name. #82842
Updated COS version to M77 #82766
del unuse var in pkg/controller #82740
Fix typo in kubectl docs #81917
Add a couple simple conversions #82832
Add .bazelversion file #82700
removal of klog from validaters #81818
Return error when failed to get storage class #82810
fix compiling failure: execvp: /bin/bash: Argument list too long #82777
replace $IMAGE_NAME with ${IMAGE_NAME} #82725
add-err-handling-in-images/etcd/migrate #82721
fix kubectl run –generator=xxx bug #82726
replace 200 with http.StatusOK #82644
fix regex for go file, make it more accurate #82273
Updates to resolve shellcheck issues in hack/lib/ #81882
Only set ipv4/ipv6 routes when there is corresponding CIDR. #82800
Update API compatibility data for v1.16.0 #82839
Upgrade stackdriver-logging-agent image to 1.6.17 to fix CVEs. #82624
exclude kms provider from health check #82840
Convert TaintBasedEvictions e2e to integration test #81856
fix emptyDir volumes pod should support shared volumes between containers #82812
Drop hyperkube use from #81268
Match label and fields selectors in ComponentStatus List API #78438
Refactor and clean up e2e framework utils #76411
feat(scheduler): use api server to watch scheduled pods #82338
Fix Errorf arguments in tests #82790
dockershim/network: fix panic for cni plugins in IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack mode #82508
Split field manager with interface #82553
Bump to c2e2a4ab7ab9 #82805
dump namespace object in e2e when it doesn’t get deleted #82803
remove pkg/version and some of redundant copies of it #82096
fix pod infra containers oom-score-adj testing #82772
drop firewalld monitoring, add better iptables monitor #81517
Fix description of diff flags #78197
Remove unnecessary (inefficient) manual conversions #82780
Remove Unused Variables in scheduler api types #82732
feat: cleanup several GA feature flags which should be removed in 1.17 #82472
Azure cloud operation count metrics for azure cloud provider #82574
Cleanup staticcheck for package cache #82325
rm unnecessary return
at the end of function #82749
fix error package name #82738
Migrate prometheus bucket functionality to kube-metrics for proxy metrics #82736
Fix ipv6 ip allocation method for standard lb #82597
Migrate prometheus bucket functionality for metrics stability framework #82745
Adjust nginx lb timeout depending on the cluster size in tests #82696
Allow upgrade test to run on all cloudproviders #82760
validations: for negative PVC storage size don’t report “must be >= 0” #82759
reference cherry pick process in hack script #82758
Fix shellcheck failure in gce/gci/ #81061
Check the length of recorder.invocations #82733
Allow v1 review versions in 1.17+ #82707
optimize gc_controller.gcTerminated #82356
Migrate prometheus bucket functionality to metrics stability framework for scheduler #82741
expose and use an AddHealthChecks method directly on config #82713
refactor: replace all calls to os.Exit() / CheckErr(). #82243
fix static check failures in staging pkg #81944
add or fix some errors return statements and ineffassign #82571
Migrate prometheus bucket functionality to kube-metrics for winkernel #82737
use log funcs of core framework in the auth, kubectl and windows pkg #81987
fix: azure disk detach failure if node not exists #82640
use log func in test/e2e/network #82691
apiextensions: add integration test for not publishing non-structural CRDs #82661
Resolved cycle dependency in framework plugins registration #82704
Skip e2e tests that require node independent volume for the drivers that don’t support node independent volumes #82678
Migrate prometheus bucket functionality to kube-metrics for volume #82626
Add note on the role of BenchmarkSimpleCache #82471
Verify the response audience matches one of apiAuds #82208
Fix TestBlockMapperMapDeviceNotSupportAttach informer sync race #82697
fix kubelet status http calls with truncation #82669
Update golang scientific notation using hack/ #82684
Fix static failure from package: staging/src/ #81703
Modify the log of kube-proxy #82521
Ensure conversions are registered for metainternalversion codecs #82585
Migrate scheduler api types to sized integers #82283
Skip publishing OpenAPI for nonstructural schemas #82653
Fix iptables version detection code to handle RHEL 7 correctly #82602
Take the context as the first argument of Schedule #82119
Add johnbelamaric as conformance approver #82600
Make API constants constant #82599
Nominate alculquicondor to scheduler reviewers #82500
use log functions of core framework #81997
use log funcs of core framework in the scalability and cloud package #81985
Adding lock to node data map #82489
replace time.Now().Sub with time.Since #82266
Propagate and honor http.ErrAbortHandler #82588
Add wrapper for prometheus buckets functionality #82583
Expose etcd metric port in tests #82579
e2e: fix pause command in ProxyMode func #82576
MOD:fix spelling errors #82569
Refactor FieldManager tests to make them simpler #82554
Fix EvaluatedNodes in ScheduleResult #82156
Remove duplicate logging #79758
Remove alpha message #82548
keep the status error from envelope service #82543
adding yastij as a reviewer for the runtimeclass admission controller #82541
‘imagetag’ -> ‘image’ in edit set command examples #82535
Log all executed iscsiadm commands #82528
Exec probes should not be unbounded #82514
add line break in kubeadm upgrade logging message #82513
Remove me from OWNERS for GCI #82499
Avoid encoding from competing goroutines #82498
Userinfo conversion #82490
Fix ineffassign #82486
log-dump: make logging clearer #82485
The correct PluginConfig.Args is not passed to the corresponding PluginFactory in kube-scheduler when multiple PluginConfig items are defined #82483
e2e_kubeadm: fix command flags description #82481
endpoints: fix admission test types #82478
test: add cases to test that no images present in node status. #81647
fix some missing errors return statements #82477
Add -x to du commands to not traverse other file systems #82474
Add apigroup to the data source of pvc description #82464
Return proper Kind in error for Cacher #82461
Check cache is synced first before sleeping #82446
fix indentation with ‘kubectl describe node’ #82442
Encryption config: correctly handle overlapping providers #82434
Added alejandrox1 as test/e2e/framework reviewer #82433
kubelet: refactor server containerLogs test to table driven test #82370
Clarify retry.RetryOnConflict docs #82284
Error out when Scheduler PreBind plugins return Unschedulable #82187
Break out of the loop when active endpoint is found #82095
Break out of loop when finalizer is found #82053
Added OWNERS file for Topology Manager #81793
Fix a static check failure in controller-manager #81667
Create LoadBalancer in nginx ingress tests #82416
kubeadm: code clean up about kustomize #82414
Fix reviewer typo. #82411
Fix a typo in cmd/kube-apiserver. #82391
Enable block tests for Cinder #82367
Remove dead code used only in tests #82360
Bump gonvml module and remove CGO dependency. #82342
fix(scheduler): remove the defer function cost #82330
don’t start the cloud node controller if cloudprovider.Instances is not supported #82329
test: fix azure disk e2e test failure #82324
Repaire incorrect ip version event #82317
Remove unused func IsProxyLocked #82307
add identification for particular certificate controllers #82279
Update security contacts for kubectl #82261
Handle pod addition / removal errors #82209
add myself to util metrics owners #82032
volume scheduling: move metrics to a separate package to avoid import cycle #82255
Don’t require any resources in race test #82245
Mark Ceph tests as serial #82241
hack/boilerplate/ format python file according to PEP8… #82240
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet #82233
Add debug info to kubectl e2e #82224
Use Key() in Path composition #82210
Early return after sending to errCh in Options#eventHandler #82193
Move Update Apply conflict test to field manager test #82175
Adding termination grace period to Deployment, RC, RCSet, and Job #82170
Fix broken link. #82161
Typo fix: binded -> bound #82121
Fix sync pod log format #82113
Cleanup cluster/images/conformance/go-runner test data after test done #82064
Add a method to TestContext to check if is IPv6 #82060
Rewrite tests for tableprinter.go #82054
Use scheduler.New() Instead of factory.NewConfigFactory() in volumescheduling Integration Test #82040
use log functions of core framework in the ‘test/e2e/storage/*’ #81983
Use log functions of core framework on test/e2e/scheduling #81982
cleanup test code in lifecycle, servicecatalog and ui package #81980
clean up test code #81974
Fixing contradictory log messages when AddPodToVolume encounters error #81530
Add new flag for whitelisting node taints #81043
Typo fix: EptyDir -> EmptyDir in pkg/api/pod/util.go #81926
Remove Client#ClusterAvailable from interface #81908
Fix typo in “EnableInfightQuotaHandler” apiserver option #81867
Remove unnecessary factory layer #81777
override stackdriver endpoint in event-exporter in test cluster #81681
Deprecate default service IP CIDR #81668
Continue with remaining volumeAttached’s in VerifyVolumesAreAttached #81613
more e2eservice.TestJig cleanups #81479
Apply will fail with managed fields + tests #81453
delete shared metrics (post metrics-stability migration) #81432
Apply zero TerminationGracePeriodSeconds to preemption victims #81384
e2e test: Label all nodes in pod anti-affinity test. #80780
Fix shellcheck failure in test/image/ #80742
feat: use scheduler.New instead in createSchedulerConfigurator #80697
feat: remove deprecated include uninitialized flag #80337
Remove recursion in waitForVolumeDetachmentInternal #79005
fix syntactic error in kuberuntime_manager.go #74881
test: fix liveness pod #82520
Update Cluster Autoscaler version to 1.16.0 #82501
Prevent resultPod.Status.ContainerStatuses from being empty. #82262
Update cluster autoscaler image to 1.16.0-beta.1 #82430
Fix wrong command in e2e agnhost utility function #82420
Fallback to schemaless apply behavior for custom resources with unhandled schemas #82438
Add pre pull of e2e images after DiskPressure test #82018
Improving GCE cluster up logic for EndpointSlice Controller #82397
Update dev setup and client-go install instructions #82425
Fix filter plugins are not been called during preemption #81876
Adding a nil check in endpointslicecache #82393
kubectl attach test: wait for input before proceeding #79235
Starting EndpointSlice Controller when all Alpha gates are enabled in cluster up #82380
Add dns capability to GCE window cluster #82314
Use etcd image version suffixes in kubeadm #82348
fix namespace termination conditions to be consistent and correct #82288
Install and start logging agent based on kube env #81300
kubelet e2e: defer the close to after the error check #82335
kubeadm: Fetching kube-proxy’s config map is now optional #82248
fix sporadic failures in cni tests #82337
bump metrics-server version to v0.3.4 #82322
Fixing bugs related to Endpoint Slices #82289
Update default etcd server to 3.3.15 for kubernetes 1.16 #82199
Remove myself from reviewers across the repo #82047
Make sure loadbalancer service is deleted before exiting the test #82301
In GuaranteedUpdate, retry on a precondition check failure if we are working with cached data #82303
e2e log: fix time stamp normalization in unit test #82229
Add ready plugin to dns tests #82274
Match webhook client auth with ports consistently #82252
Ensure the KUBE-MARK-DROP chain in kube-proxy mode=ipvs #82214
Remove symlink support from kubectl cp #82143
Write the Stackdriver config separately from the installation. #82142
fix ci-kubernetes-node-kubelet-serial which set PodPriority #81825
Update NodeSSHHosts to support clusters with some public nodes #82275
persistentvolume-controller: fix data race of non-deepcopied objects in fake client #82239
Make iptables and ipvs modes of kube-proxy MASQUERADE –random-fully if possible #78547
kubeadm: Form correct URL for IPv6 in HTTPProxy check #82267
Register all volume plugins in kubemark #82259
Allow typha-chpa to get apps/deployments #82238
test(runtimeclass): add e2e tests for runtimeclass scheduling - Part3 #81915
promote crd discovery e2e to conformance #82198
Ensure backend is ready in listing webhook e2es #82207
Kubectl: take pod overhead into account for node info #81929
bump dep to pick up nbf enforcement #81413
Use CRD validation field in server-side apply #77354
Make webhook/crd e2e tests behave in parallel and non---enable-aggregator-routing
test environments #82200
Move HostUtil to pkg/volume/util/hostutil #82024
agnhost: add /readyz endpoints to converter/webhook commands #82185
Add support for konnectivity service to the etcd3 client. #82048
update cAdvisor godeps to v0.34.0 release #81972
Adding Kubectl Support for Endpoint Slices #81795
Adding EndpointSlice RBAC for node-proxier/kube-proxy #82153
Update NPD addon to use v0.7.1 #82140
Adding EndpointsAdapter for apiserver EndpointSlice support #82139
Add discovery docs crd e2e test #82036
add a timeout for proxying discovery requests #82146
Graduating Windows GMSA support to beta #82110
Topology Manager Policy: single-numa-node #82099
Disable tracking manged fields on scale sub-resource #82045
Add UnschedulableAndUnresolvable status code #82034
api: Loosens RunAsUserName validation #82133
Fix out of bounds error in timeout tests #82129
Bump CoreDNS version in Kubeadm to 1.6.2 #82127
FlattenListVisitor now continues traversal on errors and returns an aggregate error #82120
Migrate the e2e provisioner container image to a different location. #82115
Adding an e2e test on GMSA support #82109
Fix bug in CPUManager with setting topology for policies #82104
kubeadm: fix a bug where the kubelet cert rotation was turned off #82103
Enable the RuntimeClass admission controller on GCE & CI #82094
Add the ability to migrate CoreDNS configmap in kube-up #82093
dualstack: IPVS proxier #82091
Use http/1.1 for apiserver->webhook clients #82090
Move kubectl cp back to k/k #82087
Tombstone the former Fields field by commenting the old entry #82085
Update CRD godoc #82055
Fixed comment to refer to the right int accessor for Quantity #71815
Skip deleting custom resource instances that overlap with storage for built-in types #82035
Rename mount.IsBind to mount.MakeBindOpts #82028
e2e logging: disable brittle output test #82014
Change the seven blanks to {7}
in the regex #82007
Support GlobalAccess for gce Internal Loadbalancers #81549
Fix Windows disk usage metric measurement #81437
Add support for Topology Manager to Device Manager #80570
Add startupProbe to health checks #77807
add /livez
endpoint for liveness probing on the kube-apiserver #81969
Server side apply beta #81956
Promote CRD e2e tests to conformance #81864
Promote admission webhook e2e tests to conformance #81857
Fix the rejected label semantics in webhook metrics, add a counter metrics for webhook rejection with details #81399
Fix broken link to api-conventions doc. #81770
Convert kubelet metrics(running_pod_count and running_container_count) from non-standard prometheus collectors to standard gauges #81573
apiextensions: ignore path conflict and resolve definition conflict when merging openapi spec #81436
Block etcd client creation until connection is up #81435
serviceaccounts: Add JWT KeyIDs to tokens #78502
Adding EndpointSlice support for kube-proxy ipvs and iptables proxiers #81430
Azure support for dualstack LB services #80485
Move Openstack provider to staging #80027
Improve API documentation for ephemeral containers #79614
Add namespace status conditions #73405
Add discovery docs webhook e2e test #82019
derive node CSR hashes from public keys #81968
Promote VolumePVCDataSource to beta for 1.16 #81792
Remove kubectl log #78098
rm unnecessary judgement #73944
storage: fix CSIInlineVolume round-trip test #82012
Update kubectl polymorphic logs helper for ephemeral containers #82010
ephemeral inline CSI volumes as beta #82004
use DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc from client-go in service_controller #81601
Fixes all-namespaces flag being ignored by ToBuilder() in builder_flags.go #81468
use log functions of core framework #81996
fix test/e2e/gke_node_pools.go #81993
Correct func name WithBuildMetadata #81990
Use log functions of core framework on sub [p-s] #81973
Cleanup client-go static analysis issues-phase 1 #81947
Add NUMA Node awareness to the TopologyManager #81722
fix: add kind parameter in azure disk CSI migration #81633
migrate kube-proxy metrics to stability framework #81626
migrate controller-manager metrics to stability framework #81624
Add gen_openapi target to top-level Makefile. #81168
Make nodeList schedulable #81108
EndpointSlice Controller #81048
don’t delete KUBE-MARK-MASQ chain in iptables/ipvs proxier #80514
Create C:\tmp if DNE #80182
Phase 2 dualstack #79386
migrate kubelet’s metrics/probes & metrics endpoint to metrics stability framework #81534
Add authentication metrics: failure, error count #81509
Re-implement AWS test driver interfaces #81486
Fix in kube-proxy for sctp ipset entries #81477
Add e2e test for CSI volume limits #80247
Add types to StatefulSetUpdateStrategyType constants #81977
Bump the CRD feature gates to GA #81965
Remove watching Endpoints of Headless Services #81612
Adding Discovery API for EndpointSlice #80766
Bump NPD version to v0.7.1 for GCI #80726
ephemeral volume tests #81960
Improve error message on server-side apply conflicts #81958
fix: make kubeadm set defaults to kubelet configuration only when no values are set. #81903
Clarify use of node-role labels within Kubernetes #80238
enrich kubelet system oom event message info #78174
e2e/network: add service hairpin test #81955
schedule code clean: using string prefix instead of MarkDeprecated #81954
Update the CPUManager to include NUMANodeID in its topology information #81951
Use log functions of core framework on test/e2e/apps #81935
migrate scheduler metrics to stability framework #81576
remove dependency to pkg/features on service controller package #81949
Cleanup ginkgo.Fail calls from the e2e test framework #81948
add cache-control headers to kube-apiserver #81946
Use preferred import packages for test/e2e #81943
tests: Adds Windows RunAsUserName tests #79539
Cleanup vsphere staticcheck issue #81931
kubeadm: add support for Json6902 Patches #81910
Compute webhook selectors and client once per webhookconfig revision #81896
Update vendor k8s-cloud-provider and google API #81871
delete lo network when TearDownPod to avoid CNI cache leak #81828
Renaming strict policy to restricted policy #81787
Add FieldsType field to ManagedFields to track content format #81754
migrate kube-apiserver metrics to stability framework #81531
Graduate Volume Expansion to Beta + e2e tests #81467
Support Kubelet PluginWatcher in Windows #81397
Factor PassiveClock out of clock.Clock #80955
Print ephemeral containers in kubectl describe #80847
Make container removal fail if platform-specific containers fail #80320
Don’t start tracking field management until object has been applied #78738
Extending RequestedToCapacityRatio priority function to support resource bin packing of extended resources #77688
Fix e2e DNS IPv6 CI #81750
Promote service load balancer finalizer to Beta #81691
Bump cluster proportional autoscaler to 1.7.1 #81532
Refactoring pod related functions from pv_util to pod pkg #80998
Add support for vSphere volume mount/attach on Windows #80911
Allow kubectl to attach to ephemeral containers #80644
aggregator/apiextensions: logs & metrics why OpenAPI spec is regenerated #81786
Enable the RuntimeClass admission controller for scheduling #81862
remove slice dependency from service_controller #81844
Fix toleration comparison & merging logic #81732
Add a helper function to decode scheduler plugin args #80696
Windows dns config test #74925
always set lastTransitionTime when crd condition changes #69655
apiextensions: set ‘metadata.generation: 1’ on read from etcd if not set #82005
Split defaultPrintHandler from handlerEntry in table printing #81848
Move MakeFile/Dir from HostUtil to host_path vol #81739
test images: Adds README containing image building process #81662
move WaitForCacheSync to the sharedInformer package #81527
Use iteration to make the GeneralPredicates code cleaner #80814
kubeadm: fix upgrade checks #81836
remove the ipvs checks from the preflight checks #81791
Internalize mount.Interface.IsMountPointMatch #81730
Fix flaky hugepages tests by decreasing page count #81727
promote the remainingItemCount field to beta #81682
Updated comments in wait.go #81902
Utilize reflectorMutex in LastSyncResourceVersion #81889
apiextension: promote CRD defaulting to beta #81872
feat(scheduler): move node info snapshot out of internal package #81840
fix typo in build/platforms.bzl #81820
Move PrintPerfData to the test #81849
Use log functions of core framework on sub [j-l] #81814
v1beta1: bugfix in Event struct definition #81359
Refactor kubectl scale
to patch scale subresource #81342
ephemeral mode check #80568
e2e_kubeadm: use log functions of core framework #81925
Correct comment in CertOrKeyExist #81918
Use log functions of core framework on sub p* #81855
apiextension: ratcheting validation of unpruned defaults #81870
Failure logging #80253
publishing: add missing deps for 1.16 branch #81927
Use log functions of core framework on p* #81809
Tolerate ending slash when running staticcheck #81812
Add test for HTTPExtender.IsInterested #81842
Mark v1beta1 webhooks/CRD types deprecated in favor of v1 #81899
Split HostUtil functionality into its own files #81794
Remove preliminarily committed OpenAPI packages #81884
Use log functions of core framework on [c-n] #81693
allow an apiserver to only serve http1 #81860
Cleanup gce static analysis issues #81771
Update runtime class admission plugin - Part2 #81072
mutating webhook: audit log mutation existence and patch #77824
Pick up *_test.go in verify-import-boss #81752
tests: Skips Windows-unrelated tests on Windows #80213
fix-typo-cmd/kubeadm/app/util/config/initconfiguration.go #81821
Enables resizing of block volumes. #81429
Bump vertical autoscaler to v0.8.1 #81428
Set runtimeState when RuntimeReady is not set or false #79873
apiextensions: complete default-under-metadata validation and storage pruning #78829
Update PrintOptions to more appropriate GenerateOptions in some cases #81847
Remove nsenter impl from pkg/vol/util #81843
Moving podInformer to node controller scope #81839
kube-proxy: improve logging around network programming latency SLI. #81415
Add fast path to podFitsOnNode #81346
Don’t overwrite PVC with nil/empty object returned by failed Update #81107
Remove unused aggregator ca key #79908
Add ephemeral container to GetPodVolumeNames test #81835
update scale client to support non-namespaced resources #81507
Add dropDisbledFields() to service #81826
Adding TooMany error type #81815
check that the recorded event is not nil on refreshExistingEventSeries #81780
Prepare admission and CRD e2e tests to be promoted to conformance #81684
Use log functions of core framework on [d-i] #81811
Drop Azure/go-autorest from pkg/controller #81808
feat: update scheduling framework interface with camelcase #81800
Cleanup: fix typo in flag help message #81790
Fix windows kubectl log -f. #81747
apimachinery: hide ‘suppressing panic for copyResponse’ error’ in ReverseProxy #81776
Remove dead code #81768
Do not cleanup node lease namespace in e2e setup suite #81767
simulate in-tree cloud provider removal with a build tag #80353
Removed equivalence cache tests #79828
Nominate hex108 as a scheduler reviewer #81764
Add SataQiu to hack/ approvers #81758
Skip spec.volumes mount/map test if no SSH #81755
GCE/Windows: use “return” as “continue” for ForEach-Object #81753
Finish implementation of stable metrics static analysis #81510
mv HasMountRefs from mount pkg to vol/util #81745
Remove decorateTable() from table generator #81738
Close leaking files in conformance/walk.go
fix: azure disk name matching issue #81720
Fix golint failures in pkg/proxy #79846
fix cluster/images/conformance/go-runner/tar_test.go #81718
Fix static check for test/e2e/framework #81715
Check error return from Scheme.Convert #81701
kubeadm: fix static check failures #81656
Replace KubeDescribe with ginkgo.Describe in e2e/kubectl #79910
Remove check for addIPv6Checks which evaluates to true #81696
Use framework functions under test/e2e/node/ #81695
volume-controller: fix static check failures #81680
Update existing node lease with retry. #81663
Update the PR template for latest ‘additional documentation’ enhancements #81159
Use VisitContainers instead of directly accessing pod container fields #81674
Make sure no op updates don’t affect the resource version due to serverside apply #81673
staticcheck follow-up to address late feedback #81671
Fix CRD v1 release note #81669
add reviewer of csi-translation-lib #81664
Fix verb reporting in metrics #81660
fixes a bug that connection refused error cannot be recognized correctly #81634
Fix golint issues in pkg/apis/apps and pkg/apis/apps/validation #81569
Move HandleFlags to e2e package #81488
Fix raw extension openapi definition #80773
aggregator: add myself to approvers #81484
Add e2e test for Lease API #81414
Cleanup Kubelet static analysis issues #81206
Migrate shared metrics into component base #81173
kubeadm: print the stack trace of an error for klog level v>=5 #80937
iptables feature detection improvements #80368
Log the error return from dir removal #81631
Delete duplicate resource.Quantity.Copy() #81627
kubeadm: support any Linux kernel version newer than 3.10 #81623
moving ShuffleStrings to pkg/proxy #81605
apiextensions: builder for v3 schemas #81480
Drop GetPods from ActualStateOfWorld #81529
Removing unnecessary code from node lifecycle controller #81416
Compute container hash based on API content, not go type #57741
populate object name for admission attributes when CREATE #53185
kubeadm: kustomize-ux #81458
rename healthz methodNames to be more consistent w/ present day usages #81376
Promote e2e verifying different types of services and their behaviours #77865
Dump the stacktrace while an error occurs #80979
Fix cloud reported hostname being overridden if nodeIP set #80003
Add ‘apiserver_watch_events_sizes’ #80477
Remove NormalizeScore plugin set from config API. #80930
Plumb context timeout to admission webhooks #81602
Move RunNormalizeScorePlugins and ApplyScoreWeights into RunScorePlugins; Also add unit tests for RunScorePlugins. #81614
Removed awk from kubeadm reset #81494
Updating to etcd v3.3.15 #81434
Split HumanReadablePrinter struct into generator and printer structs #81404
Remove fail argument from ReadOrDie() #81393
Mark Conditions in CustomResourceDefinitionStatus as optional #64996
Set ProviderID when running kubemark node #73393
fix: trim new line for azure storage account name #81562
Make drain library more reusable #80045
Update structured-merge-diff to latest version #81561
Fix GCE typo in test output #81551
Use non-default container port and scoped port vars in webhook e2e tests #81541
Initialize flags to support extra flags #81499
Add support for Ephemeral Containers to the kubelet #59484
Demote HPA tests from release-blocking #81537
Refactor NewXXXPlugin in framework_test to avoid package variables #81460
Move ProxyRequest to kubelet e2e fw #81389
tests: Fixes DNS tests for Windows #81363
[fluentd/elasticsearch] updated fluentd to 1.6.3 #80912
Speed up block volume e2e test by checking events #81196
scheduler: internal data structure optimization #81068
Remove cloud specific DNS check to make e2e Conformance eligible #80682
Unstructed helpers: document lack of slice syntax #78539
Add the ability to migrate CoreDNS configmap in kubeadm #78033
Use TCP instead of ICMP to check outbound connectivity #77794
implement request cancellation in token transport #71757
Kubelet enabling to support pod-overhead #79247
kubeadm: do not use in app/preflight #81622
Bump nfs-provisioner to include GetReference fix #81620
Update Azure API versions in go imports #81505
Leave Windows Defender enabled for clusters on GCE #81625
Fix e2e for block volume expansion #81611
Handle tcp dial timeout in webhook e2e test #81540
Group managedFieldsEntries for update by manager name #81524
Upgrade e2e tests to use CRD v1 APIs #81497
fix: detach azure disk issue using dangling error #81266
Add missed status code description in comment. #81264
Add verify-staticcheck script #81189
Test more replicas than spec. #81019
Update GetTopologyHints() for TopologyManager Hint Providers to return a map #80569
add delete to gaugeVec, histogramVec, summaryVec since kubelet requir… #81608
Use v1 admissionregistration APIs in e2e #81558
convert EndpointNamespace showing string rather than pointer #81554
Add log.go back to core of e2e test framework #81426
inject transformer prefix into metric #80874
Check the error return from listener close #81604
Replace self defined const StatusTooManyRequests with http.StatusTooM… #81265
Fix Test for kubeadm/app/util/net.GetHostname #81589
add CNI config validation to getDefaultCNINetwork #80482
Fix flexvolume volumename issue #80904
add delete to counterVec wrapper, since we require it in the kubelet #81579
lock the mutation of the create boolean for safety #81577
Prune OWNERS file #80864
Add/delete load balancer backendPoodID in VMSS. #81411
Remove boolean waitForComponentRestart which is always true in upgradeComponent #81559
fix typo #81572
Upgrade ConversionReview e2e test image to also support v1 #81314
typecheck cleanup #81547
Add benchmark for updates and get with/without server-side apply #80944
partially cleanup hack/jenkins/… #81545
check whether serviceCIDR contains clusterCIDR during ipam initialization #80585
Don’t track syncProxyRules runtime if not running #81538
Add support for ConversionReview v1 #81476
test images: Adds version and bind-tools to agnhost #81008
Fix handling empty result when invoking kubectl get #77681
Demote regular resource tracking tests from release-blocking #81535
Taints and tolerations e2e test re-work #81472
promote CRD to v1 #79604
Only advertise supported patch types #81515
Delete agnhost binary #81514
Get location and subscriptionID from IMDS when useInstanceMetadata is true #81500
cleanup: fix typos in error message in e2e test #81470
remove defaultedInternalConfig from kubeadm #81465
Flatten Scheduler Struct #81207
Skip unused volumes in VolumeManager #81163
Fix shellcheck failure in cluster/ #80971
Removes conflicting Quobyte tenant test from API validation #80512
updated kubeadm reset wording to be more clear #81495
kubeadm: use etcd’s /health endpoint for it’s liveness probe #81385
Skip preprovisioned and inline volume tests if driver supports dynamic provisioning #81375
Propagate error from NewEtcd #81325
Bugfix/error config attachable plugin #81456
Add e2e tests for CSI PVCDataSources #80117
Add live list of pods to PVC protection controller to make sure it does not delete a PVC which is being used by a Pod #80492
Dual-Stack Integration with Kubeadm #79033
update go to 1.12.9 #81489
Move ConfirmStatefulPodCount to e2e test #81478
cleanup: fix typos in rbd_util.go #81471
fix some typos in testing.go and recycle_test.go #81444
Add http response code 301 and 503 to check. #81347
Azure SDK updates (6/30/19) #79574
buildPortsToEndpointsMap should use flattened value type #81378
Fix event when Cinder volume can not be expanded when in-use #81373
Extender bind should respect IsInterested #79804
Add instruction for “Application Default Credentials” to run e2e tests locally #81337
Use RWMutex in watchBasedManager #81332
Scheduler should terminate on loosing leader lock #81306
Provision vSphere volume as per selectedNode #79931
Fix panic when errors are nil #81463
Move GetGPUDevicePluginImage to the test #81391
feat: cleanup pod critical pod annotations feature #80342
Changes to make CPU Manager a Hint Provider for Topology Manager #73920
[kubernetes/kubeadm] fix minor nil issues in kudeadm code #81447
fix azure load balancer update dns label issue #81262
change deprecatedVersion type to string for static analysis parsing ease #81395
kubelet: add eviction counter to kubelet metrics #81377
feat: return error when score is out of range #81015
Upgrade AdmissionReview e2e test image to also support v1 #81271
Follow up #80734: update RSA keys to 2048 bits #80801
add e2e test for cronjob failedJobsHistoryLimit #78245
Add test for mismatched usage of filesystem/block volumes #79796
fix shellcheck failures in hack/ and hack/verify-t… #81424
Update to go 1.12.8 #81390
Add admission e2e tests for untested stable operations #81381
kube-proxy: do not export network programming latency for deleted Endpoints #81361
Fix two race issues in schedule_queue #81148
kubeadm: add v1.17 to the list versions that map to etcd version #81386
Fix flaky test TestPreemptWithPermitPlugin #81328
proxy/ipvs: test cleanLegacyService with real servers #81309
Update CSI hostpathplugin to include cloning fix #81304
Add CRD e2e tests for untested stable operations #81240
Drop deprecated cadvisor metric labels #80376
DO NOT publish openapi specs containing bad types #79587
Check if options returning an error #78775
bump go-grpc-prometheus to v1.2.0 #81387
add missing import required by build scripts #81335
remove iSCSI volume storage cleartext secrets in logs #81215
feat: use named array instead of array in normalizing score #80901
Fix default scheduler crash if scheduler extender filter returns a not found node #79641
omit unused receiver name #76365
Update golang/x/net dependency #81394
Add service reachability polling to avoid flakiness #81341
publishing: add rules for 1.16 and remove for 1.12 #81287
[]fix typo in eventseries_test.go method #81331
Hide bearer token in logs #81330
make consistent receiver name #76472
add a test case for HostnameOverride #72771
proxy/ipvs: remove unused constant rsGracefulDeletePeriod #81312
add logicalhan as approver on component-base/metrics #81307
Return 503 for custom resource requests during server start #81244
Use the escalate verb for clusterroleaggregator rather than cluster-admin permissions #81199
Rename MetricsForE2E for golint failure #81099
Bump gengo to have set insert|delete return the set #81372
Add code check for framework.ExpectEqual() #80785
Update docs for service/endpoints port names #80664
Fix code block for kubectl book. #80285
Add DataSource to PVC describe #76463
apiserver: Update a comment #75253
Error code incorrectly hidden in recordEvent #81305
Fix Azure client requests stuck issues on http.StatusTooManyRequests #81279
Update to latest klog 0.4.0 #81164
Remove algorithm.NodeLister from scheduler interface #81151
fixup: correct file name in log message #80985
Update csi-provisioner and snapshotter to get selflink fix #81296
kubeadm: cleanup unnecessary slice initialization statements #81275
Ensure tests which rely on SSH behavior are skipped if unavailable #81087
Kubeadm: kustomize core #80905
proxy/ipvs: refactor IPVS unit tests TestClusterIP and TestNodePort to use test tables #80779
Fix spelling errors for messages #81276
Add service annotation for specifying load balancer’s pip with name. #81213
Bump cadvisor to a latest commit #81162
Introduce cache for speeding up APIServices lookup #79999
changes the way gc
detect that an object needs to be deleted #81081
Add IPv6 support to e2e GlusterDynamicProvisioner #81069
Fix logging message during unmounting #81013
fix ipvs_svc deletion #80942
Static analysis prototype #80906
Use go standard library for common bit operations #78587
Inline/simplify two used-only-once service test helper functions #81291
Remove core dependency from endpoints e2e fw #81235
Rename HostUtils.ExistsPath to PathExists #81204
fix typos in kubelet.go #80519
feat: remove several types in runtime serializer #79263
Propagate error from NewREST #80952
Runtimeclass scheduling api #80825
Revert “Toleration priority function score computation” #81295
cleanup: proxier.go error message fix #81292
Remove runDeployment() from e2e test #81251
expose ability to register native prometheus collectors #81190
doc: add Draven as a reviewer to test package #81252
doc: fix couple of issues for the doc of agnhost #80842
Added info requested in review of #77636 #80565
Make etcd world-executable in Docker image #79722
kubeadm: change the permissions of generated CSR files from 0644 to 0600 #81217
Fix conflicted cache when the requests are canceled by other Azure operations #81282
Remove unused BusyBoxImage #81241
kubelet: ensure stable order for images in node status #79578
Fix node port service reachability test for nodes running on localhost #81157
reduce kubelet getting node lease #81174
Fix host path test clean up #79978
Rename HostUtils.GetFSGroup to HostUtils.GetOwner #81230
Return CR validation errors as field errors #81212
Rename mount.NewOsExec to mount.NewOSExec #81187
Fix for kube-proxy to wait for some duration for the node to be defined. #77167
Remove core dependency from deployment e2e fw #81231
Deprecate the hyperkube support for cloud-controller-manager #81219
Add iptables restore failure metric #81210
Limit v1 webhooks to None and NoneOnDryRun side effects classes #81046
feat: add Patch method to ScaleInterface #80699
Fix most linting issues in pkg/util/mount #81180
Experimental ILB support #81074
kubeadm: Fix some documentation errors #81031
fix: switch to VM Update call in attach/detach disk operation #81208
Record metrics when framework returns unschedulable error #80416
Support cross resource group load balancer. #81054
Remove printOnce() on e2e tests #81203
Update test/OWNERS #81176
Small fix for kubeadm version def.bzl #81156
Remove unnecessary serializer override for CRD status, test proto requests on CRD status #78715
Remove return value of mergeHealthChecks. Simplified HC equivalence check #70384
Update the Windows server core 1809 image to July version 0709 #81106
Fix Incorrect isKernelPid check #81086
fix: use workqueue to speed up of volume binding tests #80939
Lower verbosity level for some useful scheduler logs; Also add node resource info when pod is scheduled on node. #80811
Promote resourceQuota e2e verifying ‘object count quota’ and ‘quota scope’ to Conformance #78331
Incorrect docker daemon process name in container manager #81083
Setup directories for Metrics validation and verification KEP #80803
Use bigger keys for RSA-PSS, default for TLS 1.3 (Golang 1.13 requirement) #80734
Changed IsCriticalPod to return true in case of static pods #80491
Add integration test for ephemeral containers #79216
Constant time password comparison #81152
CRD validation refactor #81105
remove dead code: pkg/api/resources #81104
kubeadm: remove dependency on pkg/kubeapiserver/authorizer/modes #81084
Add validation to ConfigMap patch test #80787
Remove unused package //pkg/util/normalizer #80526
Fixes missing path parameter to CRD restful container #80074
Fixed a racing issue in scheduler UT #79631
Update dependency to fix emtpy byte marshaling #81096
also deprecate –cloud-provider-gce-lb-src-cidrs flag in kube-apiserver #81094
Fix a racing issue in FakeFilterPlugin #81091
modify the spelling errors #81059
Move volume scheduling integration tests into a separate pkg #81050
Add verbose to reachability test commands #81049
Add security notices to changelogs #81044
Scope e2e webhooks to avoid cross-test interference #81032
Drop cloud-controller-manager artifacts from k/k release #81029
Refine TestFilterPlugin #81006
Deprecate SelfLink and introduce feature gate to disable its propagation #80978
Switch to #80689
Update CleanupAndExit and OnServiceSynced field comment and bugfix panic params in the construct method #80502
Fix symlinks in bazel-release #80461
Optimize logic in EvenPodsSpread API validation #80395
fix golint failures for pkg/volume/scaleio and pkg/volume/storageos #79137
get rid of the redundancy field in kube-proxy option #78204
Fix golint failures of pkg/registry/core/event #78113
Reduce indents of resource_usage_gatherer #81053
fix wrong spells in create_namespace.go #81018
Add to #80986
kubeadm e2e networking test for dual-stack podSubnet check. #80947
Get network-proxy working with GCE. #78543
Test webhooks with and without watch cache enabled #79659
Moving e2e boilerplate to separate functions #79909
kubeadm: fix name of CA spell error #81002
add options for name and namespace of leaderelection object #80681
Fix error collides with imported package name #80953
Return error returned by CSINode Get if initialization failed #80935
feat: update multiple files in e2e node with framework helpers #80843
Use framework.ExpectEqual() in test/e2e_node/[a-d] #80790
Promote NodePort service creation e2e test to conformance #80655
Promote taint-based eviction e2e tests to Conformance #80654
Remove Configurator interface #80590
Add doc that plugins in bind cycle should not use scheduler NodeInfoSnapshot #80412
vender upgrade codedellemc/goscaleio to release v0.1.0 #80321
Add trace to webhook invocations #78610
Add ImageFSInfo, ContainerStats, and ListContainerStats impl for linux to dockershim #80105
Fix golint pkg/kubelet/stats/client.go #78345
Validate CSI Inline Migration unconditionally #80945
fix: Use %q instead of %v in the scheduling framework #80885
Bump log level of CSI driver de-registration to match registration handler #80994
Fix volume reconstruction and add e2e tests #75071
Use default skuname shared Azure Disk #80837
cleanup: fix log message error in test case #80995
cleanup: fix typo “contstruct” -> “construct” #80992
Fix example urls #80356
Add davidz627 to testing manfiests csi owners #80991
Wait for pods to be running before eviction starts #80879
Refactor kubectl retrieve logs test to use agnhost #80516
Bump GCE PD CSI Driver testing manifests to v0.5.2-gke.0 for volume limits fix #80990
kubeadm: use EnsureCertificateAuthorityIsEmbedded() for file discovery #80966
cleanup: remove package csi duplicated error log #80866
Remove duplicate scheduler anti-affinity preemption e2e #80821
Don’t delete service endpoints when a generic error occurs #80273
Added import restrictions file to e2e framework #80496
Use v1helper.GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass for compatibility #80460
Propagate errors from DSW to pod events #80369
Simplify checking in getMinTolerationTime #79443
Fix golint failures in some pkg/kubelet packages #75303
kubeadm: enable secure serving for the kube-scheduler #80951
Refactor and clean up e2e framework utils, this patch handles test/e2e/framework/kubelet_stats.go file #80706
Add ipv6 support to the e2e kubectl tests #80610
Upgrade Calico to 3.7.4 #80536
Move docker specific const to dockershim. #80961
Disable gzip compression in core control plane components #80919
kubeadm: add a defer to kubelet bootstrap token deletion #80820
publishing: remove redundant rules for kubectl #80893
kubectl get
does not count binaryData keys on ConfigMap #80827
kube-proxy: change buckets used by NetworkProgrammingLatency #80218
Fix comment on dropPodStatusDisabledFields method #80946
Test verify attach #80446
feat: implement “post-filter” extension point for scheduling framework #78097
Fix verify-generated-files to error on untracked files #80936
Preserve existing ephemeral containers on update, validate ephemeral containers and overhead unconditionally #80933
update generated files #80932
increase timeout for maximum-startup-sequence-duration as a stopgap #80928
Reduce GCE PD Attach Limits by 1 because Node Boot Disk counts as 1 attached disk #80923
Remove recursion in csiAttacher#waitForVolumeAttachmentInternal #79144
Handle NotImplemented error in service_controller. #80660
Toleration priority function score computation #80922
Fix admissionreview doc typos #80884
Omit namespace when kubectl get is for the cluster #80873
kubeadm: fix-certs-generation-for-external-etcd #80867
csi: Fix socket extension comment #78736
Fix reserved cgroup systemd #78793
Unexport kubectl cmd profiling functions #80920
Fix registry for prometheus-to-sd #80902
kubeadm: simplified returns #80894
Don’t supress the node update error while logging #80882
Fix shellcheck failures in hack/ #80505
informer-gen: correctly generate group packages when groups contain hyphens #80440
Rename cacheWatcher#stop #80788
handle joinControPlaneDoneTemp.Execute errors #80891
Fix failing service e2e due to execPod unavailability #80805
Add IPv6 support to preserve source pod IP test #80595
kubeadm reset: replace Errorf with Warningf #80862
Update kube-addon-manager to v9.0.2 #80861
Add separate cache for CSINode #80084
Move /pkg/kubectl/cmd/{command} to staging #80876
Removed unsed return values of createResourceQuota #80778
Determine system model to get credentials for windows nodes #80764
Use raw bytes instead of nested map in metav1.Fields #80730
Promote admissionreview to v1 #80231
Even Pods Spread - 6. Integration Test #80011
Only output json format from tests when building junit reports #80863
Fix selflinks in tests #80859
Add v9.0.2 to #80856
Typo fix: DaemonsSet->DaemonSet #80860
Return early in ApplyScoreWeights if there are no scores #80846
Make kubeadm join discovery wait for a finite time #80804
Query nodes in Schedule only when there are no predicates #80533
Corrected Cinder typos. #80487
Fix selflinks in events tests #80858
kubeadm: update the version constants for 1.16 #80833
Device Plugin API change to include Topology Info in Devices #74423
Updates to container manager and internal container lifecycle to accommodate TopologyManager #74357
cleanup: log message typo fix #80844
Nominate Abdullah Gharaibeh to scheduler maintainers. #80835
add secret back to the workqueue with delay time, avoid expired bootstrap tokens not being deleted #77713
Refactor and clean up e2e framework utils, this patch handles test/e2e/framework/psp_util.go file #77534
feat: enhance Azure cloud provider code to support both AAD and ADFS authentication. #80841
OWNERS: api-approvers should be approvers on cri-api #80603
Add a field ‘RequiredAccessModes’ to the driver info object that is propagated to pvc creation #80378
Fix wrong indentation in shell #79827
kubelet: lookup node address for external provider if none is set #75229
Fix shellcheck failures in test/cmd/{d,l}.*.sh #79195
Fix some unreasonable places int csi ut #80848
fix snapshotter rbac rules #80816
fix kubemark e2e test script #80427
Use reservoir sampling to select one host from priority list #78009
do not return error, when the ds is not found #80798
hostport: Don’t masquerade localhost-to-localhost traffic #80591
cleanup: remove duplicated logging error message in csi_mounter.go, also some typos. #80522
Don’t count unrelated volumes in scheduler predicate #80360
e2e: Run ginkgo in foreground, elminiate wait & pgrep #80796
Refactor pkg/kubectl/conditions.go to remove file #80761
Move pod related functions in file test/e2e/framework/util.go to its sub directory #80708
Add NormalizeScore extension point for scheduler framework. #80383
scheduler: make ApplyFeatureGates() stateless #80144
switch go tests to json output #80822
Add GetKernelVersion to ipvs.KernelHandler interface #80636
Convert e2e webhook tests to use v1 API #80769
Log an error when kube-scheduler fails to update the condition of the pod #80736
Fix registry for PrometheusDummyExporter #80809
Move pkg/kubect/explain to staging #80727
Fix unexpected line end in override flags #80802
Use framework.ExpectEqual() under test/e2e_kubeadm #80795
Refine watcher count calculation #80792
apiextensions: check request scope against CRD scope correctly #80750
Fix iscsi logout issues #78941
Refactor pkg/kubectl/{scale.go|rollingupdater.go} for move to staging #80772
Move pkg/kubectl/cmd/util/openapi/OWNERS to staging #80765
split coredns dependency to decouple kubeadm and kube-up #80749
report error message when reset scheduler metrics in e2e test #80739
Fix tag for gogo/protobuf #80732
Fix public IP not found issues for VMSS nodes #80703
e2e_node: clean up non-recommended import #80680
Un-[Slow] a bunch of networking tests #80646
Update to v2.7.1 #80721
TopologyManager: Fix rename best-effort policy files #80683
kubeadm: delete bootstrap-kubelet.conf after TLS bootstrap #80676
Move pkg/kubectl/proxy to staging #80601
Propagate kubeadm dual-stack feature-gate to all k8s components #80531
upgrade repo infra to f85734f673056977d8ba04b0386394b684ca2acb #80755
Move pkg/kubectl/interfaces.go to testing #80754
Pop expired watchers in case there is no update to cache #80692
Fix kubeadm file discovery #80675
Assign OWNERS for pod integration tests to sig-node #80645
Move pkg/kubectl/generate to staging #80679
Move pkg/kubectl/polymorphichelpers staging #80678
Remove duplicated check in ObserveEventAfterAction #80666
Store key in TimestampedEntry #80658
fix typos in csi_attacher.go #80612
Check whether metricObj can be converted to *v1beta2.MetricValueList #80392
fix nil function invocation in client-go/tools/leaderelection #78778
kubelet: add UID to kubelet_container_log_filesystem_used_bytes metric #80657
Avoid echoing request URL in proxy error #80641
Support passing Args
for newrc
function within test/e2e
Use ErrorChannel to communicate errors during parallel execution in interpod_afiinity #80588
Move pkg/kubectl/metricsutil to staging #80561
Unify secret and configmap triggers in cacher #80521
update guide to make the command works as expected #80424
Remove NodeLister from Scheduler Configurator #80233
Fix go lint error for cache directory #79963
Fix/Add comments on cadvisor implementations #73829
Add e2e test for downward API with host network #79751
quote container name in container already use error matching #79623
Proactively remove init Containers in CPUManager static policy #78762
Fix error case for ExtractFieldPathAsString #78675
Fix error message of ListTargetHTTPSProxies #75000
Fix ‘concurrency’ logs typo #79956
fixed a typo in kubectl book #79890
fixed a typo in kubectl book #79561
Make the check strict to use ExpectNoError() #78740
Delete the pods from unschedulable queue only when Add succeeds #78632
document API guarentees and deprecation policies for cloud config files #80606
Move pkg/kubectl/cmd/util and subdirs to staging #80701
Use HTTPS as etcd-apiserver protocol when mTLS is enabled #77561
Upgrade logexporter version. #80709
kube-proxy in ipvs mode use ipvs to redirect traffic #80688
Remove ExecutionHook API changelog entry #80480
Move pkg/kubectl/apply and subdirectories to staging #80695
Remove final file from pkg/kubectl/util #80652
kubelet: change node-lease-renew-interval to 0.25 of lease-renew-duration #80429
Kubeadm Networking Configuration E2E Tests #80259
Move pkg/kubectl/cmd/util/openapi to staging #80620
Rename ‘preferred’ TopologyManager policy to ‘best-effort’ #80301
Move pkg/kubectl/version to staging #80656
Update misleading comemnts for HandleCrash #80350
Even Pods Spread - 5. Priority Core #79063
Emit the nvidia driver version in gpu e2e test #77100
Add message which shows how much CPU used #80669
fix building test/e2e_node/ with bazel 0.28.1 #80662
Fix error handling issue in kubeadm upgrade diff #80648
Add simple pod updates batching to endpoint controller. #80509
Check error return from GetPodKey #80448
Send a reject message to permit plugin when preempting a WaitingPod #80254
fix pv-controller sync check node affinity for scheduled claim #79696
Retry metadata requests in get-credentials and valid-storage-scope #80635
build: Add Release Engineering OWNERS #80631
Follow up #80474: use correct format verb #80619
Revert “e2e: Skip multi-node PV test when pods scheduled on the same node #80578
Move pkg/kubectl/describe to staging #80552
Remove unnecessary loop for lowering expectations #79068
Bump kube-addon-manager’s version to v9.0.2 #80630
Moves pkg/kubectl/util/i18n to staging #80608
kubeadm: handle ResetClusterStatusForNode errors #80573
cleanup: log message typo fix #80524
kubeadm: remove dependency on pkg/kubeapiserver/authorizer/modes #80307
Don´t translate to IPv6 empty addresses #80634
e2e_kubeadm: clean up non-recommended import #80617
Bug fix: set enableTcpReset to true for Azure SLB load balancer rules #80624
PVC protection controller: fix PVC leaks #80476
Document and improve defaulting for MakePersistentVolume, dedupe some manual PV creations #80543
Allow customize base image and released image registry #80525
pkg/volume/portworx: Update vendor for libopenstorage/openstorage to v1.0.0 #80495
fix wrong spells in events.go #80520
fix kube-proxy manifest #80566
Move pkg/kubectl/drain to staging #80562
doc: nominate Draven to scheduler reviewers. #80551
Promote job completion after failure e2e test to Conformance #80550
Move some pkg/kubectl into polymorphichelpers #80548
Promote job pod orphaning/adotion e2e test to Conformance #80544
Fix detachment of deleted volumes #80518
Refactor nested loop in getTPMapMatchingSpreadConstraints #80503
Small Fix: Use correct format verb #80474
Add ip family autodetection to the testing framework #80398
Promote StatefulSet Replica scaling #80150
persistent and ephemeral csi volumes #79983
Added code for e2e tests for network policy. #77593
Use new reverse protobuf marshalling #77355
Remove unneeded directory #80361
Fix golint failure in pkg/quota/v1/evaluator/core #80094
Update csi hostpath driver in e2e #79955
Fix nil pointer dereference error in volume_stat_calculator #79851
Even Pods Spread - 4. Preemption Support #79062
Refactor and clean up e2e framework utils, this patch handles test/e2e/framework/perf_util.go file #77532
Fix leader election in kube-addon manager #80575
cleanup: fix some log and error capitalizations #80318
Move pkg/kubectl/apply.go to staging #80558
fix typos in pv_controller.go #80556
Move pkg/kubectl/apps to staging #80554
Remove unwanted string converstion in metrics errors #80347
cleanup: remove useless code #80166
Fix es initial cluster formation & update es to 7.2.0 #80421
Dedupe all Make PVC API object functions into the one MakePersistentVolumeClaim to rule them all #80382
feat: use scheduler.New in daemonset integration test #79417
use ExpectEqual in density_test.go #80417
Fix typo in network policy ingress rule #79425
Move pkg/kubectl/util to staging #80540
fix: return empty string when status is nil #80469
Add service reachability test util function #79667
Precheck score plugins’ weight when initializing #80305
Even Pods Spread - 3. Predicates Core #77828
kubeadm: add forgotten error check #80529
Set the systemUUID for windows nodes #80486
remove function apply-encryption-config in configure-helper #80232
Use scheduler cache in affinity priority functions #80220
Add new iSCSI refcounter #80091
add protection for reserved API groups #79992
proxy/ipvs: Only compute node ip addresses once per sync #79444
Add migration shim for verifyvolumeattachment and bulk verify #80443
Fix error override when saveVolumeData occurs error #80451
ignore failed pods to not block rolling update daemonset #78170
Fix retry issues when the nodes are under deleting on Azure #80419
fix grammar error #80478
Fix golint failure in pkg/util/netsh/testing/ #80096
Add support for AWS EBS on windows #79552
Even Pods Spread - 2. Calculating Predicates Metadata #77760
Nominate Abdullah Gharaibeh to scheduler reviewers. #80223
refactor: move service related functions in service pkg #77155
Cleanup the TopologyManager socketmask abstraction #80315
Update the cpumanager and topologymanager to error out if an invalid policy is given #80294
Fix potential panic in nodeGetVolumeStatsV1 #80459
Pod e2e for reading last line can flake if pod runs to completion #80393
add link of kubeadm config doc #80433
Add CSIDriver creation factory to e2e framework #80375
Change default PVC AccessModes to RWO in test framework #80377
GCP config: gke-exec-auth-plugin for ValidatingAdmissionWebhook #79553
pkg/util/workqueue/prometheus: fix double registration #77553
Refactors to kubectl CP command #80436
Fixes 78001 The implementation of Filter extension for the new framework #78477
Calling Unreserve plugin before recordSchedulingFailure in case of bi… #80341
Add CPU usage nano cores for windows nodes #80176
make client-go/util/retry more generic #80402
Add Ephemeral Containers to the Kubernetes core API #59416
Fix csi attacher unit tests using t.Run() #80418
Bump smd #80380
add ability for gce to bulk verify attached disks #79897
Don’t expect pod to stay up during node upgrade #80276
kubeadm: remove dependency on pkg/util/procfs #80296
Surface error returned by LoadConfig #80331
Even Pods Spread - 1. API changes #77327
Move kubectl scheme #79408
bazel: add openapi generation for non-main spec and fix main spec #80125
kubeadm should always fall back to client version when there is any internet issue #80024
Promote existing E2Es for hostport/HostIP resolution to conformance #78350
Move volume_expand tests to storage e2e testsuites #78000
Return the error from validateOverhead in RuntimeClass#Validate #79565
Correct test name for existing E2E related to backofflimit in jobs #75632
Cleanup versioning serializer #80362
fix parameterization of test error message #80327
e2e test: Remove unnecessary return value check #79921
remove sudo from storage tests #80329
add new function to return partial list of found instances #80180
Promote API metadata return value #80153
Improve readability for image manager tests #80104
Register Kubelet server metrics #80324
Revert “feat: cleanup pod critical pod annotations feature” #80277
Add OWNERS for generated openapi spec package #80246
Cleanup kubelet authz tests & make explicit #80234
Update deprecated diff.ObjectGoPrintDiff method #80252
gce: configure: use ‘amd64’ in kube core images manifest #80229
Rename TriggerPublisherFunc as IndexerFunc #80300
Refactor and Move node related methods to framework/node package[1] #79879
Fix golint failure in pkg/controller/volume/expand #80088
Adding metrics to nfs driver #75805
Skip unnecessary copy of Selector #80230
make node lease renew interval more heuristic #80173
Scheduler changes to introduce alpha support for Pod Overhead #78319
build: bazel: release tars should use arch in the name #80266
Skip unnecessary operations if diff is <= 0 #80263
Revert “Promote pod autoscaling” #80261
fix panic in ResourceLocation in case of empty pod ip list #80260
Update structured-merge-diff version #79551
Fixes TestScorePlugin flakiness. #80256
Remove unnecessary string() from policy_none #80235
Simplify trigger functions in cacher #79793
Adds WindowsOptions.RunAsUserName field #79489
Check error return from MetaNamespaceKeyFunc #79060
Correct test name for existing E2E related to active deadline in jobs #75629
kubeadm: get rid of dependency on pkg/util/node #79477
Add Topology Manager Implementations based on Interfaces #73580
Fix iSCSI storage plugin cleanup in block volumes #79977
Add check to reduce orphaned volume #79971
Add patch method for container images #74703
Add passthrough for MountOptions for NodeStageVolume for CSI #80191
Prune hub-type client/informer/lister from kube-aggregator #79418
Update unit test with expected query parameters #80236
Score plugin for the scheduling framework. #79109
release: accept empty KUBE_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG #80185
Bump kube-openapi and structured-merge-diff #80123
Promote pod autoscaling #79954
v1.15.0 API compatibility data #79544
Fix message of failed sync #75260
Remove duplicate requestInfoResolver #80206
kubectl/docs/book: bump lodash from 4.17.5 to 4.17.13 #80167
More consistent env var handling in vsphere e2e test #79945
Make taint.ToString() consistent with the reverse parsing logic #79834
Check return value of LabelSelectorAsSelector in describe #80183
Log warning if config labels deletion returns false #79989
Add Policy None for Topology Manager #79343
Avoid RbdDiskManager’s DetachDisk function never be executed again #79940
Support scaling HPA to/from zero pods for object/external metrics #74526
Tolerate the case if related
event cannot be found #80200
kubeadm: fix the bug that bazel build does not respect hack/ #80165
Adds json struct tags to exposed API types #80050
Add support for writing out of tree custom scheduler plugins #78162
Fix no audit policy by default in hack/ #80189
Use docker official redis images #80126
Fix error shadowing error for createPDWithRetry so failures return actual error #80188
remove #80142
fix: rename RegisterPriorityFunction2 to RegisterPriorityMapReduceFunction #80132
feat: use channel instead of mutex in scheduling predicates #79777
Consolidate block and filesystem tests #79730
Add Bind extension point to the scheduling framework #79313
Improve windows home directory selection #73923
Propagate error from creating cacher and storage decorators up #80160
kubeadm/*/phases/init/certs,kubeconfig: add “kubernetes-version” flag #80115
removed flaky watch code and added NewIndexerInformerWatcher for LimitRange test case #76328
Adds kubeadm feature-gate for dual-stack (IPv6DualStack) #80145
Refactored metrics-related functions from framework/metrics_util.go #79753
Add docs
section to pull request template #79361
Break out of inner loop when newQuantity is negative in admissionRequirementList#subtract #77686
Check error return from Update #77323
Break out of loop when currentRevision is found in defaultStatefulSetControl#getStatefulSetRevisions #78361
Fix (some) kubelet watches to propagate all options #80162
Remove manual conversions for ListOptions #80157
Bugfix: csi plugin supporting raw block that does not need attach mounted failed #79920
Don’t print non-error (blank lines in this case) to stdout #78774
delivery event non blocking firstly #76239
kubeadm: cleanup unnecessary k8sVer parameter for GetStaticPodSpecs #80103
publishing: bump go versions for 1.13 and 1.14 #80151
Add documentation about “non-zero requests” #78263
Drop -r for variable within loop #80141
cluster: configure: load images and add tags with no arch #80054
proxy/ipvs: increase log level for graceful termination #80100
Register WatchEvents metric #80087
Update pd csi driver images to most recent stable #80071
Move etcd/util to etcd3/ #79645
Make service “no endpoints” test use agnhost connect #80086
Fixes mount/unmount paths for migrated inline volumes #80048
kubeadm: support fetching configuration from the original cluster for ‘upgrade diff’ #80025
apiserver: wire OpenAPI into sample-apiserver #79843
Add explicit warning for deprecation of Cinder and ScaleIO volume providers #80099
release lib: docker save remove special name for amd64 #80047
Wait for StackdriverLogging service to stop before restarting it. #79447
Remove deprecated –containerized flag in kubelet #80043
Stop testing containerized kubelet in e2e-node #74177
Cloud provider AWS library should query instance by ID when possible #78140
Remove support for etcd2 from cluster/images/etcd image #80037
use klog.Error instead of klog.Errorf when had no format #80033
Use Join instead of concat it manually in cephfs. #79415
Close watcher early for volume detachment #79113
Migrate scheduler to use v1beta1 Event API #78447
Add josephburnett to podautoscaler OWNERS. #80077
If volume in delete request does not exist, return success. #79656
Promote WatchBookmarks to beta #79786
Fix for staging repos to not rely on scripts being executable #79081
tests: Fixes jessie-dnsutils image build #80053
Avoid truncating long messages in docker test logs #80046
feat: cleanup pod critical pod annotations feature #79554
add myself and lbernail as IPVS approvers #80067
improve error messages for verifydependency #80060
Update to go 1.12.7 #79966
Add davidz627 (David Zhu) to Approvers for OperationExecutor and GCE PD #80049
mark dashboard tests [Feature:Dashboard] #80044
update code documentation to reflect change in status #79900
Check limits for resolve conf outside the loop #78414
apiserver: add –shutdown-delay-duration to keep serving until LBs stop sending traffic #74416
clean up: node dropDisabledFields #79741
Pass desiredPods to CleanupPods #79681
Promote admission webhook API to v1 #79549
add “burst” validation check to code-generator #79077
Limit the read length of ioutil.ReadAll in pkg/kubelet
and pkg/probe
Cleanup: Audit log and error capitalization #79566
Add new agnhost subcommand for a networking test #79423
The garbage collector and quota counter should use the metadata client and protobuf to access resources #78742
Call getKubeletSandboxes first in containerGC#evictSandboxes #78368
Avoid unnecessary concatenation of errors #77429
Remove unnecessary string() #78558
add rbac for apiGroup to system:kube-scheduler #80030
Cleanup for dualstack e2e tests #80001
Remove make-symlinks flag and corresponding code #80017
chore: make some func as public in azure provider #79981
Update #76979
Add support for HA kubemark #80026
HPA incorrectly reported condition status #79859
RuntimeClass-admission: fixup comment, simplify nested ifs #79621
keep processing other nodes for the nil node error #80018
Populate API version in synthetic authorization requests #80007
Flush out current namespace when resources are not found #79968
Add timestamps to the docker test logs #79949
update code docs around old todo that is not going to happen #79892
Return 400 on invalid patch requests #79239
Trace step should be at the end of calls rather than the begin. #78280
Use EPOLL_CLOEXEC to prevent fd leaks. #74691
Fix projected volume test clean up #79924
feat: use framework.ExpectNotEqual in e2e test #79862
Remove unnecessay call to findNewReplicaSet #79505
reference paths to bump dependencies #79366
Update namespace controller to use the metadata client #78744
add wojtek-t and yastij as approvers/reviewers for events package #79998
Remove incorrect ampersand in front of AverageValue in describeHorizontalPodAutoscalerV2beta2 #79960
promote bentheelder to build/ approver, move zmerlynn and jbeda to emeritus #79947
fix: use schedulerCache instead of podlister in config factory #79877
Short-circuit the evaluation of cpuFraction
and memoryFraction
kubeadm: cleanup code about cobra #79979
Add benchmarks for FieldManager handling #79946
Ignore unschedulable pods #79657
Avoid conflicts with other cobra auto completions #70470
Migrate kubemark to e2e-up/e2e-down scripts #78246
Remove dead code from csi_client #79894
Hollow-node should use separate client for heartbeats #79889
Deployment Controller - avoid unnecessary copying of pod objects in getPodMapForDeployment #79937
Update caddy vendor dependency to v1.0.1 #79128
Remove unwanted else
block from statefulset controller. #75922
cancel process node when error occurs #79774
Address couple of issue on image build for ARM arch #79692
serviceaccounts/token should return 405 instead of 404 #78085
build_defs/pkg/ needs python2 #79807
Use ExpectEqual under e2e/apimachinery #79685
Add e2e tests for ipv6 dual stack feature #78801
unit tests for operationGenerator.GenerateUnmapVolumeFunc #78267
Add micro-benchmark for DeploymentController.getPodMapForDeployment method #79933
Update SECURITY_CONTACTS with current PSC #78470
kubectl book: added a leading slash to apis path #79932
feat: use framework.ExpectEqual instead of should #79864
Remove unintended ampersand in front of in.Current.AverageValue #79856
improve error msg for predicate meta data #79532
Include event type in kubectl get -w
output #72416
Allow hack/ to skip… deps, verify in #79944
kubeadm: move klog.InitFlags into app/kubeadm.go #79880
Output boolean for AllowPrivilegeEscalation #79725
add warning logs for csr controllers #77467
remove SSHTunnelList TODO #76321
make kubectl –raw consistent for create, update, get, delete #79724
change aws encryptedCheck to exponential backoff #78601
delete TODO: remove when we stop supporting the legacy group version #78473
kube-cross makefile add REGISTRY #79911
Handle error return from http.NewRequest() #79906
staging file fix lint error: receiver name should not be an underscor… #79819
e2e: Skip multi-node PV test when pods scheduled on the same node #78697
e2e: avoid mandatory command line flags #75593
Revert Provide resource version in error if available #79902
Replace HTTP compression with a more scoped impl, only use on responses > 128KB #77449
apiaggregation available controller should only hit required endpoint #79895
Remove use of HugePages feature flag in test #79869
e2e: use framework.ExpectEqual() for test/e2e/lifecycle #79860
apiserver: chain delegated PrepareRun #79840
enable multipod e2es for intree volumes #75895
Update Sig-Apps OWNERS to aliases in places that were missed in #76669 #79168
fix: golint error of clientgo #79817
Remove the TODO for container name matching #79813
Remove duplicate error messages #79790
correct the #79714
Making sure we handle error on http.NewRequest() in streamer #79673
Removed diplicated info row in v1.12.7 #79654
Remove unnecessary ETCD_CA_KEY check #79626
Remove unnecessary variable declaration #79531
apiserver: don’t log stack trace on /healthz error #79017
updated fluentd to 1.5.1, es & kibana to 7.1.1 #79014
Replace syscall.Execve with exec.Command. #76227
apiextensions: remove nullable roundtrip hacks after go-openapi gained support #77772
Add node status report frequency to kubemark config #79882
update CHANGELOG #79815
client-go: update installation instructions to reflect v12.0.0 release #79729
use ExpectEqual under e2e/autoscaling #79765
Provide resource version in error if available #79848
Remove panic in storage and add log #79847
Populate DisruptedPods field for non-dry run #79812
feat: use framework.ExpectEqual in upgrades and windows e2e test #79756
Use ExpectEqual in e2e/scalability #79842
Use ExpectEqual in e2e/common #79769
Use ExpectEqual under apps #79695
Audit profile test #72206
Use framework.ExpectEqual() for e2e/cloud tests #79821
Use ExpectEqual in e2e/auth #79762
Use ExpectEqual in e2e/kubectl #79699
add fakes for events package, add startEventWatcher to event interface #79837
e2e: use framework.ExpectEqual() for test/e2e/node #79792
e2e: use framework.ExpectEqual() for test/e2e/network #79791
Use framework.ExpectEqual() under e2e/scheduling #79781
feat: use framework.ExpectEqual in storage e2e test #79755
feat: use framework.ExpectEqual in servicecatalog e2e test #79754
correct kubectl cp argument order #79845
consolidate etcd version per file #79733
Add go-runner to the list of e2e test image targets #79811
Fix descriptions of kubeadm #79648
Closing stopCh when pod_store is not created #79787
Update the comments on how to check disk conflict #79098
Get the pdb of current version when conflict instead of relisting #79736
kubeadm: run MemberAdd/Remove for etcd clients with exp-backoff retry #79677
Add ‘apiserver_watch_events_total’ metric. #78732
cleanup bespoke ipv6 checking in kubeadm #79752
Update gophercloud vendor dependency to v0.1.0 #79637
kubelet: fix ip reporting for downward api #79700
Add feature gate and kubelet flags for Topology Manager #74411
Edit google DNS hostname #79731
call unreserve plugin before record event #79639
Fix golint failure in pkg/kubelet/dockershim/network/cni #79321
Add healthz check for KMS Providers on kube-apiserver. #78540
Fix publishing x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields working with kubectl #79636
Updated from v0.5 SHA to v1.0.0 tag #79306
consolidate coreDNS version to ease dependency bump #79728
Add a metadata client to client-go that can read PartialObjectMetadata #77819
fix: change default timeout value in csi plugin #79529
Fix file permissions for non executable files #79045
clean up redundant conditiontype ‘OutOfDisk’ #72420
correct the #79705
kubeadm: add –control-plane-endpoint flag #79270
Remove experimental note for ipvs in kube-proxy arguments #78789
Fix HA setup logic #79713
correct flag order in make-help #79701
fix cp time stamp is in the future error #73982
Don’t use strategic merge patch on Node.Status.Addresses #79391
Create a service account Getter when TokenRequest is enabled #79675
kubelet: add allowed sysctl to KubeletConfiguration #72974
ipv6 dual stack (Phase 1 - ALPHA) #73977
Fix client-go request benchmark #79480
Adds an optional golang runner to the conformance test image #79284
Utilize RWMutex for efficient backoff operations #79646
Save docker tag for releases in tarfile archive #79497
Increase Network Policy tests coverage #78177
correct the #79650
Omit obtaining the lock when adding Nodes in newNodeTree #79642
Check the correct value of Quantity for non-v1.ResourceCPU resource in GetResourceRequest #78627
Fix HPA feedback from writing status.replicas to spec.replicas. #79035
Add public functions to define CSI external tests #79647
Creating instance groups in parallel #77271
kubeadm: prevent PSP blocking of upgrade image prepull #77792
Make AuthorizeClientBearerToken actually return if authn or authz is nil #79153
🔗 fix the KEP-kube-scheduler link #79471
e2e test: change from milli bytes to bytes in ephemeral-storage resource limits #79322
Cleanup etcd directory - part 2 #79594
vendor: bump CNI to v0.7.1 snapshot #78908
Cleanup math/rand package usage #71170
Allow version field in the title to be changeable #72168
Azure API updates #79583
Add mattjmcnaughton as sig-node-reviewer #79562
Fix ordering settings in update bazel #79560
Obtain readyzLock once in installReadyz to prevent double addition of readyz check #79112
Fix possible fd leak and closing of dirs in doSafeMakeDir #79534
Restore early return for podSpecHasContainer #79387
fix: predicates read nodes from scheduler cache #79076
Fix typos. #78820
Only create one pod per node with gpus in E2E test #77150
Add missing CSINodeInformer when creating ConfigFactoryArgs #79524
New E2E proposal: Validate that all the pods are removed when the job is deleted #76315
kubeadm: don’t use the Docker SDK in util/system/docker_validator* #79449
refactor: use controller.FilterActivePods in test/e2e/framework/util.go #74847
Clear valueWatchers instead of removing every entry using a loop #79599
Move population of expectedUIDs outside lock #79592
Modify kube-up to support cluster without nodes. #78727
Deprecate scalability tests (we use ClusterLoader already) #79588
kubeadm: update OWNERS for 1.16 #79218
Modify firewall rules names to make them shorter. #78728
Remove selected IP from backup-volfile-servers list to avoid warning in mount logs. #77795
Drop unnecessary claim parameter from PersistentVolumeController#updateBindVolumeToClaim #79584
kubeadm: fix bug for –cri-socket flag processing logic #79498
Simplify the check of presence of labels in createPods #79591
Fix #74900 - kubectl logs –selector supports –tail=-1 #74943
Revert “Skip ILB creation on GCE if neg annotation is present” #79356
Fix TestUnreservePlugin flake #79371
Fix a bug that StatefulSet applies the revision incorrectly #78853
Cleanup etcd code #79527
Update doc.go in staging/src/ #79367
Fix AWS DHCP option set domain names causing garbled InternalDNS or Hostname addresses on Node #79446
Runtimeclass admission #78484
followup of 79262 to cleanup PodPriority leftover #79374
fix hack/ array expansion #79543
tests: Fixes Windows image pulling tests #79172
Move pkg/kubectl/validation to staging #79442
iptables proxier: fix comments for LB IP traffic from local address #78662
Remove internal object printing from kubectl #79530
Fix cgroup hugetlb size prefix for kB #78495
Completely remove initializers from k/k #79504
suppress libseccomp pkg-config errors #79502
Remove duplicate error messages from cli commands #79493
Refactor util/mount interface in prep for moving out of k/k #68513
adding pre-condition for an e2e scheduler test #79392
move images from to #79390
tests: Replaces images used with agnhost (part 3) #79238
Move pkg/kubectl/util/logs to staging #79198
Centralizes images into agnhost (part 3) #79142
Remove dead metrics in etcd code #79520
Re-add kubectl docs to kubectl staging #79396
Default resourceGroup should be used when value of annotation azure-load-balancer-resource-group is empty string #79514
automatically tag tests in test/integration/* as integration #79506
fix shellcheck failures in test/e2e_node/conformance/ #79500
fix: assign default value for pod.Status.StartTime in TestSelectNodes… #78412
Fix golint failures in test/e2e/scalability #78119
Replace exec, pause pod with platform agnostic agnhost pause pod #79012
add unit tests for azure_loadbalancer_test.go #79462
hack: fixed issues from previous refactor PR #79190
Add meta Table tests, fix –watch-only with single item #79345
Fixed clock.fakeTimer.Stop and Reset #78808
clarify elasticsearch script as bash #79407
fix hack/lib/, hack/lib/, hack/lib/ shellcheck failures #79320
Move pkg/kubectl/util/slice to staging #79203
Removes test-cmd inappropriate dependency on kubectl #79490
hack/boilerplate: added regex to strip Python shebang #79448
fix shellcheck failures in cluster/ #79410
RateLimiter context aware and fix request may hang issue #79375
Fix golint issues in pkg/kubelet/{prober,secret} #78347
Use coordination v1 API #79473
kubelet: retry pod sandbox creation when containers were never created #79451
Remove monopole from root OWNERS #79450
Conformance walker should handle nested/adjacent Describes #79405
Move pkg/kubectl/util/fieldpath to staging #79193
Add tests to detect default changes to podspec and podspectemplate defaults #78914
remove misterikkit from scheduler maintainers #79353
Fix CRD validation error on ‘items’ field #76124
Clean up self-set node labels #79305
Run sidecars for csi-mock as privileged #79467
Fix mutating webhook test image ‘addlabel’ to not clobber labels #79008
Handling OptimisticLockError in kubelet node lease controller #79341
Don’t leak ssh connections #78983
Fix service load balancer may not be cleaned up on corner case of type change #79372
Add benchmark for scheduling of pods with PVs #77397
refactor: add reset method to all test plugins #79424
Move pkg/kubectl/util/certificate to staging #79185
tests: Fixes agnhost logs-generator usage #79441
Move pkg/kubectl/utils/{resource,qos} staging #79207
remove dead KUBE_TEST_API_VERSIONS from test-integration #79428
Move pkg/kubectl/util/qos to staging #79205
crd-handler: re-create stale CR storage on update #79114
fix KubeletConfiguration apiVersion #79412
Use watch in TaintManager #79370
Moving pkg/kubectl/util/storage to staging #79204
Update link in pull request template #79404
apiextensions: structural schema unit test coverage #78863
Add ipv6 support to the e2e guestbook test #79388
fix hack/make-rules/ shellcheck failures #79318
enable ability to show hidden metrics #79237
Move pkg/kubectl/util/event to staging #79191
Refactor and cleanup for statefulset_utils.go #78291
Add ipv6 support to the DNS e2e tests #75243
Return all errors in alwayspullimages admission plugin validation #79378
move jws to #79038
Volume Scheduling Limits #77595
Move pkg/kubectl/util/rbac to staging #79201
kubelet: add sjenning to kubelet subdirectory owners files #78653
Adds kubectl logo images #79282
add IPv6 support to the e2e PreStop test #79352
Printer: fix a nil pointer dereference #79349
update Libseccomp to tagged release (0.9.1) #79287
Documentation on OutputFormatType references nonexistent file #79236
Move pkg/kubectl/util/deployment to staging #79189
Add helpers for iterating containers in a pod #79176
Update gpu device plugin to better support Vulkan workloads #78868
Fix typo in kube-scheduler –port option help #78340
Remove unnecessary map in cleanupHistory #76059
kubelet_stats: fix potential e2e crash dereferencing ContainerStats.CPU #79057
Sample controller: Init flags #79219
fix test/e2e_node/ shellcheck failures #79317
fix vendor scripts shellcheck failures #79316
feat: cleanup feature gates for CSIPersistentVolume #79309
Add ExpectEqual() to e2e framework #78922
kubelet: include init containers when determining pod QoS #75223
Update #79302
ipvs proxy: add unit test for udp graceful termination #78583
Fix insecure max bind port value to 65535 for scheduler & apiserver #79346
cleanup deps on pkg/version #78929
Add env var(CNI_STORAGE_PATH) for cni storage path. #79188
Support IPv6 on e2e StatefulSet tests #78871
Update #79342
Bootstrap token refactor #77211
kubeadm: cleanup ExperimentalControlPlane and ExperimentalUploadCerts #79327
Use RWMutex to improve locking for serviceCache #79294
Move pkg/kubectl/util/podutils to staging #79202
Issue 79147: Do not delete an incorrect pod when replacing a mirror pod #79148
fix typo: “inidvidual”-> “individual” #76281
kubeadm: Stop using //pkg/util/normalizer #79335
kubeadm: Retire MarshalClusterConfigurationToBytes #79220
seperation of network call in KubernetesReleaseVersion #78026
publishing: use deps in replace directive in rules #79330
fix: Use correct function to remove etcd member #79326
correct the #79157
feat: cleanup feature gates for KubeletPluginsWatcher #79310
Use preferred dependency versions #79303
correct the #79161
Add probes for Kibana #76955
feat: remove several GA features flag #79307
fix hack/ on macOS #79314
kubeadm: cleanup command output #79267
feat: cleanup PodPriority features gate #79262
Respect Allocation IDs #69263
Update heketi vendor dependency to v9.0.0 #79273
Close auditStopCh if SecureServing encounters error #79181
Fix bad format #78932
Remove redundant assignment to volumeAttachment #78659
Force using Go Modules in #78798
Stop serving deprecated beta workload APIs #70672
Add stub device plugin for e2e tests #67928
e2e: remove framework.Failf #79293
Revert “Add Bind extension point of the scheduling framework” #79296
fix typo heathcheck in kubeadm generated file #79291
Remove deprecated flag –resource-container from kube-proxy #78294
publishing: fix rules for kubectl #79288
Move pkg/kubectl/util/printers to staging #79200
Ignore cgroup pid support if related feature gates are disabled #79073
Fix some golint failures of pkg/registry #78718
Add Bind extension point of the scheduling framework #78513
service controller: if targetPort has changed will process by cloud-p… #77712
Remove redundant initilization for service controller #79258
Kubelet emits warning rather than exiting on invalid cgroup setup #79245
Refactor: replace framework.Failf with e2elog.Failf #79162
Refactor online volume resize unit tests #79104
remove duplicate comment in e2e/common/sysctl.go #79084
Clean up node-problem-detector configuration for GCI #79007
Fix the creation of load balancer policy for the NodeIp when NodePort… #78874
add myself to sig-network-reviewers #79278
updating to v3.1.1 #79230
Refactored runtime.Object helper functions into subpkg #79150
use ${SED} variable in #79199
rundir attribute was missing for some new integration test cases #79092
Fix shellcheck failures in test/cmd/g.*sh #78022
Move pkg/kubectl/util/term, pkg/kubectl/util/interrupt, pkg/kubectl/util/templates to staging #79192
rename test/e2e{,_node} api imports to groupversion #78780
Fix golint failure in e2e/common/util.go #78378
Fix shellchecks in test/cmd/{b,c}.*.sh #77798
Bug fix 72757.Removed deprecated label #75638
Replace mapfile with kube::util::read-array #79186
Update vendored dependencies to released version #78187
Verify import aliases #78836
tests: Replaces images used with agnhost (part 2) #78396
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/storage/testsuites #79088
Remove unused ServiceController.loadBalancerName method #79082
Update to go 1.12.6 #78958
Code cleanup for for probe/http #78031
Move soltysh back to approvers #79170
e2e Flake: Pass updated deployment for comparison of replica count #79160
test images: Removes linux/ prefix from agnhost BASEIMAGE #79151
Redundant call to WithAll in NewWaitFlags #79123
Enforce test style on e2e_node and e2e_kubeadm tests #78779
use klog.Info instead of klog.Infof when had no format #78889
kubeadm: improve the kubeconfig file validation phase #79165
Make meaningful service name in test #78703
Minor change: delete unused constant from service controller #79130
re-named conformance test name for pod creating with CPU and memory resources #75544
fix kubelet can not delete orphaned pod directory when “/var/lib/kubelet/pods” directory symbolically links to another device’s directory #79094
move Failf from e2e/framework to e2e/framework/log #78934
pod-overhead: add Overhead to PodSpec and RuntimeClass #76968
Inverted error handling to ensure server-side apply does not fall bac… #78887
e2e: fix return value of WaitForPodsWithLabelRunningReady #78687
Remove returned value of func handleCreateEvent #79011
Fix shellcheck failures in test/cmd #79097
Move node related methods to framework/node package #78282
The default-http-backend for handling 404 pages will now point to 404… #79106
Create for GitHub security policy page #79050
Add readyz endpoint to apiserver, modify poststarthooks health checking behavior #78458
Add unit tests for azure_controller_common.go and azure_controller_standard.go #79095
Simplify func ConstructVolumeSpec #78532
kubeadm: cleanup deps on pkg/master/ports #79099
move initsystem to kubeadm #79032
Change BeTrue to Equal/BeNumerically in cronjob e2e test #78277
add m00nf1sh as approver/reviewer in aws provider #79052
Sort kubeadm CLI default params for component config API objects #78695
when SessionAffinityConfig is different, enqueueService in update Service handler #72809
fix: make azure disk URI as case insensitive #79020
Return early when mount ref is determined #78888
Avoid to keep the watcher open for too long #78754
fix some mistakes in changelog #78419
Fix nil pointer dereference in metrics value calculator. #78222
Adjust node_exporter CPU params #72452
use noopRegistry for default global legacy prom registry, expose an http handler, introduce registerable interface #78877
update #78519
remove unused events in event.go #78335
kubeadm: Replace ValidateDNS1123Subdomain with IsDNS1123Subdomain #79019
Remove . import from e2e test #78916
Suppress irrelevant jq error message when propagating pinned dependencies #79031
Add roundtrip and compatibility tests for missing API groups #79029
kubeadm: Don’t use “//pkg/apis/core”.Resource helper #79025
link scripts in build/ #79022
kubeadm: Don’t use RBAC helpers #79021
Chore: Applies configurable min-request-timeout for CR handler #78962
Enable cadvisor ProcessMetrics collecting. #79002
kubectl config set hangs on some invalid property names #415 #79000
ipvs: fix string check for IPVS protocol during graceful termination #78999
Don’t dereference nil pointer in apply conflicts #78998
Fix nil pointer #78997
Increase load balancer timeout in test cases #78992
Reflector watchHandler: make ‘The resourceVersion for … watch is too old’ log Info not Warning #78991
Fix spurious .sock files running envelope unit tests #78985
Correct a typo ‘concurrrent’ #78979
hack/make-rules/ run all staging unit tests #78978
fix a bug that pods not be deleted from unmatched nodes by daemon controller #78974
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet/configmap pkg/kubelet/custommetrics #78015
add more tests on clearing managedFields #78912
Do not add non-PersistentVolume to return value for pvAssumeCache#ListPVs #78911
Add more backward compatible access mode logic to remove ReadOnlyMany access mode when ReadWriteOnce,ReadOnlyMany specified #78873
cache mutation detector: use correct diff function #78869
fix stability level annotation for counter vec #78867
Check correct error for cleanup in csiAttacher#MountDevice #78839
Adding defer wg.Done() Statement To logs.go #78825
Fix typo in node lifecycle controller #78821
tag some release-blocking tests taking over 5min as [Slow] #78805
fix error ‘coresponding’ #76356
kubeadm: fix minor typo in a comment #78803
Use no-priority best-effort pod as the preemptor in BenchmarkGetPodsToPreempt #78777
preload metrics for legacyregistry for backwards compatibility #78773
Calling PatchAction on typed objects should work correctly #78743
tests: Replaces images used with agnhost (part 1) #78394
tests: Combine Linux / Windows image pulling tests #77518
Allow master nodes to be accessed from private ips #78771
Remove unwanted newlines in glusterfs driver #78768
fix typo in probe.go #78753
Fix spelling of test name #78746
Add integration test for propagationPolicy=Orphan GC #78716
Add more approvers/reviewers to cluster/gce/windows #78705
Remove inner loop for finding MinReclaim in ParseThresholdConfig #78673
Enable resize in default gce storageclass #78672
Fix verify-shellcheck comments #78666
Fix image status #78603
Add helper script to regenerate API compatibility data, testdata README #78656
Merge similar funcs #78650
Fixed some minor errors in openapi #78647
Fix kubeadm service-cidr mapping to service-cluster-ip-rage for kube-controller-manager. #78625
Centralizes images into agnhost (part 1) #78389
Add E2E_VERBOSITY for getting API operation logs on conformance job #78606
Use Mutex for synchronization in imageCache #78626
Iterate through thresholds in managerImpl#synchronize #78624
kubeadm:fix typo in controlplane.go #78615
Move test/e2e use to v1 APIs #78614
Unit tests that make sure object selector works with CRD #78591
Ephemeral storage quota cleanup #78593
kubeadm: improve kubelet-config-x.y ConfigMap logic #78575
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet/prober pkg/kubelet/secret #78571
fix typo in /pkg/kubelet/container/cache.go #78559
kubeadm: apply deterministic order to certificate phases #78556
Remove dead codes #78529
Continue admitting the pod regardless of return value from killPodFunc #78493
fix typo in /test/integration #78476
Skip GCE PD in-tree plugin tests if fstype is xfs and node distro is not ubuntu or custom #78459
Narrow down the lock #78105
fix a mistake in #78413
Centralizes images into agnhost (part 2) #78390
fix golint errors in test/e2e/storage/utils #78148
Bug fix: remove etcd related issues in bazel-test-integration #78144
Create-update-delete-deployment example using dynamic package #76513
prefilter extension point implementation for the scheduler #78005
Fix golint failures of pkg/util/parsers pkg/util/sysctl pkg/util/system #77915
Add references of registry and image from imageutils #77840
Clean up pkg/cloudprovider/providers/openstack. #77673
Mark deprecated kubelet-read-only-port #77540
Refactored pod-related functions from framework/util.go #77526
enforce the interface relationship between ServicePort and BaseServiceInfo #76160
hack: refactored code in #75928
fix shellcheck failures in /hack/make-rules/ #75859
fix pod stuck issue due to corrupt mnt point in flexvol plugin #75234
tests: creates HostPath pods as unprivileged #75128
Promote DNS e2e verifying DNS resolution for hostname and subdomain #74982
get-kube-binaries: use GCE token to fetch artifacts from GCS #74833
Fix shellchecks follow the ${var:?}
pattern #74635
remove redundant words ‘the’ in comment #74018
Remove ovirt/cloudstack/photon cloud providers #72178
Promote security context NodeConformance tests to Conformance suite #70639
Fix failure in ciphersuites_flag_test #78984
kubeadm: Add ability to retry ConfigMap get if certain errors happen #78915
Add the upstream option in CoreDNS configmap #78923
Revert “Bump klog to v0.3.2” #78931
Add upstream
option to CoreDNS ConfigMap #78920
1.15: Fix incorrect procMount defaulting #78885
vSphere: allow SAML token delegation #78876
Update Cluster Autoscaler version to 1.15.0 #78866
Revert CoreDNS to 1.3.1 in kube-up #78691
apiextensions: validate x-kubernetes-embedded-resource in CRs #78788
add lun info when construct iscsi volumeSpec from mountPath #68108
apiextensions: validate x-kubernetes-int-or-string in CRs #78815
Protecting remainingItemCount behind a feature flag. Also updating the API doc #78553
Update Cluster Autoscaler version to 1.15.0-beta.1 #78794
Revert “Faster scheduler” #78782
fix: retry detach azure disk issue #78700
Add dangling volume as uncertain #78595
Fix kubectl apply skew test with extra properties #78770
Fix conflicting duplicate webhook test #78765
fix bug of replica_calculator to initialize replicaCount with currentReplicas #78725
Set expected in-memory version when decoding unstructured objects from etcd #78713
Fix admission metrics bucket sizes #78608
Clean up kube-controller-manager. #77312
Error on tests ineligible for promotion to conformance #78710
Revert “Promote resourcequota scope selectors to GA” #78696
Don’t mask k8s error returned from patch #78711
Fix GC integration test #78537
Flake fix: poll for webhook registration to complete in reinvocation integration tests #78708
Disable kubelet local endpoints on windows #78704
Disable KubeletPodResources on Windows #78668
StorageOS volume driver: Remove call to clear mount info if already set #78522
Fix volume mount tests issue for windows #78658
fix label mismatching which broke e2e serial test #78681
Ensure kubernetes-src.tgz has kubernetes/ prefix #78667
fix-kubeadm-upgrade-node #78692
Wait for pods to be garbage collected in integration test #78530
Multiple metrics hpa #78503
Update README for GCE/Windows #78661
Use read lock for reconciler#getHandlers and clean up for the pluginmanager #78592
Create tars locally #78450
kubeadm: revert CoreDNS to 1.3.1 #78545
Move online volume expansion to Beta #77755
Fix memory leak from not closing hcs containers #78594
Kube-Proxy wait when HNS network not found #78612
Add json/protobuf/yaml fixtures #78309
kubeadm: Fix deprecation message for a flag #78586
kubeadm: fix conditional control-plane upgrade #78585
Use node-cache image 1.15.3 in the yaml #78546
Revert “Introduce topology into the runtimeClass API” #78598
Remove deprecated flag –conntrack-max from kube-proxy #78399
Fix error handling for loading initCfg in kubeadm #78611
route controller: respect rate limit for delete #78581
Remove unnecessary comment #78557
Windows startup scripts should use Authorization header for GCS requests #78552
Move e2e node perf test to flaky suite #78548
Add tests for service load balancer finalizer #78410
kubeadm: disallow the mixture of –config and –certificate-key #78542
apiextensions: unify webhook conversion error messages #78536
credentialprovider: Sets homeDirPath to os.UserHomeDir() #78528
Deflake TestChangeCRD #78526
Updates to the SocketMask abstraction for the TopologyManager #78515
Fix CRD defaulting of crd conversion webhook port #78523
apiextensions: fix array-without-items structural error #78521
set deprecatedEventSource to be backward compatible #78520
Bail out on missing pyyaml dependency #78518
Update the TopologyManager interfaces #78516
GCE Windows nodes: leave firewall enabled. #78507
Adding ObjectSelector to admission webhooks #78505
Add kubelet flag to disable cadvisor json apis, and mark it deprecrated #78504
apiextensions: remove ratcheting logic to allow conversion with preserveUnknownField #78501
fix bug that awsSDKGO expect nil instead empty slice for ec2.Describe… #78498
add accessLogs support for aws nlb #78497
Add dashpole to kubelet subdirectory owners files #78496
add integration test for core/v1beta1 event compatibility #78486
Check e2e test code to use ExpectError() #78485
Increase device discovery timeout to 30seconds/equal to checker_timeout #78475
update Feature:NodeLease in kube_features.go #78460
Remove kubectl exec deprecated -p/–pod flag #76713
apiextensions: add invalid validation schema regex test #78453
Fix panic in kube-proxy when iptables-save prints to stderr #78428
Remove deprecated flag –cleanup-iptables from kube-proxy #78344
Graduate storageVersionHash field in the discovery doc to beta #78325
Add ready plugin in CoreDNS corefile for DNS tests #78305
Use zone from node for topology aware aws-ebs volume creation #78276
Add Service Load Balancer finalizer support #78262
Allow setting Azure cloud provider from Kubernetes secrets instread of local configure file #78242
Use Service Control Manager as the Windows Initsystem #78189
updating the API reviewers for sig-windows #78103
Enhance to record more accurate e2e provision/deletion latency metric #78061
add process start time metric to metric probes since they use counters #77975
Doc changes for nodelocaldns graduating to beta #77887
CRDs should support watch of protobuf PartialObjectMetadata #77817
Adds staging directory for kubectl code #77762
Implement port forwarding for windows #75479
Fix linting kubectl apply #75202
API changes to support migration of inline in-tree volumes to CSI #77703
Clean up code in proxy/config #77582
iptables proxier: route local traffic to LB IPs to service chain #77523
Fix cronjob controller page list err #77475
Clean up cloud-controller-manager. #77286
Graduate 3rd party device monitoring plugins to beta! #77274
Cleaned enable pvc datasource #76913
support deflate encoding reader #76551
Add –sort-by option to kubectl top command #75920
Introduce topology into the runtimeClass API #75744
Not asking for sudo passwords for password-less sudo users any more #74733
Add kubelet plugin manager #73891
Windows support for preserving the destination IP as the VIP when loadbalancing with DSR #74825
add non-preempting option to PriorityClasses #74614
Only collect metrics for cgroups required by the summary API #72787
Ephemeral storage monitoring via filesystem quotas #66928
Add Policies Strict and Preferred for Topology Manager #73589
Document how to build and deploy the sample-apiserver #73447
Fix golint issues in plugin/pkg/admission #69941
Upload kubeconfig to master metadata in tests. #77930
Check namespaces match in UpdateWithEventNamespace #78482
fix: use framework.ExpectNoError instead of gomega #78478
Bump klog to v0.3.2 #78465
add myself and Laurent as ipvs proxy reviewers #78464
Skip ILB creation on GCE if neg annotation is present #78463
kubeadm: rename-ha-flags #78452
Add annotations for Prometheus service discovery #78449
Promote resourcequota scope selectors to GA #78448
Remove kubectl scale job #78445
apiextensions: promote CRD conversion to beta #78426
Lock down nodelocaldns configmap. #78417
kubeadm: upgrade node for HA #78408
Split CA paramters on manifest template expansions #78406
ipvs: add descriptions to ipset unit tests #78404
kubeadm: Update v1beta2 doc.go #78403
Add linux container resources to fake runtime service #78400
ipvs proxier: increase log level for real server deletion message #78395
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/chaosmonkey #78386
Add support for Azure File plugin to csi-translation-lib #78356
refactor NLB securityGroup handling #74692
delete unused events #78375
clean singleton event when calling finishSeries #78037
Handle CSI volume resize migration. #77994
add myself as apps reviewer #77382
CSI ephemeral - Enforcing pod security policy AllowedCSIDriver #76915
Add support for Azure Disk to csi-translation-lib #78330
Use framework.ExpectError() for e2e/common #78283
Ensure kubernetes master is properly tainted in GCE. #78183
Skips metrics gathering for test if not on gce, gke, or aws #78051
Add Post-bind extension point to the scheduling framework #77567
Increase coverage for e2e Network Policy tests #77937
test images: Adds CoreDNS to dnsutils and jessie-dnsutils images #77861
apiextensions: implement defaulting #77558
tests: Adds retry to netexec connectivity check #76826
fix golint for pkg/volume/host_path #70536
Fix golint issue in pkg/apis/abac/latest #78354
Add go-bindata dependency installation #78353
fix klog format error #78332
data attribute was missing for apiextensions-apiserver test cases #78086
Add Topology Manager Interfaces #72885
Make RemainingItemCount a pointer #78327
Set containerd oom score adj to -999. #78314
Avoid the default server mux #78313
add event_expansion for v1beta1 Events #78176
kubeadm: Remove ClusterConfiguration from InitConfiguration in v1beta2 #77739
fix some spelling error #78303
Organize kube-proxy flags #78297
Refactor: cleanup Logf from framework/util #78284
Add hack/ #77612
Fix 77515 Deprecate the option to enable the log handler for apiserver #77611
Use framework.ExpectError() for e2e/a* #78279
Reinvocation testing of in-tree admission plugins and fix podpreset to be idempotent #78269
Add RunAsNonRoot test #78264
[pkg/util/coverage]: group imports for readability #78251
Graduate kubeadm reset phases #78081
Add error info for plugin do not support attachment #78248
Fix golint failures of pkg/controller/namespace/deletion pkg/controller/serviceaccount #78232
godeps: update vmware/govmomi to v0.20.1 #78137
Convert to admission webhook-recognized versions #78135
Updated doc.go files in staging/src/ #77959
Wait for integration precondition #77877
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/common/[p-r]* #77852
Add kubeadm alpha certs certificate-key command #77848
[proxier/ipvs] Disable graceful termination for UDP traffic #77802
apiextensions: ignore ObjectMeta from webhook converted objects other than labels and annotations #77743
Allow trailing dot for service.spec.externalName #78385
NewIndexerInformerWatcher: fix goroutine leak #77434
create new SCTP ipsets for IPVS proxier #77371
Add Socket Mask for Topology Manager #72913
Add transformation_success_total and transformation_last_status metrics. #70715
fix bug for regular empty file #62159
Rebase Addon resizer to distroless (version 1.8.5) #78397
fix typo in helpers_test.go #78387
remove some codes never used in proxier_test #78379
ipvs: add graceful termination unit tests #78088
Implement CRI detection for Windows #78053
fix a little spelling error #78381
fix test flake when kubectl e2e and crd-openapi e2e run in parallel #78326
fix azure retry issue when return 2XX with error #78298
apiextensions: integration tests for pruning after conversion webhook #77922
use iota instead assign value to constants #78292
kubeadm: fix typos in code comments #78304
Use framework.ExpectNoError() on e2e/common #78042
Add a special-cased runtime handler for dockershim #78323
cleanup: move the comment to its place #78233
specify additional static auth for components by env var #78315
Fix broken hack/ #78018
GCE: Disable the Windows defender #78272
Promote Publish CRD OpenAPI to beta #77825
duplicated klog.V(5) when had a if klog.V(5) #78166
Add ability to configure kubeadm’s ignored pre-flight errors via InitConfiguration and JoinConfiguration #75499
remove unused DefaultLeaseDuration #73947
Revert #76665: “Use consistent imageRef during container startup” #78261
klog format error #78250
Put non-ignorable extenders ahead of ignorable extenders #78259
Fix flake associated with time out volumes #78257
CSI migration e2e: do not skip tests if metricsGrabber.HasRegisteredM… #78058
Change etcd’s –listen-client-urls to in tests #77657
kubelet: fix fail to close kubelet->API connections on heartbeat failure #78016
remove vmsizelist call in azure disk GetVolumeLimits #77851
Fix alpha CRD openapi e2e #78194
Use default service account when creating test instance. #78198
Standardize housekeeping capitalization #78073
Fix golint failures of client-go/tools/auth client-go/tools/portforward #77793
Update klog to v0.3.1 #78216
[pkg/controller/serviceaccount]: refactor to more idiomatic go #78159
Using const() defines constants together #76720
Support image family in node e2e image config file. #78192
Remove deprecated Kubelet security controls #77820
Fix alpha conversion CRD e2e’s #78213
Create endpoint/service early to avoid unwanted create/delete volume transaction. #76178
update LastTransitionTime for pod ready condition when node notready #78104
Manually revert #76976 #78200
remove unused const in test/integration #78155
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/storage/drivers #78096
extract PodReasonUnschedulable out of the PodConditionType const group #78049
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/autoscaling #77913
distinguish between mountpoints and symbolic link in IsNotMountPoint #74880
Use ExpectNoError() for scalability and scheduling #77890
Add webhook converter integration test suite #77756
format error in #75543
Fix typo in comments on SystemReserved and KubeReserved #75053
Reset extended resources only when node is recreated. #77699
fix comment about nodeStatusReportFrequency in kubelet.go #77068
Move service_util endpoints related functions to framework/endpoints/ports.go #77720
Kubelet & API changes for Windows GMSA support #75459
Wait for waitforattach goroutine before exiting #78132
Add transforming of “pillar[‘dns_memory_limit’]” to #78163
Add pending status for pastBackoffLimitOnFailure #77647
e2e: fix CreateMultiVersionTestCRD version logic #78131
Change to use a constant #78019
apiextensions: publish (only) structural OpenAPI schemas #77554
cleanup some leader election client doc #77991
apiextensions: avoid two HA API servers to fight for NonStructural condition message #78133
GKE also requires SAR endpoints #77343
Add correct selinux label at plugin socket directory #73241
Fix missing pod name for kubectl attach #77606
fix daemon set rolling update hang #77773
Kubeadm: Add check certificate expiration command #77863
unexpected deleting of contents of mount points due to symbolic link … #77507
fix: verify metadata is non-nil in resource allocation #77845
Switched to use dynamic shared informer for Garbage Collector. #74440
Check KUBE_SERVER_PLATFORMS emptiness #78059
Change lock type to write lock in eventBroadcasterImpl #78063
add scheduling framework configuration #77501
Don’t use declare -g in build #78048
Consolidate logic to ensure kubectl auth #78044
Drop debug log in prune #78043
Publish DeleteOptions parameters for deletecollection endpoints in OpenAPI spec #77843
Bump CoreDNS version to 1.5.0 and update manifest #78030
Upgrade Azure network API version to 2018-07-01 #78012
scheduler: fix flaky test TestPreemptionRaces #77990
Added a unit test to verify that host header is preserved after probe… #77978
use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/network #77901
Support using docker containerd in COS and Ubuntu on GCE. #77889
Update subpath e2e test for windows #77220
DelayingQueue.ShutDown() should be reentrant #77170
Sending existing object to the webhook for the DELETE verb #76346
csi: Implement NodeServiceCapability_RPC_GET_VOLUME_STATS rpc call #76188
update LastObservedTime instead of eventTime #78041
Use lock in eventBroadcasterImpl#refreshExistingEventSeries #78040
allow exec auth plugin to be pulled on the master #78039
Terminate custom resource watches when storage is destroyed #78029
fieldManager: Ignore conversion errors to internal types #77987
Use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/storage/vsphere #78021
E2E test for GPU job interrupted by node recreate #76401
cluster/gce: fix line 2414: DNS_MEMORY_LIMIT: unbound variable #78010
cluster/gce: fix unset variable when insecure port is enabled #78008
Use os package for Windows IsPrivilegedUserCheck #77989
fix unbound variable build/lib/ bash 4.3 #77985
service status instead of update
in service controller #77984
Fix golint failures of test/e2e #77980
Don’t rely on defaults enforce flags we rely on in tests #77976
Bug fix: failed to run integration test by using bazel #77965
remove zmerlynn@ from cluster/gce/OWNERS #77961
Implementing logic for v1beta1.Event API #65782
add PR & attribution to 1.14 RBAC discovery change #77960
Windows GCE nodes: pull infra/pause container image during node setup #77958
Bump metrics-server to v0.3.3 #77950
Add to non-masq ranges. #77844
apiextensions: implement structural schema CRD pruning #77333
Use ExpectNoError() for e2e/upgrades #77955
Windows GCE nodes: use CNI plugins v0.8.0 release. #77954
Handle updates removing remaining finalizers on deleted objects #77952
Use workqueues for volume expansion #77883
Add an environment variable for bazel-test-integration on Arm #76639
GCE/Windows: add instructions about stackdriver logging in README #77951
Deprecation of the kubeadm config upload command #77946
Honour NewFilteredDynamicSharedInformerFactory namespace argument #77945
Interrupt WaitForCertificate if desired kubelet serving cert changes #77936
Update SIG Node API Reviewers #77932
Kubeadm: Add etcd supported version for v1.16 #77931
e2e: cleanup test/util/crd to decouple tests #77927
honor overridden tokenfile, add InClusterConfig override tests #77925
Use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/node #77902
Add test for CPUSet#UnionAll #77609
use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/network/ingress.go service.go #77909
Implement rollout restart for statefulset and daemonset #77423
Obtain unsorted slice in cpuAccumulator#freeCores #77421
Add [LinuxOnly] tag to few e2e verifying dns resolution #75758
Fix the klog.Errorf message #74009
Make dns memory limit configurable #77918
Fix incorrect azuredisk lun error #77912
fix hack/lib/ for bash 4.3 #77910
Fix golint failures of test/e2e_node/services #77908
Allow Kubelet to run with no Azure identity #77906
feat: use framework.ExpectNoError in e2e apps disruption #77894
simplify pluginwatcher close by removing waitgroup #77892
fix CVE-2019-11244: kubectl --http-cache=<world-accessible dir>
cre… #77874
Add phase runner to kubeadm reset #77847
cleanup container probe tests and add tcp probe case #70658
Kubeadm: Refactor renewal package #77780
Use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/common #77692
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/*.go #77643
Impose length limit when concatenating revision history #77610
enhance leader election doc #77585
feat: implement “queue-sort” extension point for scheduling framework #77529
Fix golint failures in cmd/kube-controller-manager #77189
Fix golint issues in pkg/kubelet/oom #77023
Fix golint failures of util/bandwith/*.go #76442
Minor cleanups in pkg/proxy/endpoints.go #76165
Fix initContainer failed to get its own field value as environment variable values #75109
fix shellcheck failures in /hack/make-rules/, #76420
improve validation message for join command #77900
Staging legacy fake cloud provider #77839
Revert “[Re-Apply][Distroless] Convert the GCE manifests for master containers.” #77904
Fix lint errors staging/src/ #77751
pkg/proxy: add sig-network-approvers/sig-network-reviewers to OWNERS files #77560
proxy: add some useful metrics #74027
Don’t create a RuntimeClassManager without a KubeClient #77888
Update etcd* version to use latest released images. #77748
Use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/ #77693
Update bazel-toolschains for bazel <= 0.25.2 rbe support #77853
Translate StorageClass object instead of parameters. Add GCE PD Storage class translation logic. #77837
cleanup dot imports and make test error checking more readable in test/e2e/scheduling #77714
Kubelet status manager sync the status of local Pods #77661
BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume: fix InClusterConfig #77613
feat: cache pod limits as part of metadata in priority functions #77498
Bugfix: fix chan leak when stop error #77304
Remove hard-coded region list from AWS cloud provider #75990
migrate everything to unify diff.Diff method using cmp #70929
Allow updates/patches to pod disruption budgets #69867
add test to make sure managedFields can be reset #77821
Pass {Operation}Options to Webhooks #77563
Add rules for publishing release-1.15 branches #77805
Recheck for cloud taint before initializing nodes in cloud controller #75405
Bump cluster-proportional-vertical-autoscaler to 0.7.1 #77690
Graceful custom resource storage teardown #77816
Update kubectl exec use to put flags in the right place #77589
integration: don’t use low-level etcd master setup for dry-run+admission-webhook tests #77804
apiextensions: disallow metadata specs other than name and generateName #77653
refactor: use framework.ExpectNoError instead #77627
Add subdomain entry to verify dns resolution #77503
apiextensions: forbid false x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields #77750
use framework.ExpectNoError() for daemon_set.go and deployment.go #77579
Revert “fix shellcheck failures of hack/” #77841
Move the array of plugin names to inside the last if block in VolumePluginMgr#FindPluginBySpec #77838
fix golint error make test error checking more readable in test/e2e/node #77715
PartialObjectMetadataList should nest values, not pointers for Items #77827
Fix typo in IPVS acronym #77823 v0.0.0-20180321164747-3a771d992973 #77809
Fix comment on SharedInformer.Run #77456
Updated gce node-termination-handler yaml. #77358
Use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/lifecycle/bootstrap #77754
Implement the permit extension point in scheduler. #77559
Bump image of event-exporter. #77815
Fix error injection surface in FakeRuntimeService #77814
Remove the host
label from the kubelet http traffic metrics #77759
replace test error checking with more readable way #77709
In GuaranteedUpdate, retry on any error if we are working with cached data #77619
fix typos #77788
Fix golint failures in pkg/securitycontext #76869
e2e-test/cloud: logf instead framework.logf #77736
Fixes 77527 - The usage about build unstripped binaries #77596
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/auth #77786
fix data race in unittest #77796
Revert #77552 now the actual fix #77580 got merged #77642
add operation name for vm/vmss update operations in prometheus metrics #77491
fix incorrect prometheus azure metrics #77722
Improve error message when user provide invalid certificate key #77768
updated phase runner to enable custom arg validation #77400
Correct CriticalPodAdmissionHandler in godoc #77684
Fixed spelling in a couple of descriptions #77781
Swap mapfile out in update-codegen #77783
upgrade elasticsearch for vuln handling #77765
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/storage #77777
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/network #77668
Make KubernetesDir a true constant #77188
feat: use framework.ExpectNoError instead in e2e test #77708
Update OWNERS so it isn’t single threaded. #72667
Dry-run eviction: Fix missing pdb in test #77763
Clean up pkg/api. #77670
Use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/lifecycle #77649
Support Table and PartialObjectMetadata requests to the API #77448
Fix shellcheck failures of cluster/gce/ #77386
Clean up kube-proxy. #77313
Prune matching replace directives in staging repos more effectively #77753
Promote oomichi to approver for test/ #77701
Update gem versions #76854
Check conformance test should not call any Skip #76734
Fix some lint errors in pkg/proxy #77696
Add johnbelamaric as conformance test reviewer #77620
ingress: migrate extensions.Ingress to networking.Ingress #77617
cleanup dot imports and make test error checking more readable in test/e2e/storage #77718
Bump cluster-proportional-autoscaler to 1.6.0 #77689
apiextensions: roundtrip structural schema through go-openapi, JSON and our API #77667
skip cri detection for kubeadm token create #77631
add wrappers around gauge, histogram & summary #77618
Implement UpdateContainerResources in FakeRuntimeService #77418
improve e2e namespace dumping on failure #77742
Update beorn7/perks to Fix off-by-one error for small sample sizes #77735
test/e2e/upgrades/apps/job: List Pods in failure message #77716
Make test/cmd/a*.sh pass shellcheck #74639
Add initial support for OpenRC #73101
Lazily initialize signal handling for hyperkube apiserver and kubelet #76659
Fix some service tags not supported issues for Azure LoadBalancer service #77719
apiextensions: always sort structural schema violations, not only in condition #77726
Add Un-reserve extension point for the scheduling framework #77598
add legacy cloud providers unit tests to make test
Made the comment on SharedInformer give a complete description #77636
Fix admission webhook integration tests to filter out controller requests #77578
Clean up controller-manager. #77306
Update client-go example (fix typo) #77659
Add OWNERS file for gce/manifests #77424
check if Memory is not nil for container stats #77656
when disabled, don’t create the API server’s insecure port mapping #77607
Add a new field for storing volume expansion secrets #77516
Clean up pkg/apis. #77671
Multivolume storage class fix #77605
apiextensions: implement structural schema condition #77207
Add ExpectError() to e2e test framework #74314
Make thread-safe the prebind callback of stateful plugin in scheduler… #77626
prevent predicatesOrdering
from escaping from UT #77576
Refactor:move clean method to suitable place #77542
Fix kubectl rename-context description grammar #77405
Use map to check whether stack trace is needed #77379
add sig-instrumentation to owners in component-base/metrics #77621
Remove unused const #73350
Update to go 1.12.5 #77528
add pod status check after job completes in job test #77005
Fix race conditions for Azure loadbalancer and route updates #77490
Fix public IPs issues when multiple clusters are sharing the same resource group #77630
remove VM API call dependency in azure disk WaitForAttach #77483
fix shellcheck failures in /hack/verify-[a-g]*.sh. #76475
Modify apimachinery,apps,instrumentation tests to import framework/log #77425
Fix unstructured list interface compatibility, fix kubectl paging #77580
Bump metrics-server version to v0.3.3 #77569
Use key in probedPlugin #77537
Comment association to ConformanceIt block should be validated properly. #72167
Fixes component base KEP link #76852
GCE/Windows: ignore stopping errors for stackdriver #77568
Unexport PrintTable function #77530
kubeadm: upload the ClusterConfiguration
during the upgrade #77513
Faster scheduler #77509
fix TestEventChannelFull random fail #76603
Modify e2e/kubectl tests to import e2elog.Logf #77486
Add wrappers for prometheus.Counter/CounterVec and prometheus.Registry #77037
AWS EBS provisioner should get node zone info from k8s #76976
kube-aggregator: update existing openapi spec info if pre-existing #76385
Removes deprecated label in yaml files of kubernetes add-ons. Bug fix #72757 #73637
Move ssh code to new package #77336
Move feature gate package from to #74021
refactor: use e2elog.Logf instead of framework.Logf #77427
Make external driver name generation contain a more random suffix in case of double generation in the same framework context (twice in the same test) #77525
fix Remove hyperkube short aliases #76953
Revert “Add Un-reserve extension point for the scheduling framework” #77577
move GCERegionalPersistentDisk feature from cloud-provider into kube_features.go #77564
Remove spurious godeps.json files #77571
Add –chunk-size=0 to disable pagination when listing nodes. #77552
Allow to define kubeconfig file for OpenStack cloud provider #77415
Promote spiffxp to approver, add oomichi as reviewer #77556
Modify e2e/lifecycle tests to import e2elog.Logf #77533
fix increment-decrement lint error #77479
disable the apiserver’s insecure port by default #77447
Fix a spelling error #72999
Handle conversion errors from ObjectToTyped correctly #77522
Bump ip-masq-agent version to v2.3.0. Enable nomasq for reserved IPs. #77458
Add Un-reserve extension point for the scheduling framework #77457
Staging the GCE Cloud Provider #77374
Remove terminated pod from summary api. #77426
Store runtimeHandler for the PodSandboxStatus in FakeRuntimeService #77419
Add jan and msau42 as approver for volumemanager #77409
Move scalability, upgrade, and common packages to framework/log #77408
Avoid using tag filters for EC2 API where possible #76749
Avoid duplicate error reporting in glusterfs #77385
Include the key of invalid label’s value in error message #77144
Update image version #77029
tests: Adds configurable pod DNS nameservers and search list test #76508
Add Release information to each of the conformance tests. #70626
fix always print EventTypeWarning due to err override #77452
Add common func for NewAttacher and NewDetacher #77433
Add detacher assertion for csiAttacher #77431
Use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/autoscaling #77113
Use any host that mounts the datastore to create Volume #75187
Revert “Add better logging when iptables-restore fails” #77541
feat: remove klog in AddUnschedulableIfNotPresent #77478
Fix go lint failures in volume scheduling packages #77442
Fix golint #77381
Remove unused code from CSI e2e tests #74705
Enhance the script to start kubelet using correct cgroup driver. #77495
Remove private copies and update the code to use shared annotations #77443
Adding RemainingItemCount to ListMeta #75993
Don’t use mapfile as it isn’t bash 3 compatible #77362
remove soak test cauldron #77335
Split TestLoopbackHostPort into 2 tests #76966
Do not generate unnecessary goroutines #76927
Convert the GCE manifests for master containers. #76396
organize sig-net-api-{reviewers,approvers} in OWNERS_ALIASES #77514
style: update several golint errors in winkernel #77506
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/providers/gce/recreate_node.go #77034
Create OWNERS in volume scheduling package #77438
Move node, windows, and autoscaling tests to framework/log #77413
Move framework/upgrade_util.go to framework/lifecycle/upgrade.go #77016
Fix golint failures of pkg/apis/scheduling, pkg/apis/storage/util, etc #77380
Staging legacy AWS cloud provider #77352
kubeadm: renew certificates embedded in kubeconfig files #77180
Graduate SupportNodePidsLimit to beta #76221
Uses the resource-consumer/controller image instead of resource-consumer-controller #75115
Union all CPUSets in one round #77422
Bump addon-manager to v9.0.1 #77282
typo - extra space - in Fatalf format string #76785
replace errors.New(fmt.Sprintf()) with fmt.Errorf() #77464
Allow to define exec credential plugin config options from kubectl #73230
Revert “ v0.0.0-20180321164747-3a771d992973” #77510
remove redundant else block #77481
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubectl/cmd/help pkg/kubectl/cmd/proxy pkg/kubectl/cmd/util/openapi #77471
Remove duplicate package import #76698
Add johnbelamaric to sig-network-{reviewers,approvers} #77356
Move storage tests to use the framework/log package #77401
refer to constant to guarantee constant behavior #77453
Cleanup the workarounds for augmented NSGs since it has been GA #77459
Fix describe error of Successful Job History Limit #77347
pkg,test: Fix DaemonSet typos #76723
Use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/auth #77093
kubeadm: Fix omitempty in v1beta2 #77345
fix(daemon): create more expections when skipping pods #74856
tests: Solve backoff tests flakiness #75952
Added function to create kubeconfig for addon-manager #75675
Refactor PV scheduling library into a separate package #75434
Fix rolling update daemonset bug in clock-skew scenario #77208
Suppress registering GCE LB provider flag if missing on CommandLine. #76627
GCE/Windows: send container logs to the proper resource #77414
Lock GCERegionalPersistentDisk feature on #77412
fix scheduler plugin example #77390
Refactored framework deployment utils #77373
Bump the version of the ip-masq-agent addon to pick up CVE fixes #77328
tableprinter: simplifies default printer handler #77148
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/common/pods.go #77054
Ensure 4xx+ response codes from webhook rejections #77022
Add IPv6 support to the nettest image #75246
test/e2e/network: Honor –dns-domain in more places #76061
Expect the correct object type to be removed #77411
Self nominate cmluciano as a sig-network reviewer #77406
Generate and verify apimachinery protobuf #77403
Bump metadata-proxy image to v0.1.12 #77357
kubeadm: Add certificateKey field to v1beta2 config #77012
Require version match to special-case status objects #77368
use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/apps #77123
Move auth and network tests to use framework/log #77366
correcting some spelling errors #76359
kubeadm: disable the kube-proxy DaemonSet on non-Linux nodes #76327
Remove the option of encrypting secrets in etcd via a locally stored key. #77369
Add etag for NSG updates so as to fix nsg race condition #77210
Add quota admission test for decreasing usage without covering quota #77342
Shuffle addresslist for random mount server and cleanup error messages. #76983
Use latest etcd from release-3.3 branch for dropping ugorji #76917
deprecate state field of eventSeries on Event API #75987
Enable API resource paging by default, by feature gate in sample-apiserver #77278
GCE/Windows: force kill the stackdriver processes when necessary #77378
Use map to check for long-running request #77287
Remove unused quorum field #77281
Adding a new WindowsSecurityOptions
struct #77147
use static token to authenticate glbc #77140
ingress: use networking api group for default storage of ingress #77139
tests: Splits hostname from DNS test #75591
Remove unnecessary custom conversion functions #77346
Collapse integration test storage setup onto actual storage config #77330
Pick up security patches for fluentd-gcp-scaler by upgrading to version 0.5.2 #76762
kubeadm: do unit testing of actual public function #77252
Fix golint failures of pkg/controller/certificates/approver, etc #76882
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/lifecycle #77053
PodSecurityPolicy RuntimeClass support #73795
Clean up genswaggertypedocs. #77307
Query pod status outside loop over containers #77291
Add meta/v1 Table and PartialObjectMetadata objects #77136
Use read lock for ServiceHasEndpoints #76712
kubelet/cm: code optimization for the static policy #74859
Update some OWNERS files #77039
Fix a bug in the gpu device plugin #77035
Fix block volume expansion #77317
Fix some golint failures of pkg/kubectl/cmd/attach pkg/kubectl/cmd/autoscale #77112
Use read lock for QuotaMonitor#IsSynced #76868
Use read lock in ServeHTTP #76784
Clean up kubeadm. #77325
Add ability to find init Container IDs in cpumanager reconcileState() #77162
Rebase etcd-empty-dir-cleanup to debian-base #76525
Move MountsInGlobalPDPath from mount pkg to volume #74734
Fixed a make clean
regression #77137
Link to CNCF artwork repo #76439
add multivolume suite to external storage test suite #77315
Update iptables.IsNotFoundError for iptables-nft error messages #77303
Utilize read lock for getLastObservedNodeAddresses #77157
Add testing infra for checking whether an in-tree plugin is using backend that is shimmed to CSI #77101
Add some tests for printing pv #76647
combine two logics avoid for range the same thing #77298
typo in kubectl/cmd/logs/logs_test.go
comments #77289
Remove unused var. #77275
remove some unused const in test/e2e #76750
Accept admission request if resource is being deleted #76299
Fix lint errors pkg/printer #76771
refactor: use framework.ExpectNoError instead in e2e tests #77159
Correct errors and remove unwanted code blocks . #77297
Increase maxMsgSize for dockershim #77165
Return early when node expansion is determined #77229
Fix golint failures of pkg/volume/nfs #76944
add TLS support for NLB / fix several NLB bugs #74910
Preserve existing namespace when using kubectl set –local #77267
Code style update #77111
namespace: remove gc finalizers based on delete options #76051
Swap in fejta, out ixdy in build/OWNERS #77246
remove pd-external from e2e config #77233
Remove proxy workaround fixed in go 1.12.4 #77222
Clean up genclient tags for hub types #76991
tests: agnhost image updates #76507
Fix ACR MSI cross-subscription authentication error #77245
feat: add logger package in test e2e framework #77184
Clean up cluster-service label from fluentd-elastic #77172
Clean links handling in cp’s tar code #76788
delete some unused code for awsebs #76755
Remove todo and change comment #77257
Add enj and mikedanese sig-auth-api-reviewers #77217
Fix golint failures of pkg/apis/autoscaling #76778
Implement/update interfaces and skeleton for the scheduling framework #75848
Rename NewHumanReadablePrinter to NewTablePrinter #77221
Update the dynamic volume limit in GCE PD #76977
handle file close error #76875
Add –config=ci for bazel #77230
Upgrade Stackdriver Logging Agent addon image from 1.6.0 to 1.6.8 to fix segmentation fault bug. #77224
Send events before adding watchers in traversePluginDir #75110
kubeadm: remove flaky unit tests for chroot #77218
Change misleading log message #77191
MOD: support wildcard DNS for apiserver certSANs #76920
Error when etcd3 watch finds delete event with nil prevKV #76675
Prune directxman12 from metrics/autoscaling OWNERS #76110
refactor: move wait for endpoints to new pkg #77156
kubeadm: remove duplicated token.parsePEMCerts() #77206
Fix shellcheck failures of cluster/ #76858
kubemark: fix and enhance kubemark scripts for IKS #76909
Restrict builds to officially supported platforms #76974
fix azure disk list corruption issue #77187
Use during remote execution #77178
Reuse vmssIPConfigurationRE for getting the NIC’s resource group #77179
fix shellcheck failures on #76867
kubeadm: fix certs renewal during upgrade #76862
os exit when option is true #76732
Kubectl exec support resource/name format #73664
use new method to detect cgroup driver #77032
Add OWNERS file for cmd/kube-proxy #77153
Revert “override ETCD_SERVER with https instead http when mTLS is enabled” #77158
Use suggested canonical form for busybox and debian container images #77149
kubeadm: add support for ECDSA keys #76390
Add e2e for connection reset issue #76218
fix spelling error ‘retrive’ in log #76114
Addresses linter complaint in broken_webhook test file #77143
Adds an integration test for cross group-version server-side apply #76468
support ipv6 in bind address #76320
Fix spell error #76254
kube-proxy: Drop packets in INVALID state #74840
Refeactored framework deployment utils #76978
kubeadm: Introduce v1beta2 config #76710
Bump minimum docker version to 1.13.1 in kubeadm #77051
Use read lock in ready#check #76795
Remove Rancher Credential Provider from upstream kubernetes #77099
Removing quotation marks from #77082
Split humanreadble.go into tablegenerator.go and tableprinter.go #76746
webhook: support exec auth plugin #76919
Staging the legacy Azure Cloud Provider #77038
Add new cases to apiextensions-apiserver integration testing #77090
Update rbac rule for external-snapshotter e2e test #77094
Follow on for Store parsed CIDRs at initialization of Proxier #76779 #77056
Support print volumeMode using kubectl get pv/pvc #76646
Add apelisse as approvers for apiserver integration tests #77091
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #77055
Remove golint failures from pkg/apis/admissionregistration #77033
Bump debian-iptables versions to v11.0.2. #75997
Transform decoder error into api status error when typer fails #71500
Fix golint failures of pkg/capabilities #77001
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet/pod #76884
change bandwidth units from Kb to b #75442
Add IPv6 support to the Downward e2e API test #75237
Add metrics to monitor the kubelet http server #75228
kubeadm: add etcdversion constant for v1.15 #77072
fix: use locked func to replace the raw one to avoid concurrent read #76940
Updates OWNERS files in job controller #76817
Reduce contention in watchcache by not calling event handler under lock #76702
Rename CronJob controller file #77060
remove unused func deprecatedAlias #71906
Upgrade go-autorest to v11.1.2 #77070
Fix link for resource metrics pipeline #77050
Run in privileged remote containers #77046
Fix versioning serializer #76818
fix kubelet config bug for kubeadm init phase #76578
fix shellcheck failures #76881
Fix shellcheck failures on and #76840
Store parsed CIDRs at initialization of Proxier #76779
Fix eviction dry-run #76969
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet/checkpointmanager/checksum #76924
Remove FIFO scheduling queue and old pod backoff logic #76301
Fix golint failures of pkg/apis/networking #77002
scheduler: fix perf downgrade of cases without presence of (anti-)affinity pods #76973
runtimeclass: update type description to beta #76972
Reduce event spam for function GenerateAttachVolumeFunc #75986
Fix shellcheck failures on #76937
Fix Vsphere rouding up of volume size #76719
Check error when copying from pod #77010
Make the error slightly more readable #77009
specify azure file share name in azure file plugin #76988
Fix golint failures of pkg/volume/portworx #76945
Update test/e2e/scheduling/nvidia-gpus to also run cuda10 vector add. #75566
Replace variables 10250 and 10255 with constants #76933
Cleanup content-type protobuf constants #76824
Fix some golint failures of pkg/kubelet #76690
Staging the vSphere Cloud Provider #75910
Detect zone of MIG in e2e VPA tests #73271
Move the SchemeGroupVersion variable into var() #77000
Copy object sent to validating admission #77008
Migrate oom watcher not relying on cAdviosr’s API any more #74942
Fix validation message: apiServerEndpoints -> apiServerEndpoint #76923
add int32 set impl #76964
Create GroupVersionKind with simpler way #76888
Cancel processing node if error occurs when getting affinity and anti… #76883
Change some code place to void useless caller #76777
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet/apis #76763
Use semantic equality in client ca post start hook #60771
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet/dockershim/cm #76925
Fix shellcheck failures of test/e2e_node/environment/ #76900
fix bug of hack/ #76855
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #76812
Fix shellcheck failures of cluster/gce/gci/ #76655
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet/checkpoint #76806
Fix golint failures of pkg/apis/authorization #76765
Fix RuntimeClass proto generation #76967
webhook integration tests for non persistent resources #76959
GCE/Windows: Configure Docker to rotate container logs #76958
Using var() block to define variables #76936
Update OWNERS_ALIASES #76947
Use e2e.test binary instead of test/e2e in example invocations #76934
vendor: update #76914
test for exempted from admission validation/mutation objects #76911
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/util.go - part3 #76705
kubeadm: improve resiliency when conflicts arise when updating the kubeadm-config configmap #76821
add option to disable the apiserver’s insecure port via env var #76792
add additional approvers from GKE #76786
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/util.go - part2 #76488
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/util.go - part1 #76348
webhook admission tests: connect, proxy, binding, eviction #76910
add object type to cacheWatcher #76903
Update client-go module install instructions #76567
Fix two minor bugs in kubeadm #76922
Add –config=remote and –config=remote-cache modes for bazel #76815
kubeadm: check all available CA certs against pinned certs #76500
change default 5s ttl to 30s for coredns to be same with kube-dns/dnsmasq #76238
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #76835
fix shellcheck failures on and #76890
Fixed a kubemark panic when hollow-node is morphed as proxy #76848
kubeadm cleanup: master -> control-plane #76918
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubelet/util #76889
Fix golint failures of pkg/volume/local #76860
Reregister cAdvisor cloud info providers in Kubelet #76912
Fix malformed JUNIT XML with shellcheck failures #76871
update image version #76640
Skip storage tests that depend on default SC - if no default SC is found #76625
GCE/Windows: enable stackdriver logging agent #76850
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #76767
Fix scale and rollback subresources with admission webhooks, add integration tests #76849
Fix bug and golint failures of hack/ #76834
Fix golint failures of pkg/kubectl/apps #76139
Fix printing duplicated pod priorityClassName #76894
Fix golint failures of pkg/apis/batch #76804
Switch to instance-level update APIs for Azure VMSS loadbalancer operations #76656
kubeadm: drop duplicate function NewCACertAndKey #76769
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #76856
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #76808
Fix kubectl version –client=true #76662
kubeadm: use ‘errors.Errorf’ instead of ‘fmt.Errorf’ #76859
kubeadm: fix kubeadm alpha cert renew error in case of external CA #76865
fix shellcheck in and #75573
Update to go 1.12.4 #76576
kubeadm: cleanup unused func #76847
add owners file to util/metrics and auto-labeling #76801
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/util.go - part4 #76745
update the output of, show how to export the environment of etcd #76608
Fix some shellcheck failures of cluster/*.sh #76152
Rename some varibles and clean up codes in scheduler_binder.go #76333
Fix shellcheck failures on #76843
Add soltysh and pwittrock to sig-cli-api-reviewers #76816
Remove unused code #76796
Support describe priority class of pod, rs, sts… #76781
Fix shellcheck failures in #76331
[metrics-server addon] Restore connecting to nodes via IP addresses #76819
Fix shellcheck in hack/lib/ #76803
Remove unused function and clean up redundant code #76751
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #76810
Beta upgrade for feature gate VolumeSubpathEnvExpansion #76546
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ and hack/ #76809
Fix shellcheck failures on and #76744
fix detach azure disk back off issue which has too big lock in failure retry condition #76573
Add IPv6 support to the Container Lifecycle tests #75245
CSI - Skips deviceMounter.MountDevice for ephemeral volumes #76089
Request network plugin in bug report template #74047
Remove ineffectual assignment #76540
add apimachinery api-reviewers #76775
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #76417
Create the “internal” firewall rule for kubemark master. #76773
Move “-s -w” flags to GOLDFLAGS as an overridable default. #76651
Update klog to 0.3.0 #76474
Refactor of e2e/framework/authorizer_util.go #76337
Fix potential test flakes in HPA tests TestEventNotCreated and TestAvoidUncessaryUpdates #76455
Fix typo, old link for contributors #75119
Expect directory permissions to be 0700 #76534
Using const() defines constants together #76634
Add operation name for other volume operations #75926
Use constant blocks to define constants in pkg/kubectl #76724
Remove deprecated centos/local support #76711
Fix Azure SLB support for multiple backend pools #76691
Pin GCE Windows node image to 1809 v20190312. #76722
Fix a log info error #75869
API reviewers for SIG Storage #76736
Removed unused code in humanreadable.go #76681
Add feature gates for switching between the legacy inflight limiting #76413
Warn to stderr when we encounter PathError listing plugins #76707
Make Serializer.options private and immutable + improve godoc #76679
Rename TablePrinter interface to TableGenerator #76673
Remove Ingress-GCE test that verifies backend health check is not reconciled #76083
Add ipv6 support to the e2e healthz test #75244 v1.6.0 #76652
Enable conformance requirement check #76622
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ and hack/ #76478
Move ExecMount to pkg/volume/util/exec #76456
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/apps #76132
update to csi e2es to use official images #76523
Add more nil checks to metav1.Time and MicroTime #76514
Fix comments about node health monitor #75761
Fix shellcheck lint errors in test/images/* scripts #74601
Removes test-only skipTabWriter from HumanReadablePrinter #76683
Replace false with “exit 1” under hack/ #76682
Add SIG Scheduling API reviewers to OWNERS_ALIASES #76668
Use consistent imageRef during container startup #76665
proxy/userspace: add dcbw and danwinship to OWNERS approvers #76277
proxy/userspace: respect minSyncInterval #71735
Updates OWNERS files and OWNERS_ALIASES for SIG Apps #76669
Update winkernel owners file #76658
Small bug: Comments and function names do not match #76633
Remove unused lock in scheduler #76536
Limit the read length of ioutil.ReadAll in pkg/credentialprovider
clean up command description information for consistency and readability #76638
Output missing cert or key name in DownloadCerts #76636
decouple the aggregated clientset from the e2e testing framework #75989
Use IP addresses to test external connectivity #75066
Remove and replace ptr functions #74447
add heartbeat inside watch #75474
clean up unused code in scheduler #76378
Delete unused struct, nodeEnumerator #76644
remove unused functions & types in test/e2e/framework/util.go #76631
Fix golint failures of pkg/apis/core/helper #76613
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #76313
Remove empty metrics.go file and method call #76257
Add missing node.address != “” condition in tests #76637
clean the deprecated func Parallelize #76595
Promote container runtime e2e verifying termination message #75134
Enable StorageObjectInUseProtection by default #74610
Implement a dedicated serializer package for ComponentConfigs #74111
Add mkumatag to the approvers list #76612
Simplify kubeadm bump version on TestEtcdSupportedVersion #76068
re-home juju related source #76628
Fix golint failures of e2e/apimachinery #76066
Improve kubectl auth can-i
command by warning users when they try access resource out of scope #76014 v0.0.0-20171007142547-342cbe0a0415 #76610
Remove redundant wait for cache sync #76430
Watch bookmark api changes #74074
run update-gofmt when make update #76582
Clean up e2e/framework/upgrade_util.go #76577
dockershim: Fix negotiating docker API version #76621
Fix typo in kube-proxy-migration-e2e test #76607
Update addon-manager to use debian-base:v1.0.0 #76404
Promote ‘watch-consistency’ e2e test to be a conformance test #76350
Fixes # 76094 - Check the content of WHAT for Makefile’s verify target #76253
code-generator: complete tools.go #76550
override ETCD_SERVER with https instead http when mTLS is enabled #74690
Use fmt.printf() to end with a newline #76565
Add approver and label to addon-manager #76467
add myself and Walter as sig-cloud-provider api reviewers #76616
Revert accidentally pushed e2e images #76602
Begin Adding Unit Tests for EnsureLoadBalancer #76343
Update hack/ to ignore ./third_party/* #75795
propagate pinned versions to staging repos, output cleanup commands #76558
Improve readability in e2e/network/service tests #76552
Fix for #75567 #76427
Fix concurrent map write access in Portworx create volume call #76341
webhook: respect the status error from webhook #72751
Fix golint failures of cmd/kube-proxy/app #76497
Cleanup command prompt for #76368
Cleanup as many dirs as possible in CleanupDirs #76564
Fix golint failures of test/e2e_kubeadm/util.go #76587
loop through next entry in stubDomainData if proxyIP == 0 #76572
Return aggregate error from rollbackOldManifests #76566
Add check-conformance-test-requirements.go #75524
bump, to preferred versions #76559
Update DNSType comments on compute.go #76545
correct some comments in scheduler code #76563
Fix older bash failing on unbound array variables #76495
kubeadm: Don’t error out on join with –cri-socket override #76505
Capitalize the first letter of the prompt for consistency #76557
Revert “scheduler: performance improvement on PodAffinity” #76547
Fix shellcheck failures of zookeeper-installer/, etc #76115
Fix golint failures in test/e2e_node/builder #75713
Use fmt.printf() to end with a newline #76549
update and #76448
Updated doc.go files for #76481
test/e2e/framework/volume_util.go -> test/e2e/framework/volume/fixtures.go #76414
fix alias typo #76515
Recreate nodes e2e test #76156
Add OWNERS file for sig-network utils #76464
Promote empty secret key e2e test to conformance test #74702
Prune replace directives #76522
stop clearing GOPATH in vendor scripts #76511
Follow up of #76314 #76499
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #76482
CSI - aggregate common test functionalities #75692
remove unnecessary vendoring of cmd/cfssl #76466
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/lib/ hack/lib/ #76131
Fix shellcheck failures of test/images/pets/redis-installer/ #76084
promote pod should be submitted and removed e2e test case to conformance #75473
promote shared volumes between the container in a pod e2e to conformance #75471
Fix a typo in a code example in a comment #75161
Promote container runtime e2e having non default TerminationMessagePath set #75101
Promote DNS e2e verifying DNS resolution for externalName services #74983
Promote exceed quota e2e test for Replication Controller to conformance test #74892
Promote graceful job deletion e2e test to conformance test #74791
Follow up of #76126 #76457
scheduler: rename metric name of pending pods #76398
Parallelize iSCSI tests #73739
Fix test failures in volume provisioning #76300
refactor: cleanup e2e framework job utils #76228
Remove genyaml binary #76501
aggregation availability should ensure that discovery responds non-failing #75126
Fix label on UpdateContainerResources operation #75278
Ability to set up Private GCE Test Clusters with NAT. #76440
Bump metrics-server to v0.3.2 #76437
Fail on master or hollow nodes set-up errors #76498
Update files in sample-controller #76384
Update to latest cadvisor - cleanup mesos/rkt #76291
Fix shellcheck lint errors in third_party/* scripts #74180
Fix typo cgroupDriver -> cgroup-driver #76473
add aliases for api approvers/reviewers by SIG area #76290
add @SataQiu as a reviewer of test (re-open) #76434
add @SataQiu as a reviewer of hack #76426
Couple of dependency script cleanups #76244
change kubelet probe metrics to counter #76074
Update docker/docker dependency to release 18.09.4 #75843
refactor: cleanup e2e replicaset utils #76409
Move gpu_util.go to e2e/framework/gpu #76400
Perform GCE log rotation check every 5 minutes #76352
proxy: fix exclude CIDRs #76334
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ hack/ #76314
Update by cleaning up command prompts #76391
Small cleanup of e2e/framework/ingress #76361
add @SataQiu as a test/e2e/framework reviewer #76371
kubeadm: use correct expected key when checking test results #76381
Minor cleanup in cacher #76375
Fix some golint failures of test/e2e/framework/service_util.go #76255
fix nit for etcd_apiserver TLS path #74268
Save pod priority to avoid repeated calculation #76410
reference kube-proxy bug in v1.14.1 CHANGELOG #76399
Fix shellcheck failures of hack/ #76311
Use RWMutex for accessing scheduler factory obj #76256
Add ListPager.EachListItem util #75849
remove pkg/credentialprovider from cloud provider import restrictions #76403
Add envs for CNI version. #76353
Return from loop in removeZone when zone is found #76349
Update cri-tools to v1.14.0 #75658
Update files in client-go #76383
Follow-up of #71136: Clean up unused vars in codegen scripts #76363
crd-openapi-publishing: in e2e query apiserver instances for HA #76388
Fix usage priority fraction in priorities e2e test #75905
for aggregated apiserver availability, try multiple endpoints in parallel #75217
fix typo in azure disk logging #76326
scheduler: performance improvement on PodAffinity #76243
Slightly simplify watchcache #76330
fix typo healty #76020
Fix the TestUpdate #76237
Prune literally all kube-apiserver internal client #71136
make only work at the module level #76336
Refactor and clean up e2e/framework/exec_util.go #76324
aggregator: add OpenAPI aggregation order test #76323
Use pvc uid in endpoint/service label #76184
Improve for-loop in nodesWherePreemptionMightHelp function #75911
Clean up PR #71617 #71679
Update #76306
Move nsenter mounter to pkg/volume/util/nsenter #76047
Clean up and remove blank lines #76309
refactor: remove unused function and add comments in rc util #76233
Remove duplicate ‘of’ #76018
scheduler: add metrics to record number of pending pods in different queues #75501
Update vendored dependencies #76215
Remove legacy table printing and decoding #76272
Change Mutex to RWMutex for pod backoff #76252
Fix shellcheck failures in #76280
Ability for volume AttachablePlugin.CanAttach() to return both bool and error #76151
fix too many pdb update operations when nothing change #74241
Produce map according to the shorter array in haveOverlap #76288
Add JUnitReporter to kubeadm e2e test #76282
Fix shellcheck failures in and #76278
Add type alias for DirectCodecFactory -> WithoutConversionCodecFactory #76270
Fix some shellcheck failures of test/images/ #76126
Fix some golint failures of e2e/network/[d-k]*.go #76260
Fix golint failures of test/e2e/framework/framework.go #76251
Fix the formatting string #76235
Create kubectl rollout restart deployment/$deployment
to do a rolling restart #76062
Add kube-metrics-adapter to list of Custom Metrics Implementations #76058
Remove unused variables from computePodPhase #75528
Mark staging go module files as generated, add script to lint dependencies #76197
Fixed default value for ConfigMapAndSecretChangeDetectionStrategy (kubelet) #75921
Add Port configuration to ServiceReference of Admission webhooks, CRD Conversion Webhooks, AuditSink Webhooks and kube-aggregator #74855
use server-side printing in kubectl get -w
Delete only unscheduled pods in DaemonSetController if node doesn’t exist anymore #76060
kubeadm: Quote values in envFile #76201
Fix shellcheck failures in and #75862
scheduler: tweak scheduler factory mutex #76245
Use read lock for PriorityQueue#PendingPods #76229
Fixes #75706 - Show warning message when namespace is specified for deleting a cluster-scoped resource #75820
Update usages of PriorityClass to V1 #73557
Add dep-approvers for reviewing go dependency changes #76198
Adds cri-api in the staged repository list #76086
apimachinery & apiserver: use stacktrace in the stdlib #75853
ensuring that logic is checking for differences in listener #76216
Integrate backoff mechanism into the scheduling queue and remove the … #75497
Move CSIDriver Lister to the controller #75129
Remove some unwanted code blocks in controller_utils.go #75964
kubectl: Removes dependency on util/interrupt by copying this code into kubectl #75516
Use Node-Problem-Detector v0.6.3 on GCI #76211
Fix flaky legacy pod autoscaler test #76189
Clean ineffectual assignments #74946
add @andrewsykim, @neoli123, @stevesloka and @johnSchnake as test/ reviewers #76203
Update csi-hostpath-provisioner to v1.1.0-rc2 #76192
test: partially decouple from cmd/kubeadm #76052
Add TLS support to kubemark #76017
Fixed log message in client-go #75123
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/statefulset_utils.go #76006
Update fluentd 1.4.1 #75967
fix a mistake #75936
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/v*.go #75797
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/metrics_util.go #75783
Revert “delivery event non blocking firstly” #76196
Add better logging when iptables-restore fails #76171
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/f*.go #75705
Use instead of hostname label when setting affinity #76193
Don’t run topology tests with GCE CSI driver on non-GCE cloud #76191
Follow up of #76168
Bump gengo to avoid large errors in verify logs #76162
Fix besteffort pods for conflicting tolerations #75985
Revert “[Distroless] Convert the GCE manifests for master containers.” #76190
Show all missing deps when publishing-bot rules has no listed dependencies #76180
Implement make test-e2e-kubeadm #75546
Use official images in pd driver e2es #76163
Refactor loops over SupportedMediaTypes()
where mediaType is used to match a single SerializerInfo{} #76175
add bentheelder to hack/ approvers #76169
Update vendor cleanup #76153
Fix emptry array expansion error in cluster/gce/ #76111
reconcile pod ready condition when message is not expected #75523
Fix TestCreateDisk by sorting tags #76142
Use multi-arch etcd image #76136
Code refactor: replace repeated values with a constant #76119
Remove kube-proxy autocleanup for inactive modes #76109
fix shellcheck failures in ./hack/jenkins/… #75915
Fix comments and function names are different #76116
Move DirectEncoder to runtime, rename, add .WithoutConversion() on CodecFactory #76098
add timeout support for watch #76065
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/r*.go #76057
Update debian base image OWNERS #75891
Mark slow storage e2es #76174
Restore volume tests using statefulset #76034
tests: Adds agnhost image #76032
Improve volume operation metrics #75750
fix: typo in stateful_set_control #74649
Aggregate errors for kube runtime GC #74220
Convert the GCE manifests for master containers. #75624
Make work with things other than docker #76149
feat: use ignore instead of stdin in genyaml cmd #75432
delete some unused consts in kubeadm/app/constants/constants.go #76118
Expose object tracker for fake clientsets #71049
Fix some golint failures of e2e_kubeadm/bootstrap_signer.go e2e_kubeadm/framework.go #76117
Rename createLoadBalancerIfNeeded() to syncLoadBalancerIfNeeded() #76108
GCE/Windows: disable stackdriver logging agent #76099
Remove resync period for sset controller #75622
Use go idiomatic to replace loop #75514
external-resizer in e2e tests should have access to leases #76091
Handle feature gate errors #76087
Delete unused struct #76072
Image for Regression test for #74839 #76045
Exclude custom transports when constructing AnonymousClientConfig() #75771
Update branding guidelines #75444
test-cmd: Fixes erroneous integration test that usually passes accidentally #76043
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/rc_util.go #76028
Add mcrute to cloudprovider related owners files #75988
Fix nodeSelector hostname #75909
Added config to EventCorrelator in client-go #75092
Remove apimachinery dep from mount library #76049
Finish saving test results on failure #76039
Provide imageRepository override for ‘kubeadm config images’ commands. #75866
Paginate watch cache->etcd List calls & reflector init/resync List calls not served by watch cache #75389
add go module support, manage vendor directory using go modules #74877
Use framework.ExpectNoError() for e2e/storage #74274
fix some spelling error #76071
Code improve: use constants instead of hard coding #76029
give users option to suppress detailed output in integration test #76063
patch-reset #76038
Replace variables 10251 and 10252 with constants #75948
delivery event non blocking firstly #75547
Do not replace labels of pvc with those of StastefulSet #74941
test/e2e: replace legacy scheme with client-go scheme #76030
Remove alpha csi CRD #75747
Fix kubelet start in #76050
Extract Method for kubeadm #76016
Fix create secret generic paths examples #76021
Use better variable names in validation.go #75932
allow for non-fatal errors when requesting and following multiple log streams #75903
Explicitly flush headers when proxying #75887
kubectl: removes pkg/version dependency #75346
test/e2e/apps: fix panic in DaemonSet tests due to legacy scheme #76025
Fix older bash failing on unbound array variables #75994
fix: list nodes in sync daemonset #75080
Move cloud-specific roles out of RBAC bootstrap #66635
Fixes reversed owner relation in error msg from garbage collector #76004
Revert “add timeout suuport for watch” #76002
remove the redundant “the” #74119
Fixed storage class nilpointer in RePD failover test #75979
Expose etcd client latency metrics #75953
Add azure_route support routeTableResourceGroup #75580
clean nonexistent metrics in e2e test #74406
Update v1.Taint parser to accept the form key:effect
and key=:effect-
remove unused function #71900
enable external sources in verify-shellcheck #75977
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/pv_util.go #75975
Garbage collector should use a merge patch instead of Update #75972
Correctly send list metadata with v1beta1 PartialObjectMetadataList #75971
Fix translation from kube-dns to CoreDNS Config to skip invalid values #75969
Update sample aggregated server yaml to work with e2e test image #75962
staging/publishing: split rules for godeps and go.mod bot #75959
Simplify two if (remove redundant code) #75931
Remove Ingress-GCE test which checks that sync error on one Ingress does not block other syncs #75888
add listx to OWNERS for test/images and test/utils/image #75873
Bebase etcd image to #75856
remove usages of internal clientset in e2e framework #75616
Bump debian-iptables for security fixes #75845
Fix ineffective links in #75807
Simplify the loop for latest start time in pickOneNodeForPreemption #75703
Add custom runtime handler e2e test #74757
Fix code to handle delayed binding volumes #73863
Define common sentences as constants #75939
kube-aggregator: bump openapi aggregation log level for delegation targets #75781
Avoid panic in cronjob sorting #75772
Fix a test build failed error #75759
kubelet: fix some race conditions with logs -f #73041
spelling error ‘Certifcate’ #75950
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/pods.go, provider.go, upgrade_util.go #75940
add timeout support for Watch() #75835
Update kubeadm/kubeconfig to use constant instead of hard coding #75933
Skip smart label in kubectl describe if field has special chars #75483
Add preliminary go module instructions to client-go #75595
fix shellcheck failures in hack/ #75662
support both JSON and YAML for scheduler configuration #75857
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/ssh.go, e2e/framework/size.go #75923
bazel: update repo-infra dependency to fix bazel 0.24+ (requires 0.23+) #75904
Attaching owner references to jobs create via “–from=cronjob/xyz” #73737
Remove dead code about failure-domains option in kube-scheduler #73672
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/p*.go #75897
Fix shellcheck failures in and #75865
kubeadm: fix “upgrade plan” not defaulting to a “stable” version #75900
add possible values to CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType #75858
Switch PD tests to use delayed binding #75796
Remove static IP test from Ingress-GCE e2e tests #75892
Refactor code about setting KubernetesVersionFlag #75874
Add @xichengliudui to hack/OWNERS reviewers #75868
Copy node test owners to e2e/common #75613
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/[g-j]*.go #75621
Fix golint failures in cmd/kubeadm/app/util/system #75867
scheduler: handle err and remove useless assignment #75861
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/n*.go #75860
clean up func podTimestamp in queue #75754
Add expectedCSINode for csiNodeEnabled test cases on nodeinfomanager tests #75481
Fix lint issues #75627
Refactor AWS credential provider #75587
Volume DeviceMountablePlugin.CanDeviceMount check when retrieving plugins #75844
Optimize describe pvc output organization #75863
Golint pkg/auth/authorizer/abac #75834
Add completed job status in cronjob event #75712
kubeadm: implement deletion of multiple tokens #75646
make kubectl scale work without a GET if a precodition isn’t requested #75210
fix some golint failures in pkg/apis #75584
fix a mistake in get.go #75165
delete unused code in proxy_server.go #74695
Refactor watchcache to pass function to create objects instead of the empty object itself #75879
return empty devicepath for csi attach #75799
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/test_context.go #75871
Disable GCE agent address management on Windows nodes. #75855
Implement CSI migration logic for block volume #74844
kubeadm: fix join control-plane with external-etcd #75847
Update gcp images with security patches #75362
Report a watch error instead of eating it when we can’t decode #73937
Fix none feature gates list #75762
E2e kubeadm new test #75641
kubeadm: use t.Run in app/phases #75784
Add explanation about forgetFunc in cacher #75760
Make RequestScope be a pointer consistently for better memory use #75748
Kubectl: support inline csi volume #75513
Pick pods for preemption based on StartTime of pods when priorities a… #75510
Remove 404 link in kubectl help information #74802
Superficial kube-proxy cleanup #73380
Rename RunPullImagesCheck to PullControlPlaneImages #74399
resourcequota: use dynamic informer #72384
Remove tests exercising the app protocol feature of Ingress-GCE #75143
add @andrewsykim and @mcrute as pkg/credentialprovider reviewers #75773
kubeadm: add final fallback to constants.CurrentKubernetesVersion #72454
quota controller fixes #74747
Avoid allocating the watch shim object more than once #75755
fix kube::golang::is_instrumented_package #75751
update changelog #75718
Clean up some PodSecurityPolicy code #75680
Check CRD protobuf negotiation in integration tests #75605
fix ‘make generated_files’ build on MacOS #75668
Add e2e tests for multiAttach #74693
log preshutdowndown registration error if we encounter one #75743
scheduler: correct dated comments on pod preemption #75739
fix link to etcd install docs for integration tests #75735
Avoid allocations in ByIndex() function #75730
Reduce critical sections in cacher::Watch function #75717
New staging repository for cri-api #75531
Updated regional PD minimum size for zonal failover test #75746
log out metric registration errors instead of silently ignoring them #75737
Avoid allocations when building SelfLinks and fast path escape #75699
Fix some golint failures for pkg/controller #74678
Replace all time.Now().Sub with time.Since #75445
vSphere: add token auth support for tags client #75515
apiextensions: merge OpenAPI specs once after cache sync #75399
Update fluentd to 1.4.0 #74616
Issue in kube-proxy when IPVS is enabled and SCTP traffic is sent. #74341
Migrate the controller to use TokenRequest and rotate token periodically #72179
Reduce allocations in metav1.Time JSON serialization #75693
Update golang to 1.12.0 #75168
cleanup of reflector metric code (finish removing unused code) #75700
make NEG tests more resilient to API failures and add more failure lo… #75685
Bump debian-base images version to v1.0.0 #75678
Add @xichengliudui to test/OWNERS #75650
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/[d-e]*.go #75690
e2e kubeadm refactor #75640
sample-controller: update README #75657
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/[k-l]*.go #75623
Spelling/grammar fixes for 1.14 release notes #75696
Fix race condition between actual and desired state in kublet volume manager #75458
kubeadm: reimplement IPVS check #75036
Reduce unnecessary Map in node_controller#nodeAddressesChangeDetected #74042
Bump go-openapi/jsonpointer and go-openapi/jsonreference versions #75659
Fix fake clientsets in #75486
Plumb CUSTOM_INGRESS_YAML into other setup scripts #75381
Fix Windows to read VM UUIDs from serial numbers #74919
Allow to read OpenStack config from the secret #75062
Add some logs for kubeadm join #75027
Scheduler: Logging cleanup in predicates.go. #75620
use cache size to signal undecorated storage #74321
Remove use of %#v
in frequently accessed code #75576
Move protection common funcs to protectionutil #75021
Fix goroutine leak in pkg/util/wait PollUntil() #71326
Fix golint failures of e2e/framework/[a-c].go #75615
kubeadm: remove v1alpha3 #75179
Fix linting issues in pkg/kubectl/cmd/version #73255
test/e2e/framework: add OWNERS file #75611
Kubelet should request protobuf from the apiserver #75602
add area/cloudprovider label for changes in pkg/cloudprovider & k8s.i… #75496
Fix golint failures under test/e2e/[..]/gce #74746
Use apps/v1 APIs in integration tests #75302
fix eliminate shellcheck failures in hack/lib/ #75158
Fix a regression in watch performance and reduce allocations in the GET path #75570
Updated client-go expiration cache to take in expiration policies #75585
provide verbose output when health check fails #75214
make describers of different versions work properly when autoscaling/v2beta2 is not supported #75176
shorten scheduler package alias for better readability #75571
replace AddRateLimited with Add in enqueue func #75577
Avoid unnecessary sort for some cases in selectVictimsOnNode #75507
Daemon Set Conformance test fails in CI process using ci-kubernetes-c… #75349
Use UUIDv4 not UUIDv1 #75270
Check for required name parameter in dynamic client #75072
Allow choice of os/arch when downloading client #74889
Add nokubeproxy option in START_MODE #74739
Remove redundant checker whether pod has claims in func FindPodVolumes #74568
Fix some shellcheck failures in hack #74333
fix shellcheck in hack/make-rules/… #74242
Fix golint failures for e2e/[..]/kubemark #74356
Move config local to every controller in KCM #72800
test/e2e: Fix double error in secret negative testcase #75347
removed time flaky and added default pod delete timeout #75280
kubeadm: Cleanup CommonConfiguration #75178
tests: Fixes Python3 compatibility #75550
kubeadm: add integration tests for certs transfer #75185
skip idleTimeout erros when deleting azure LB #75490
bump required minimum go version to 1.12 (strings package compatibility) #75529
Update cluster/images/hyperkube/ #75317
Avoid allocating when performing VisitRulesFor on service accounts #75264
Add test/e2e_kubeadm/ OWNERS file #75525
Skip GlusterDynamicProvisioner test in GKE #75517
Update kubeadm OWNERS file #75521
import DefaultProvider in BenchmarkScheduling util #75466
Clean empty package import by #69504 #75397
Bump fsnotify vendor to 1.4.7 #75376
spelling error ‘heatbeat’ #75166
enable s390x to test containers #75344
scheduler: cleanup unused parameters in unschedulableQ #75343
test/e2e: fix PreemptionExecutionPath nodeSelector #75335
kubectl: error logging as string instead of []byte #73970
Remove unused kubelet event reasons #71822
Fix a minor bug for make update
Correcting some spelling errors #75321
Correcting a spelling error #75318
Correct a spelling error #75310
change an to a #75083
Remove the unused variabe: syncDuration in volumemanager #75309
[kube-proxy/ipvs] Add flag to enable strict ARP #75295
[kube-proxy/ipvs] Do not delete existing VS and RS when starting #75283
remove the deprecated admission metrics #75279
Allow different operation names #75213
unused function clean #75276
kubeadm: Fix fuzzer test for NodeRegistrationOptions #75261
Fixed typo #75252
fix typo #75251
client-go: update leader election example #75240
Fix unit test volumeattachments watch not working #75211
Handle nil interface inputs to diff.ObjectReflectDiff #75156
Correcting spelling errors #75153
fix typo ‘Faild’ #75150
fix a typo #75102
Support Table and PartialObjectMetadata on watch #71548
Remove the condition for only wait for KMS key is used #75054
Remove Ingress-GCE upgrade + downgrade tests from k/k #75002
Pick node for preemption based on start time of pods #74974
Change log: avoid to print raw json response too frequently #74885
validate systemReservedCgroup and kubeReservedCgroup #67487
kubeadm: refactored directory fetch code #74719
validation: allow trailing period in dns search #74686
Fix golint failures in client-go/scale/scheme/appsint, client-go/scale/scheme/extensionsint, client-go/scale/scheme #74642
delete duplicate empty blanks #74592
gce: remove unused constants #74528
node-perf/tf-wide-deep: add support for Arm64 #74408
replace loops with go idiomatic. #73917
Fixes authz compatibility w/ nil authorizer in apiserver #73409
Avoid logging normal conflict/notfound error responses in CRD controllers #72919
Expose errors from godep_restored to caller #71813
Restore machine readability to the print-join-command output #75487
gce: configure: validate SA has storage scope #75269
Update Cluster Autscaler version to 1.14.0 #75480
Restore username and password kubectl flags #75451
Mark audit e2e tests as flaky #75447
Move to golang 1.12.1 official image #75422
build/gci: bump CNI version to 0.7.5 #75455
fix race condition issue for smb mount on windows #75371
framework dependency #75340
Clear conntrack entries on 0 -> 1 endpoint transition with externalIPs #75265
Remove reference to USE_RELEASE_NODE_BINARIES. #75387
fix kubeadm init output #75420
Stop vsphere cloud provider from spamming logs with failed to patch IP
fix kubeadm external CA Mode #75431
Kubeadm insecure port #75425
kubelet watch-manager test, restore watch-based manager default #74781
Don’t follow non-local redirects from HTTP probes #75416
disable HTTP2 ingress test #75411
Fix panic when removing docker images #75367
kubeadm: Allow certain certs/keys to be missing on the secret #75415
upgrade to go1.12.1 #75413
Revert “Speculative workaround for #74890” #75393
Refactor the node perf tests to run on non-amd64 cluster #74646
Update Cluster Autscaler version to 1.14.0-beta.2 #75400
Bump CSI version #75391
Ensure ownership when deleting a load balancer security group #74311
Deflake nodelease test #75374
kubelet: updated logic of verifying a static critical pod #75144
apiextensions: commit generated openapi definitions #75339
add missing psp e2e tests for runasgroup #75164
Move e2e ingress test manifests for GCE to a subdirectory #72092
ignore kubeclient nil in csi plugin init #75308
Speculative workaround for #74890 #75305
Update… dependencies to release-branch.go1.12 #75289
Allow disable outbound snat when Azure standard load balancer is used #75282
remove DevicePlugin test for feature gate that can no longer be set #75301
Add bazel-test-integration support for Arm64 #74799
Fix server side apply int/float bug #75277
add ResourceVersion to DeleteOptions.Preconditions #74040
Add pod information when max volume condition is missing #75272
Add bracket to the sig-window tag and other fixes #75225
Added version check between patch and live object in server side apply #75157
beef up NEG tests #75081
Kube-proxy: ICMP reject via LBs when no endpoints #74394
Ensure Azure load balancer cleaned up on 404 or 403 #75256
Collect pod log in fluentd-gcp #74502
Populate the storage version hash #72942
deflake nodelease test #75206
Deprecate make-symlink parameter in hyperkube #74975
fix smb unmount issue on Windows #75087
Fix secret/configmap management for terminated pods #74809
kubeadm: print key inside the upload-certs phase of init #75224
rebase audit-proxy image to distroless/static #75008
Delay CSI client initialization #74652
Update Cluster Autscaler version to 1.14.0-beta.1 #75181
Handle unstructured status in RetryWatcher #75167
Adds missing user mapping option for Quobyte mounts #74520
kubeadm: fix join message if kubeadm-certs secret is not present #75218
Update GCE Windows README steps for running e2e tests. #75208
e2e: external snapshotter #75133
Fix apply conversion bug #75151
Disable NodeProblemDector test in large clusters. #75177
Add “fieldManager” to flag to PATCH/CREATE/UPDATE #74760
Add namespace and name into the CRI pod log directory #74441
Allow session affinity a period of time to setup for new services. #75073
Promote RuntimeClass to beta #75003
Update embargo doc link in SECURITY_OWNERS and change PST to PSC #75201
add label area/test in* #75192
verify script to ensure publishing bot rules and godeps are in sync #75048
Track dry-run and apply in metrics #74997
ignore uncommitted generated openapi files in verify-godeps #75184
GCE: bump COS image version to cos-beta-73-11647-64-0 #75149
fix handling of nil times in managedFields sorting #75075
Fix NPD e2e test on Ubuntu node and update NPD container version #75063
Add latency metric for CR Webhook Conversion #74376
CSI Inline Volume Implementation #74086
Fix emptydir e2e flake #75131
CSI volume expansion #74863
Move printers & resources packages #75044
Webhook configurations can choose which version of Review request they accept #74998
Don’t test metadata server connectivity from GCE Windows pods. #75152
Ensure namespaces exist on start #75141
Update cadvisor to v0.33.1. #75140
Windows kubeproxy flags cleanup #75139
Update gmsa test #75116
Fix kubectl run watches #75096
clean the deprecated metrics which introduced recently #75023
Windows log rotation #75014
Add kubelet resource metrics v1alpha1 endpoint #73946
Add GCE PD tests for windows cluster #74990
Deprecate cloudprovider specific volume limit predicates #74544
nodelifecycle controller: reconcile node OS/arch labels #74442
promote PodReadinessGate feature to GA #74434
Migrate RuntimeClass from a CRD to an internal API #74433
Add logic for initializing CSINode on Node startup for CSI Migration [Replaces #70909] #74835
Fix volume attach limit flake #75124
Stop waiting on conformance image pod when it fails #75121
explicit the restartPolicy on the dockershim #74913
Add network stats for Windows nodes and containers #74788
bump zookeeper-installer image version in e2e #73383
Rework proto generation scripts and add tests #74904
Add examples how to run make test-cmd specific tests #75038
Creating NodePort test for Windows #74938
kubeadm-reset: add means to clear the ClusterStatus #75082
Publish CRD openapi #71192
make CSI PD tests serial #75067
Ignore changes to managed field in noderestriction #75064
fix hack/ for mac os environments #75061
Revert “Merge pull request #74628 from hpandeycodeit/alpha_kubeconf” #75056
Disable Windows Defender in Windows nodes on GCE again. #75055
Adding a check to make sure Metadata is read only if flag value is true. #74936
add subcommand kubectl create cronjob
Promote CSI raw blocks to beta #74909
Update klog dependency #74837
kubectl e2e: test client-side validation behavior on CustomResources #74832
Adding an e2e test on Windows GMSA support #74738
Remove duplicate package import #74713
Allow Overlay loadbalancing to Public IP in Windows #74688
Distinguish between volume path and mount path #74653
GetMountRefs fixed to handle corrupted mounts by treating it like an unmounted volume #74625
bazel: improve multi-arch support for docker image artifacts #74468
fake client object tracker: support merge patch #74369
Kubeadm test Isolation: #74464 #74807
Install Stackdriver agent in Windows nodes on GCE. #74748
Fix some golint failures for pkg/kubelet/apis/… #74510
e2e/storage: testing of external storage drivers #72836
dynamic audit e2e test #70036
update vendoring of kustomize #75005
Add CSI Migration feature flags for Cinder In tree Driver #73840
Fix panic in kubectl cp command #75037
Promote mkumatag to approver in test/images #74958
Fixing a small bug with GMSA support #74737
kubeadm: Don’t hardcode temp path in a test #75032
kubeadm: amend flags for join phases #75013
fix bug iscsi volume attach failed of /sys/class/iscsi_host dir not e… #74787
e2e test updates for CSIDriver and CSINode beta #74993
Clean up self-set node labels #74424
Bump minimum kubeadm supported version to v1.13 #72685
Disable “should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted” temporarily #75015
Retrieve list in chunks in cronjob controller #70265
don’t check for container status ready in subpath test #75011
Cleanup publishing-bot rules #75010
Scope slow/failing webhook to test namespace #74989
Fix client-go fake client example flake #74969
tests: getRestartDelay waits for the next Terminated state #71950
Update version #74981
hack/lib/ fix empty array expansion with bash 3. #74970
tests: Adds retry for dig for ExternalName test #74964
track poststarthook registration stacks for debugging #74959
Fix some typos #74952
If num-nodes is not set, then look up via API how many are scheduleable #74905
kubeadm: update output of init, join reset commands #74870
Bugfix: kubectl shows last<invalid> if pv, pod or pvc is terminating using kubectl describe xxxx #74789
Windows nodeAllocatable test #74743
tests: Adds Windows image test case #74655
Fix typos #74446
update cadvisor godeps to v0.33.0 #74675
Add certificate-key to kubeadm upload-certs phase, and improve init output #74671
Add GcePD windows support #74612
Webhook admission scope #74477
bazel: make kubernetes-src.tar.gz actually include all srcs #74153
Add CSI migration logic for EBS Volume ID format #74858
Typo fix in e2e test description message: defaut->default #74945
Fix computing of cpu nano core usage #74933
Add new CSI translation APIs required by CSI sidecars and unit tests #74926
lock csi and plugin watcher GA feature gates #74830
implement managedFields sorting #74721
kubelet: return mirror pod in GetActivePods() #74222
Add proto roundtrip tests in roundtrip_test.go files #74937
Fix 0 partitions defaulting for CSI Translation Library #74932
Don’t disable Windows Defender. #74928
Fix NPD e2e test on clusters with Ubuntu nodes #74922
remove some unused const in test/e2e_node #74868
revert 72062: Perform GCE master log rotation check every 5 minutes #74915
Revert “Use runtime.NumCPU() instead of a fixed value for parallel scheduler threads” #74907
publishing: add component-base as dependency for 1.14 branches #74895
conformace/ pass shellcheck and autodetect ginkgo nodes #74854
Kubelet service links error #74529
Convert resource group name in Azure provider ID to lower cases #74882
kubeadm: add a flag to RunInitNodeChecks to indicate sec. control-plane #74873
cherry picks usage info link #74872
test/e2e: fix ginkgo ./test/e2e
Delete the out-of-tree PV labeler controller #74615
When checking for pod info version, make volume attachable #74811
fix golint failures for some files under metrics #74800
Fix golint failures for e2e/instrumentation/… #74647
Typo fix in e2e test description message: kubadm->kubeadm #74638
fix some golint failures for plugin/pkg/admission/… #74582
CSINodeInfo and CSIDriver Controller Changes #74283
kubeadm: fix RequiredIPVSKernelModulesAvailable warning message #74033
Update RBAC roles for ingresses #74531
Fix shellcheck-reported errors in hack/lib/ #74257
Refactor to allow for a way to get list of e2e images #74603
fix error string should not be capitalized #74563
Change to unblock e2e tests for vsphere provider #74500
Fix golint failures for e2e/windows #74487
Update old local tests to use general host executor and local test resource manager #74391
added production note about EFK stack to the readme #74209
Update generated protobuf files #74902
Expand reviewers/approvers and add labels for conformance image #74852
Fix golint failures in staging/src/, staging/src/ #74711
Fix golint failures in test/e2e/instrumentation, test/e2e_node/environment #74700
apiextensions: add nullable support to OpenAPI v3 validations #74804
Add 1.14 branches for the publishing-bot #74664
kube-apiserver: don’t create endpoints before being ready #74668
kubeadm-reset: fetch init config only if client is non-nil #74869
kubeadm: use DefValue for the –kubeconfig flag #71874
kubeadm: reduce some functions number of parameters #74780
make some functions in azure cloud provider as public #74857
src/ Increase cert expiration histogram resolution #74806
Improve join phases labels and help messages #74834
Apparently conformance tests have to run serially #74851
Remove discovery flags from kubeadm join phases (when possible) #74831
VolumeSubpathEnvExpansion alpha tests - change kubectl references to API calls #74805
Use runtime.NumCPU() instead of a fixed value for parallel scheduler threads #73934
harden the default RBAC discovery clusterrolebindings #73807
GCE/Windows: exclude gateways from the IPAM subnet #74836
Showcase conformance images options in the manifest #74808
move local PV to GA #74769
Rebase etcd-version-monitor base image to distroless. #74767
Revert kubelet to default to ttl cache secret/configmap behavior #74755
Trivial fix typo #74576
delete some unused const in test/e2e_node #74287
convert latency/latencies in metrics name to duration #74418
Stop setting –hostname-override on Windows kube-proxy and allow args to be extended remotely if necessary #74736
bump repd min size in e2es #74764
Better detection of binaries for conformance image #74761
Cleanup join data struct #74756
Fix many typos in both code and comments #74125
Remove test/integration/* from hack/.golint_failures #71022
kubeadm fix for go vet 1.12 #74797
fix shellcheck in test/e2e_node/jenkins/… #74488
go-1.12: fix ‘go vet’ failures #74815
kube-openapi: revendor to fix integer handling #74795
Fix help message for –container-runtime-endpoint #74712
Update to use golang 1.12 #74632
Promote RunAsGroup to Beta #73007
CRD openapi v3 -> v2 conversion #74778
fix Azure Container Registry anonymous repo image pull error #74715
fix typo kubeadm joiń -> kubeadm join #74777
Dump Windows version information during cluster bringup. #74762
tests: Adds configurable registry for etcd image #74666
Add acceptableFailureRatio to service latency test #74538
Promote emptyconfigmap key e2e test to conformance test #72774
Remove executable permission from testdata #72526
PodPreset: Add same functionality for init containers as standard containers #71479
Increase Windows smoke-test timeout to 3 minutes. #74754
cri_stats_provider: Implement removeTerminatedContainer correctly #74336
cleanup-join-phases-flags #74751
print out verbose info for a scheduler e2e test #74744
Add new e2e test for local PV “Pods sharing a single local PV [Serial]” #74716
fix the flake in scheduling_queue_test #74611
Simplify package skipping test #74735
CRD server wait for CRDs to sync before reporting healthy #74532
kubeadm: use Infoln instead of Infof where appropriate #74723
Add bash dependency to Redis e2e image #74648
Fix resource leaking PDs for volume mode test #74554
upload Windows startup scripts to GCS for CI #73650
openapi: remove postprocessing for old paths, deprecated in 1.9 #74596
Add support for dryRun option to kube-conformance image #74731
Remove last pieces of mount propagation gate #74720
Move start kubescheduler to it own function #74561
kubeadm: move duplicated code into enforceRequirements() #74511
Support dynamic provisioning for CSI migration scenarios #73653
replace usage of v1beta1 VolumeAttachments with v1 #74606
Decouple node-problem-detector release from kubernetes #73288
Cleanup in topology.go #74016
fix shellcheck in test/image/… #74591
Fix flag template when both visible and explicit flags are specified #74682
Update nvidia-gpu-device-plugin addon. #73940
Add cross-OS test for service connectivity #74550
Refactor subpath out of pkg/util/mount #74393
refactor: use FilterActivePods instead in replicaset controller #74122
Removed alpha kubeconfig command #74628
Remove support for containerized-kubelet in #74176
Add e2e for CSI volume limit #74320
Transition “e2e/common/runtime.go” table based tests to individual tests #70492
Fix race in RetryWatcher’s unit tests #74663
Volunteer for dep-approvers #74461
Fix pod creation for node e2e tests #74660
Lighter weight make for conformance dependencies, better script and manifest #74608
add more logging in azure disk attach/detach #74599
fix dynamic informer mishandles parameter tweakListOptions #74344
Remove reflector metrics since they are causing a memory leak #74636
fix some comment typos #74573
Adding e2e test for update and delete of resourcequota #74570
removed flaky watch from pods test cases #73064
admission webhook: timeout configuration #74562
updated kibana to 6.6.1 #71251
client-go: Dynamically assigned local port number not retrievable when port-forwarding #73676
DaemonSet e2e: Update image and rolling upgrade test timeout #72738
Lower the log level for non-exist cadvisor stats. #74633
Fix the legacy of #74479 #74630
Add feature gate check for migration at beginning of useCSIPlugin check #74618
add -k flag in cli-runtime and kubectl to process kustomization directories #74140
#50102 Task 3: Until, backed by retry watcher #67350
fix some golint failures in pkg/registry/… #74574
Support dumping logs from Windows test nodes on GCE #74438
add more fields to be stripped from managedFields #74206
GCE/Windows: create a C:\tmp directory #74613
kubeadm: Join download certs #74168
Ensure that pods obey backoff timers. #74157
make audit metadata work for custom resources #74617
kubeadm cleanup: master -> control-plane (cont.6) #74590
fix golint failures for test/e2e/cloud|kubectl|servicecatalog #74586
Fix golint under test/e2e/framework/ingress #74540
fix golint failures for test/e2e/ui #74512
Avoid using ghodss/yaml - switch to our forked repo #74378
Adding Selinux test in validation #74285
Don’t fail if iface is being used by iSCSI session #74524
Add port constants #74479
Explicitly set GVK when sending objects to webhooks #74448
Remove deprecated versionless client interface methods #74422
kubeadm: reduce the number of fetch configuration when reset #74410
kubectl run –quiet suppresses deletion messages #73266
Add Custom Resource support to “kubectl autoscale” #72678
Always run untag when removing docker image #70647
Add new Japanese translations for kubectl #67568
updated elasticsearch to 6.6.1 #71252
fix typo kubeadm joiń -> kubeadm join #74584
Fix fluentd-gcp addon liveness probe #74522
tests: Separates DNS hosts entries test #72729
kube-aggregator: fix typo aggregator_unavailableapi{server -> service} {gauge,} #74244
kubeadm cleanup: master -> control-plane (cont.5) #74557
Add e2e test for getting componentstatuses by kubectl #73508
fix parse devicePath issue on Azure Disk #74499
add retry for detach azure disk #74398
Fix typo joiń -> join #74559
GCE: switch to using e2eteam/pause:3.1 for pause containers #74549
fix shellcheck failure in etcd shell #73593
Fix test-cmd kubectl_run flake #74547
Allow cinder volume limits to be configurable #74542
Fix golint failures for e2e/upgrades/… #74508
Fix subnet annotation checking for Azure internal loadbalancer #74498
Kubelet changes for Windows GMSA support #73726
fix golint failures for pkg/apis/… #74505
Fix panic because VolumeSpec may be nil in volume reconstruction scenario #74493
Code cleanup and refactoring #74403
kubeadm/phases: use common interfaces for init and join phases #74327
Fix lint on pkg/kubelet/server/… #73966
Allows to combine the -f
and -l
flags in kubectl logs #67573
Mark PriorityClass v1beta1 and v1alpha1 deprecated by v1 API #74465
fixgo lint failures test/integration/… #74453
Fix shellcheck for more scripts in hack #74420
Fix shellcheck lint errors in Kubemark scripts #73746
Promote aggregator e2e test to conformance #63947
Fix typos #74509
Ignore the sticky setgid bit when a test is running on memory EmptyDir #74478
kubeadm cleanup: master -> control-plane (cont.4) #74473
Fix shellcheck lint errors in cluster and hack scripts #74455
kubelet: upgrade sourceFile to use fsnotify #73703
Disable Windows Defender on Windows nodes. #74444
Fix some shellcheck failures in hack #74385
Register openstack provider for e2e test #74370
Fix shellcheck for hack/verify-generated-* #74349
Add readonly volume tests for windows #74085
Update vendor prometheus/common/… to latest release #74248
Remove unused GetDefaultBackendNodePort() #74096
fix shellcheck in cluster/juju #73272
fix shellcheck in cluster/local #73261
annotate errors in apps/job e2e tests #72440
Refactor etcd client function have same signatures in etcd.go #74501
Refactor most of kubectl drain
as a library #72827
Move kubelet cert generation when starting kubelet #74269
bazel: create genrules to produce debs and RPMs without arch-specific names #74467
kubeadm: fix issue with missing kubeproxy fields in test data #74457
make more of the shell pass lints #74449
fix shellcheck in hack/… #74451
kubeadm: fix url validation code #74454
Test cmd what #72939
delete all duplicate empty blanks #74328
Fix verify-generated-swagger-docs script #74318
Nominate Huang-Wei to scheduler approvers #74270
bazel: initial support for cross-compilation #73930
client-go: extract new keyutil package from util/cert #71896
Fix localssd test panic #74445
kubeadm cleanup: master -> control-plane (cont.3) #74390
enforce that cloud providers are only linked in main or app packages #73509
Don’t cache rediculous subject access reviews #70302
Temporarily remove V2 API check #74436
kubeadm: remove dead code #74428
kubeadm: simplify creating etcdClient #74400
sync CNI config in goroutine #74389
GCE: add EventLog registry key for docker #74381
Fix conformance daemon_set test failing in local cluster #74293
break up the test tarball #74065
Move fluentd es images #73819
record event on endpoint update failure #73968
Use kube::util::array_contains() in hack #73864
Fit RuntimeClass metrics to prometheus conventions #73820
Graduate PriorityClass API to GA #73555
Added resource name to timeout error output on WAIT cmd #73315
Rename cadvisor metric labels to match instrumentation guidelines #69099
Remove duplicate code in client-go/tools/cache/controller.go #70803
Promote spiffxp to approver for cluster/ #74427
Fix e2e network policy tests #74290
fix shellcheck in several files #73914
fix get azure accounts timeout issue when there is no out-bound IP #74191
fix mixed protocol issue for azure load balancer #74200
Don’t update the Pod object after each scheduling attempt #73700
kubeadm: Remove etcd members from the etcd cluster when reset the nodes #74112
update to fix keymutex issues #74348
Fix scanning of failed targets #74306
Fix golint failures on pkg/kubectl/cmd/completion, pkg/kubectl/cmd/cp, pkg/kubectl/cmd/edit #74250
Limit the list of scheduling maintainers to active members of the sig #73862
Enable OpenSSH on Windows nodes in test clusters. #74360
Fix shellcheck lint errors in cluster/addons/fluentd-elasticsearch/fl……uentd-es-image/ #74187
fix the disruption-recheck metrics register error #74044
fix shellcheck in #73214
kubeadm: Support >= 5.0 Linux kernel #74355
clarify PreStop hook intended behavior in doc #74160
Lowers the default nodelocaldns denial cache TTL #74093
Add health plugin for CoreDNS in the DNS tests #74371
Fix typo, and note BoundObjectRef isn’t always checked #73439
Default to Windows Server version 1809 for Windows nodes. #74103
Turn off command echoing in test to avoid illegal bytes in XML #74358
Narrow auto-labeling #74354
make test/cmd/ pass shellcheck #74338
kubeadm cleanup: master -> control-plane (cont.2) #74064
tests: Adds [LinuxOnly] tag to conformance test #73922
Use same fsGroup for both pods #74335
correct error string according to golang best practice #74126
Delete unuse const and fix some typos #74329
kubeadm: drop applyFlags.newK8sVersionStr field #74256
Issue 71769: Correctly display ‘_’ in the help message #72137
Fix some shellcheck failures in hack #74299
Ingress extensions/v1beta1 -> #74057
Fixed a minor bug #74330
Fix hash if statement #74324
Fix golint failures on e2e/[..]/(aws|azure) #74312
Do not return error on invalid MAC address in vSphere Cloud Provider #74301
Fix shellcheck lint errors in ./hack/… #74286
Deprecate containerized kubelet #74267
Update vendor package #74260
add fieldmanager tests for stripFields #74207
make more of the shell pass lints #74192
GCE script should use headers for curl GCS apis #74142
Optimize scheduler cache snapshot to improve scheduling throughput #74041
Add In-tree to CSI migration logic for Mount and Unmount #73284
Fix golint failures on handlers/negotiation #73094
kep/VolumeSubpathEnvExpansion #71351
Fix typos. #71119
Fix typos #70934
Adding Windows Overlay support to Kube Proxy #70896
StorageOS attach device before volume attach #69782
fix_the_checkpoint_no_hostip_bug #66228
Retry downloads, respect URL list, validate tar hash #74100
Reduce lock contention in watchcache. #73959
Add kubeadm init upload encrypted certs phase #73907
Add basic server-side apply test to test-cmd #73866
deprecate API ExportOptions #73783
Added e2e tests for multi-zone volume provisioning through VCP #72732
Fix some typos in scheduler #74288
kubeadm/join: expose the KubeConfigPath() method to joinData #74277
Clear EndpointsLastChangeTriggerTime when there is no new trigger time to be exported #74294
e2e/storage: delay CreateDriver, simplify APIs and test definition #72434
kubectl: fix a bug where “describe” cannot obtain the event messages for a static pod #74156
fix ‘Paramaterize’ in CHANGELOG-1.8 and 1.9 #74281
Fixes #73077 - Allow to convert type across all version #73201
decrease the level of the warning log in volume plugins #73901
Add minimal audit policy to local